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Author Topic: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)  (Read 1840 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:01:51 pm »

(I originally started this for a completely different audience weeks ago, and have been having a lot of fun with it since. I figured I may as well post it here, where there's just a tiny increase in the amount of people who play Dwarf Fortress. Hope you all enjoy it.)

(As a small note, in this first post I'm seperating the posts I put up on the other forum with dashes, you shouldn't see this on newer updates. Also, as you'll notice, I use a tileset. Just makes it easier.)

Golgath sighed impatiently as the pompous-looking crooked-nosed dwarf was hurried into his office. He knew the type, had dealt with Dwarves like that since his earliest years. It was a page from court. Not just any though, one from his father's court. As if he didn't hate pages enough as it was, this one he had to listen to. Considering his father was also his king.

Not that you would be able to tell it looking around his office, which consisted mainly of a large table with two chairs, one on either side. It was entirely covered by various documents, held down by coins used as paperweights. It was the office of a merchantdwarf, and not an unsuccessful one. Golgath had made quite a living for himself after escaping from his father's court, who thankfully chose not to pursue him. Unless his brother died, Golgath wouldn't even be considered for the throne.

"I don't suppose you have a good reason for being here?"

The page straightened himself immediately at the sound of Golgath's voice, clearly taking his job far too seriously. When he spoke, it was with the confidence of a man who had ran this conversation in his head a million times before.

"My lord, I regret to bring you the news that your father has passed away not two nights ago."

Golgath blinked in response, before sinking back into his chair and letting out a sigh.


"I'm terribly sorry my lord, if it's any comfort-"

"No, no. I hated my father, may the bastard rot. 'Damn' as in my brother's king now, yes?"

Now it was the Page's turn to blink, dombfounded for a few moment before gathering his wits.

"Well.. Yes, my lord. He is."

"And I'll shave my own beard off if he hasn't sent you here with orders for me."

"Yes, yes sir he has. Your brother would like to honour you with starting a glorious fortress for the kingdom."

Golgath lay silent for a few moments, slowly cracking his thick fingers while never taking his eyes off of the page. He glanced about the rooms, some famous paintings of Dwarfkind hung on the walls, with a thick rug dominating most of the floor. The ceiling was plain, and the room lacked any other furniture aside from the tables and chairs. The dominant feature being the documents resting in between the two Dwarves.

"Tell me lad, do you see any maps scattered about?"

The Dwarf, who Golgath judged to be a good twenty-years his junior glanced around for a moment.


"Aye, no. And tell me, did you see any great mining operations on your way here?"


"And no soldiers training and keeping vigil?"

"Not other than the guard at your office."

"Just as I thought. So, if I'm not an architect, nor a miner, nor a soldier, what business do I have running a Damn fortress for his fucking majesty?"

"My lord, I only have your orders, and cannot speak for my master. He wanted me to inform you refusing meant death though, a very public one."

Golgath sighed at that, before clearing some of the paper off the table, allowing them to fall to the floor without a second though. He didn't care about them any more, he wasn't a merchant, he was a all-be-damned fortress builder. He resisted the urge to command the guard outside to murder this page, but kept himself in check. Instead he motioned the lad closer.

"Well, I assume you have some maps of what God-forsaken place I'm suppose to build this damn thing. Lay them out."

The page simply nodded and made his way over, the maps already in his hand. In another minute they were laid out in front of Golgath, who regarded them with growing anger. His brother was mad! Halfway across the entire continent!

"Tell me lad, are you showing me the Helmed Tooth mountains?"

"That would be them my lord."

"The very region that was burnt to the ground in it's entirety not too long ago?"

"The same."

"So no trees, or any plants really. Which also means no wildlife."

"I suppose so sire."

"And what wildlife was there now walks again in death?"

"So the rumours say my lord."

