Chapter 2: The Growth of Deustch MachtI say that my
esteemt colleak [At this point various people from around the room chuckle to themselves] iz completely ronk about ze concept zat ve did not know vat ze ancient Germans had as a culture. I vink zat he iz merely tryink to push hiz ridiculous beliefs about ze ancestors of our noble race beink libertarians or traditional! When haz ze Germanik peoplez been any of dese thinks?
No. I haff absolutely no doubts about ze Germanik peoplez being forward thinkink, stronk-armt men seekink change in ze vorld. Zere is no doubt viffin my mind [We tried to transcribe how he pronounced "mind" but it was impossible] zat zey sook out ze utter tribes in ze vorld in order to conquer zem.
Ze ancient Germans probably fot long and hart against ze other tribes. Zey no doubt suffert many losses but...
Zey nefer retreatet 'til ze battle vas vun.
Zere is archaelogical effidence to suggest zat ze Germanik peoplez integrated tribes zey conquert into zere var machine, a practice zat hass persistet effen upto our era.
Zis vas very forward finkink on zere part and is no doubt von of many thinks zat has made ze Germanik peoplez so great.
Zere iz also evidence indikatink zat ze peoplez of ze Germanik tribes became more experienct in varfare as zey fought, gainink new skills and abilities. Ze only question is vat they learnt from these vars.
Haff a look at ze poster over zere for an indication of zat ze ancient Germanik peoplez knew of ze worlt.
Zat is all for today, auf Wiedersehen!
Wilheim von Albrecht, World Renowned HistorianOkay, it's time to pick the first promotion for our first unit! He levelled up after we defeated the barbarian camp. I'll put an image below to show the different effects of the promotions on our unit's abilities and you guys can decide! If we save it for later, we can use it when he's in trouble to give him a full heal, by the by.