The elves are an old, ugly and tremendously stupid race. Known throughout the land for their lack of bathing and hate for Dwarves. They are hypocritical buisnessmen who monopolise wood. They are wonderful, friendly creatures if your definition of friendly is "beautiful and majestic people". Who are annoying and stupid, Dwarves I say! are the best race ever. but also secretly communist and caring to all different kinds. Except for elves, of course. And the evil goblin scum Did I mention Elves rock Because then I am wrong, Very wrong. I should die a long and gruesome death in the burning magma sea of serial killer unicorns and big scary clowns of death. Urist McMacemen was walking in the gigantic obsidian door to the fortress of bloodraine, a gigantic tank elephant of doom when suddenly dirty elven scum decided to attempt to sell him to some passing goblins. They were his overlords, see? Urist loved his Elven overlords. That is why he was a stinking, lying, bastard traitor! So his friends decided to kill him for being a fat mother who never washed. The dwarves plot a war...against the dirty elven scum. And awesomeness and good taste. Then, they would kill us. Suddenly, a meteor destroyed Earth. Fluffy Wamblers then reconstructed it. It became an infinite loop, until the kitten god stopped breathing. Then all reality exploded into a loop-proof universe. That is, until a fish named Bob ate all the time, so then the communists built a giant hippo robot and ruled the fucking world. Urist McDiagnostician was the only duck who never understood he was a really bad singer. He always sung in his Bill Cosby outfit so that the gods would kill him and defile his face with much banana pudding related unicorns. The !!elephants!! always like to be on fire in the great saga known as Boatmurdered. Boatmurdered was a large fortress built on pure, concentrated awesome turned into delicious dwarven wine. Elves are the scum of scummish scum cakes which are annoying drug addicted hippies who operated safely within the