"Right. Thanks for clearing that up, just wanted to make sure my options here were either a slow death or a quick one. Well lad, it was good meeting you. Send my regards to son-of-a-bastard on the throne for me. You don't have the stones to place an axe in his head, so spitting on him will do. As for me, I have a death to prepare for, gotta pick some poor sods to die with me. Good luck to you, you'll probably be dead and on public display in a week with him."

Golgath clapped the lad on the back before whistling his way out the door. Thankfully he had a lot of money. He would be able to buy enough supplies and Dwarves to last years in that forsaken land. At least there was a small positive to the situation

"Oh, my lord, before you go. His majesty named your glorious fortress for you. 'Tunomungeg', I rather like it myself."

"Tunomungeg? Fuck me."

- Little did he know that was the exact plan the Gods had for him. Snakes, diseased livestock, diseased Dwarves, spoiled food, heat waves, blizzards, and one very bad case of the runs after another plagued his journey. For months this went on, fully documented in the group's logs. Many centuries later such logs would be discovered, and a particularly wicked Dwarf would create a game out of it which would haunt the children who played it for years.

It was called The Helmed Tooth Trail.

Tunomungeg, Mortalfailure, fit the place nicely.


Golgath frowned as his company finally reached the spot marked on his map. Tunomungeg, the glorious.. Well, for now it was just a mountain side. Bare of anything that looked as if it could sustain life. Giving his ten-thousandth curse of the expedition, he tucked the map away, fully intending on using it as kindling later.

"Alright, Odis, we're finally here, thank the gods you were able to navigate us through the trail leading to here, I thought we were going to die more than once."

Golgath examined the rock in front of him, trying to figure out where the best place to start digging would be. After a few seconds though, something began bugging him.. He realized Odis hadn't replied.


"He's dead sir."

Golgath turned around then, noticing Jesus- What the fuck kind of Dwarf would name their child Jesus?- sitting beside the deceased Dwarf, giving him a once-over.


"Indeed sir, smells something aweful, I'd say he died a couple days ago."

"A couple days ago..? Then who's been driving the wagons?"

"Noone, by the look of it."

"Huh. Well, get the wagons unloaded and start digging. Durzog, guard our backs, Jesus (Fucking stupid name), work on salvaging the wood from these wagons. There should be a river nearby to fish."

"Sure thing boss, gotta love spring, just the right season to start some good honest work. What should we do with Odis?" Durzog chimed in, quite unhelpfully, as optimistic as she had been the entire trip. Despite the mass die offs of Dwarves, hard labour, illness, and Goblin raids on the caravan.

"Well.. We don't exactly have any coffins or graves do we? Just push him over the side of the cliff, we don't need any Miasma choking us half to death."

"On it boss."

The damned Axe-Dwarve was whistling as she dragged Odis's body to the edge of the cliff. It was a bit unsettling. While she did so, the two miners they hired with the last of Golgath's money went to work efficiently digging into the mountain, working on a hallway and a few rooms.

For now, there wasn't much to do but lounge around the wagons until they had a few rooms to sit in.

Utterly boring waste of time this is. Golgath thought, chewing on a mushroom idly. It would only be a few seconds before he regretted that thought.

"Oh shit!"

The phrase barely had time to register before Jesus came running from the back of the wagons, completely ignoring the dumbfounded dwarves and charginging into the area that the miner's had cleared. They didn't have any time to ask questions though, as a fox came darting after him. Or rather, what was once a fox. The meat had long since rotted away, leaving nothing but bones held together by an unknown force. Still, for lacking any cort of muscle, the thing was quick.

Durzog reacted first, grabbing her axe and charging behind the thing. Moments later the miners came charging out as well, picks raised in a war stance. One of the miner's gave out a war cry- sending the fox scurrying in search of easier prey. Smart, for an undead.

Of course, Golgath would have reacted much the same way if three dwarf women came charging at him, weapons raised with murder in their eyes. It would almost be comical if it wasn't so utterly terrifying.

"Alright, excitement's over, everyone get back to work. Let's just hope Jesus (Son of a beardless Elf) hasn't pissed himself. If he has, well, then he can smell like piss and get these wagons ready!"

I should really start keeping an official log of this place, in case someone else has to take over Golgath though, as the Dwarves returned to their previous positions.

But by my mother's beard I won't be the first unlucky sod to die here. "Tunomungeg", fucking hilarious brother.


Tunomungeg Captain's Log: Entry One.

This log is here in the case of my likely demise in this forsaken land. Either for my replacement, or the Dwarves who come later, picking it over for scraps. Right now, that's honestly all that there is here, scraps. Scraps and Dwarves. Even scraps of Dwarves. Poor Ushrir, the only planter we brought along with us must not have been as bright as we thought. She decided to try and go take a drink by the brook running nearby.

She obviously forgot what "Haunted" meant, and was chased down by both a skeletal fox, and a fucking
zombiedeer. Poor woman didn't live long enough to reconsider the increadibly stupid action. She's laying by the brook now, her head split open.

She'll always be remembered. I'll be damned though if we're fetching her fucking body. She's not too far away from Odis really, both sitting there rotting in the sun. Still, we needed the brook for fish and water, so I sent our overly-positive axedwarf to go take care of the undead there.

Guess what? She was fucking glad to do it, whistling in all as she went down the mountain...

Durzog smiled as a soft breeze blew over her. The Bossman was an alright guy, didn't ask for too much.  Go kill this, chase that. She even got to be outside in the fresh air for much of her day. Sure, there was the unpleasant smell of Odis and Ushrir occasionally blowing her way, but that was nothing. She'd smelled plenty of dead bodies before, all part of the territory.

She wistled another tune as she came to the brook, scouting for signs of the undead that had been troubling the group. As the leader of the militia, it was her job to guard their group against threats, which she did gladly. Of course, their "group" was only six dwarves right now, but it was still important. Still, she'd never exactly taken on undead..

This'll be fun!

That thought pretty much summed up every task she took on. Even pushing Odis over the cliff had it's rewards, like knowing she was the one who prevented Miasma from chocking the whole group up. She had all kinds of important duties here. Tunomumgeg was great!

It didn't take long before she spotted her prey. The deer was average enough, discounting the flayed open skin, missing hunks of flesh, and ungodly smell. At least it wasn't a giant zombie deer, that might have made it a bit more tricky.

It locked eyes with her for a moment, but instead of running away like the average deer, it charged without a sound, murder on its rotten brain. The dried blood was still on its hooves from Ushrir's murder. Durzog waited patiently for the deer to come to her, hefting her axe and mentally preparing herself.

And then it was upon her.

It tried to gore her with its antlers first, but Durzog dodged to its left, preparing her axe for a swing, when she gracelessly lost her footing. Surprised, she barely managed to keep from falling on her axe as she fell to the ground. She frantically rolled to the side as the deer's hooves crashed down where her skull was seconds ago.

She hefted her axe once more as the deer readied itself for another strike, but she was the faster one. Her axe bit deep into its stomach, ripping through rotten intestine and muscle. The deer let out a shriek of what was probably pain- if undead could feel pain, and promptly ran away. Too fast for Durzog to follow.

Instead, she wiped the sweat from her brow and let out a laugh. She didn't even get scratched by the thing. She was about ready to report the news to the Bossman, but she noticed movement from the corner of her eye.

A skeletal fox.

More importantly, the one that helped kill Ushrir.

However, having witness the previous battle, as soon as Durzog noticed the thing it ran off. Eliciting another laugh from the Axedwarf.

"Come back any time, cowards!"

The Dwarf does good work, that's for sure. We need her, there's no other fighters amoung us. It's too bad we've lost out farmer, now that the area's clear. However, they're common enough, if we live long enough to get some immigrants she'll be replaced. Whatever her name was.

As far as the Fortress goes, we're making decent progress. We have several workshops up, as well as a couple stockpiles. The barracks just opened up as well, sure will feel good sleeping in a bed. Hopefully we'll have the trade post up in a couple weeks, I've been doing my part by making stonecrafts for when the Fall caravan comes. The thing had better have some decent goods.

With the wood from the wagons used up on the beds though, Jesus (Yes, a damn stupid name, I know) is out of work. I think I'm going to have him patrol with Durzog. He may prove to be a good distraction while she works on the actual killing. I might also have him scour the area for trees, on the slim chance that some have regrown since the whole "Everything burned to the fucking ground" incident a couple of years back.

We've pretty much got no food production, nothing planted, and a water source that's infested by undead.

I really need a drink. I'm sure when whoever finds this does, they'll agree.


Captain's Log: One year mark.

Ah, I love the smell of... Fuck it, nothing smells good here. We have five dead dwarves already to those undead outside. Our cook is only half competent, so everything and everybody stinks of raw meat. None of us fucking bathe, and the undead outside don't exactly smell like roses either!

Since I'd like to keep this log at least a little bit orderly, I've arranged my entries by season. Note: If any of you lazy sods working for me come across this and I'm not dead yet,
don't fuck around with the entries' order! If I read back through this and everything's not exactly as I had it, I swear to Armok I will strangle you with my bare fucking hands!

Summer Log: Year One.

Entry 1: A wonderful fucking start to the season. Our best damn miner fell into a depression for Armok knows why. Was it his rotting companions a ways down the cliff? Zombies stalking about waiting to kill any dwarf unlucky enough to be chased down? The unbelievable workload? The lack of hardly any food source?

Probably the fact that we won't be able to brew a good drink until at least next year. Hell, that depresses

At any rate, he's thrown himself off of the cliff. We're really going to need to clean up those bodies, they have a sick fucking paper-doll chain going down there now. I'll place an order for some coffins.

Entry 2: We're expecting to get a supply caravan this Fall, so I ordered a trade depot to be set up. Shouldn't take too long for the lazy bastards I'm watching over to complete. More importantly though, I ordered we get a production of some basic furniture up. How the fuck am I supposed to keep a proper log with no chairs or tables? Ridiculous. We should have our mason hammered after we can afford to replace him.

Entry 3: I never thought I'd be so happy to see a bunch of unemployed near-useless dwarves in my life. Our numbers here really needed a boost with all the dead bodies rotting at the bottom of the cliff. Still, I wasn't going to risk my neck for them. A small detail I've left out, they decided to enter the area right where a skeletal cougar was prowling about.

Jesus and I immediately started placing bets on who was going to die first. Personally I favoured the idiot trying to wrestle the thing while it chased the fisherdwarf. Jesus preferred the fisherdwarf.

However, it wasn't long before Durzog whizzed past us, axe in hand, only stopping long enough to place a bet on nobody dying before dashing towards the cougar. Jesus and I both knew we'd just lost a week's worth of food rations to the woman.

The poor undead didn't last half a minute.

Autumn Log: Year One.

Entry 1: Durzog ensured the immigrants made it here safely, and I ensured they only get enough time off to eat and sleep, lazy bastards. Most were useless to me. A glass maker, a clothier and a fucking fish dissector. How the fuck can one dissect fish for a living?

Fuck that. I drafted the last two and made the first replace our suicidal miner.

Entry 2: Note for future reference: Clothiers make poor soldiers. A lesson learned the hard way, as our immigrant friend decided to try and wrestle a skeletal deer.

Guess who won?

Entry 3: We were invaded. Four or five of the undead bastards ambushed our fishers, and the miners as they were taking a break and getting a drink by the brook nearby. Durzog came charging in with her last recruit, but by then Dwarves were all over the place getting chased. One fisher was mobbed half a mile away, and our newest miner, another fucking immigrant was pummeled in the brook. Durzog managed to save the other two, luckily. However, her last recruit was knocked out trying to save the dead fisherman. It's not looking good for him.

Tunomungeg is sounding pretty fucking fitting right now.

Entry 4: The caravan we were expecting finally arrived. Thank Armok I was working my fingers to the bone on trade goods, because these guys came loaded.

I was glad to shove a few dozen stone novelty items for some things of real value, like food and an extra pick. Have fun with your stone-fucking-scepters.


Winter Log: Year One.

Entry 1: Okay. It's a real stressful job trying to keep these bunch of sods alive. A dwarf can make a mistake or two every now and then. We were finally getting some decent bedrooms dug out deeper into the mountains, when the miner called it quits because of wet stone. I figured since we tried to dig to the floor below us and hit water, that it was just something flowing under us. So I told him to quit his bitching and finish up the bedrooms.

Big. Fucking. Mistake.

Water naturally started flooding the entire area. While other Dwarves were doing important things like trying to set up doors and beds. Blood fucking everywhere as Dwarves were slammed into walls and tossed about like dolls. Luckily we didn't lose anyone, but we had to wall off that section of the fortress. We don't have any fucking wood, so those beds of priceless. However, I'm thinking into trying to use this misfortune to our advantage. I'll need to consult Jesus later and draw up some plans.

Turns out the odd-named bastard is pretty bright when he isn't running at the first sign of danger. He'd make a good second in command.

Entry 2: The recruit has been unconscious for months now, for some reason the fact that we have no fucking doctor here was overlooked. Armok was smiling upon us this season though, for that's exactly what we got, a doctor. The dwarf calls himself Raziel. Oddly he kept looking at the walls anxiously as I led him on a tour around the fortress, not that there's much to see yet.

I'll need to remember to build him a sick-ward once we dig a bit deeper into the mountain.

If you'll remember right, we have a cook here who can hardly cook. Well as it turns out, now the bastard wants to play doctor too. I was just going to tell him "Fuck no," outright, but Raziel says he could use an assistant.

I feel like this Wyrzak is going to cause far more harm than good, but we'll see.

End of Year One Log.

As you can see, it's been an eventful fucking first year. However, it's the first of spring and a new year to be fucked up. At least it's starting out good though. Jesus and Ustuth, or surviving miner have announced they're getting married. Sneaky devil was courting while I was working my fingers to the bone on these damn crafts. Bastard.

Still, I'm happy for him, and the wedding announcement seems to have put everyone in good spirits, which means more work is being done, which means we may just live another fucking year.

I'd say I need a drink, but we're out as far as I know.

I'm really fucking loving Tunomungeg.


(I forgot to add in any screenshots for the above post, so I made a screenshot-exclusive post here)

First up is the poor suicidal miner approaching her doom.

The clothier was actually a pretty good fighter, despite the early demise.

The (still) flooding bedroom area.

And the fortress so far.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


"Golgath! Jesus! Thank Armok you two are here! Th-th-there's zombies down by the brook!"
Golgath and Jesus looked to the man, and then each other, before casually side-stepping out of the fortress's opening. The dwarf who was practically tripping over himself in fear and bewilderment was one of their newer migrants. He obviously had to be new, anyone who had lived in Tunomungeg for any notable amount of time would have gotten used to corpses walking about.
"Find your stones and calm down already, it's being taken care of. I'd suggest you move a little to the right though."
The other dwarf blinked, before glancing about in either direction.
"Taken care of.. wait, to the right?"
At Golgath's nod the dwarf seemed to become even more confused. Jesus and Golgath glanced to each other, before the former let out a sigh.
"I suppose he'll know in a moment eh, Golgath?"
"Not even, I'd say."
It was then that a thundering could be heard inside of the fortress, rapidly getting closer. The bewildered dwarf stared dumbfounded in the direction of the noise. When he noticed the charging, cheery Durzog flying towards him, it was too late. The dwarf was knocked clear back to the edge of the cliff, Durzog paying him no heed.
"The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, the vultures are hovering, and zombies are being put down- back down, at any rate. Spring is in the air Golgath."
The Bossman just smirked as he made his way back into the fortress. He still had a lot of fucking stone to carve.
Spring Log: Year Two
Entry One: Thirty new migrants, about 20 dwarves and all their fucking pets. What a mess. I now have three new fucking cheesemakers, because obviously Tunomungeg has a lot of Damn cows milling about. Hope they like catching fish, because we need to replace all of the dead fisherdwarves around this place. Easily the highest casualty job in the fortress.
I hope you like dodging zombies guys, because in Tunomungeg it's the national sport.
On top of them, I have a dissector, two animal trainers, and a tanner. Only the latter is of any use, and as I've noted previously, we don't have any fucking cows in this place. We must be a practical joke around the local farmers or something.
"Hey, Bob, you know what place has a lot of pasture? Tunomungeg! Yes, it's on a mountain. Yes, everything was burnt down recently. Yeah, there's supposedly zombies milling about everywhere, but I'm telling you. This place is golden for a new farm, would I ever lie to you?"
bam they're off to fucking Tunomungeg and have to become a fisher, or Zombie wrestler, or some other profession that'll get them killed quickly.
By the way, we have no money here, so they'll be doing it for free.

Log 2: Project "Let's get all the fucking water out of the bedrooms" has failed miserably. You'd think with three channels out of the place we'd be able to drain it faster than it enters, but you'd be as wrong as we are. Seems we're dealing with some super-river here that we've hit. Now we face an entirely different problem, we have a lot of water pouring out of this place. It'd take a long time to reach us, but it's starting to really flood the mountainside. On the bright side, that means no more zombies. I suppose if there's fish in this water we could just make a merry peaceful existence fishing. Nevermind we've just destroyed the entire local ecosystem for who knows how far? It'd mean no more useless immigrants, no annoying Goblins that I've heard just love to pick at these new mountain-homes.
Of course, that means no traders either, and if there's no fish, then we starve.
Maybe I should look to plugging these holes.

Log 3: Fuck Tunomungeg. I'm writing this log not half a day after my last. Remember when I said it'd take a long time to flood the whole damn mountain?
I might have been just a bit wrong. I'll include some sketches of what our third drain has done in half a day.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As you can see, the land is just starting to recover from the great fire that happened here a few years ago.So what do we do? Destroy it all over again with a flood of course. Irony, sometimes it isn't funny. On the bright side, there's a surplus of zombie-corpses on the western side of the mountain. I just hope there aren't any hairless Elves around that catch wind of this. I feel they won't be too happy.

Fuck Tunomungeg.

"Are you sure this is the right place? I don't like it, the devastation that took place not too long ago. And the Dwarves picked here of all places to build?"
"I know what you mean Illnandyre, and I've heard rumors too. Undead stalk these lands. People in the nearby villages speak of their unnatural cries rising into the night. They say lately it's been accompanied by some kind of laughter. Spirits must have invaded this realm too. Keep an eye out."
"Oh, look! A waterfall! Wait.. I-is that blood flowing down with it?"
"Just keep moving forward, don't look too closely at it-"
"Oh dear! There's animals in the water, let's turn back!"
"You know we can't, we need to offer trade to these newcomers, it's tradition. Just hold fast, we will be out of here before long."
Log 3.5: Before I move onto the Elf traders, I have an important piece of business to note. We have some sick fucking dwarf among us. I found this in our dining room.

That's right, someone's gone about and collected every single fucking squirrel our water-channels have killed and put them where we
eat. I don't know if this dwarf has some kind of fucking sick and disturbing squirrel fetish, but Damn. Dwarves eat there!
Log 4: I didn't expect much from the hairless Elves, and I'm not usually wrong on such assumptions (Just look at this place). The most 
useful thing they were carrying was a bunch of berries.

Though we bought a bit of wood off them too. Traded them about a dozen useless stone crafts we had lying about. Stupid Elves.

Log 4.5: While we were trading one of our lazy bums came upon this while fetching a drink:

Even though we have 7 useless recruits now to back Durzog up, I don't feel like sending them in. Too dangerous with that many. We'll have to keep an eye on them.

Log 5: So ends Spring. We've managed to cause the second greatest ecological disaster in the area, kill a lot of squirrels, recruit a lot of zombie-wranglers, and screw over some Elf trader with useless goods.
As far as the fortress goes, we've managed to set up a nice place for a butcher's shop, and set up a farming area by the brook for when we have some seeds.  Hopefully it doesn't get flooded.
Oh, and I've taken up dining in my office until we catch that sick dwarf who's been decorating the fortress with dead squirrels.
I have a feeling life here is only going to get worse.


Summer Log: Year 2

Entry One: Ah, the sun's shining, the Elves are ready to leave, nobody has died in the past few months.. Things are almost peaceful right now. Or, they would be, but I've been informed of a little issue down by the brook.

Of course, if I know, then Durzog knows by now. I can almost hear her laughter as she charges the poor zombified animals. Music to my ears by now.


I've been told the problem has been dealt with.

Entry Two: Plan "Prevent our Imminent Death by Flooding" has actually had a success for once. We've managed to stop any water from coming out of the northern half of our mountain-by redirecting it all to the West.

Sure, that means the western half is just going to flood faster, but our farm and source of water aren't located in that direction. I call it a victory.
- I wish this weren't written in ink, or I'd erase my last sentence. You see, I've just been shown a sketch by the dwarf I assigned to look over the flood's progress. I'll have him copy it down for whoever reads this.

He was even kind enough to draw an animal in the water. Remind us of the whole "Ruining the Ecosystem" thing. Fucking hippie. I'll need to keep an eye on him, he may be the one putting the damn corpses all over the place.

Entry Three: Jesus has gone stark raving mad and shut himself up inside of his workshop. Thank Armok we bought some wood from the caravans, just what he needed too.

We'll need to see how the situation plays out.

Entry Four: Fuck Tunomungeg.

Of course, they're all useless. The best one of them being a leatherworker, which as I've expressed before:
We have no fucking supply of Cattle! None. We have two cows, tops. They've both been sent to the butcher already. We do however, need a new miner. The dwarf'll be happy to hear he doesn't have to contend with zombies.
Entry Three (Cont.): Jesus has emerged from his workshop, his bout of madness over. The fortress gathered around him as he held up his masterpiece; A half-worthless chest. I mean, it's nice and all, sure, but I was hoping for something like a crossbow. Oh well, I gave him a pat on the back and ordered it to be brought to my room.

It was only later that I discovered the disturbing engraving Jesus carved into it.

That was no Dwarf craftsmanship! There was only one explanation; The Elves! They somehow got ahold of Jesus and messed with his head. How dare they try such treachery with my second in command?! I've began meeting with Durzog and making plans for their demise. She seemed more than happy to lend a hand.


They say I've gone nuts, but they don't understand. "But Bossman! There's thousands of stones lying around! Surely you don't have to go there to get one?" They just don't get it. There's a rock here far superior to the others! I've seen it in my dreams, and even if I need to wade through chest-deep water and a mighty current to get to it; 
I. Will. Have it!
No matter how utterly illogical it seems.

Entry Five: I guess I forgot to mention that there's a certain rule here in Tunomungeg; No fucking cats. They breed too quickly and we don't need to be tripping over them every five seconds. It seems that a new immigrant decided she didn't want let her precious kitty go.

We took care of that issue for her.

Entry Six: Finally, some traders with hair. Not as much as us Dwarfs of course, but it's still a welcome site.

Like the other stupid traders, they were more than happy to take our (my) stone crafts. Managed to make a deal for some weapons for the military, and a spare pick. Plus a few metal bars for storage. Overall, not a bad trade.

Entry Seven: Summer's come to a close at last. We managed to keep everyone alive, surprisingly. Not noted were several attacks by the local wildlife, and two ill-fated thieves. I've ordered work on a large storage area in the back, which will take another month or two to be mined out. Other than that, I've begun making plans for any sieges that may happen. We're housing a lot of dwarves now, it's only a matter of time. 
I've included two more sketches, one of the fortress itself, and the other of the ever-growing flood out west:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Entry- Actually, fuck that. This is entry "What the Hell?": Apparently, Durzog has fancied placing a pair of gloves in my office.

I must express this next part in as clear terms as I can-
For no fucking reason! I can't even fathom..
Oh, fuck it. I guess we're all starting to go insane here.


(And so ends the story thusfar. As a little background info, I made Golgath a merchant to reflect my own inexperience with this game, so we can fail to run a fortress together. Should make for a lot of fun.)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 11:50:26 pm by Diablodude »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 10:24:17 pm »

End of Year Two Log:

You know, the beginning half of this year was pretty hopeful. Noone died, food seemed pretty plentiful. Sure, there was only water to drink, but we sort of got over that. Then.. Things started going wrong. We have a dozen more dwarves dead, with one currently dying of thirst a few floors beneath us. We'd go dig him out, but someone decided to throw a party.

It was a tough choice, but hell, what's one more dead Dwarf at this point?

Actually, you know what I said about us sort of getting over the water thing? Forget that. You can only truly realize how much of a piss hole this place is when sober. We have piles of bones outside because that's how much death there is here. It was actually starting to get hard to walk through the halls with so many bodies.

Still, it isn't all bad. We have two new young ones here, how people can get over the depressing atmosphere and actually fuck is beyond me, but whatever. All I know is that means we have four new hands to work to the bone in the future. All we need to do is keep them alive until then.

- Which probably isn't going to happen.

As of now, our population is hovering at around 30 dwarves. Not great, but at the same time I don't think we'll be attracting too many Goblins yet. Still, we're preparing.

At the very least we have a couple wells put up, so that we don't need to keep going down to the zombie infested brook for a drink. Honestly, that place is starting to get a bit creepy with all the dead dwarves and zombies surrounding it. Can't be too healthy to drink.

Some of the more specific details are below; I decided to put this page above the others, so you don't have to do a mental body count as you go along.

Fucking nifty eh?

Fall/Winter Log, Year 2:

Entry One: I love the smell of forges running in the morning. More importantly I like living, which is exactly what's going to continue to happen now that we've expanded out workshop area;

We're now making crossbows for all the weaponless recruits, adding useless bonecrafts for the traders, making charcoal for the forges, and half a dozen other essentials. When the Dwarven Traders come in a few months, we should be able to make off nicely.

Last year we asked for a lot of food, hopefully they brought it. We're not fishing enough to keep up with what we're eating, and cat meat doesn't last very long.

Entry One and a Half: Speaking of which:

Damn immigrants and their cats.

Entry Two: The undead around the mountain are growing more numerous as of late. I've just been informed one of our recruits on break has been struck down.

Fool should have called for help. Stupid bastard tried to re-kill it with his bare hands. We need as many soldiers as we can get but.. I feel like this one was no real loss.

I guess even stupid bastards deserve to be avenged though. We made sure to pay his killer back tenfold.

We won the day with three dead. A costly victory.

Entry Three: Seriously, this needs to fucking stop!

Entry Four:It has come to my attention that Durzog was not content to just leave me a pair of gloves. Now I have a new pair of shoes and socks in my office.

I still have no clue what to make of this.

I guess it's a step up from dead squirrels.

Entry Five: Shit. A group of undead are moving on our position, one of our soldiers is dead already, a scout sent ahead to check their numbers.

The rest of the army is moving in. Normally this would be over by now.. But there's a tiny problem. Durzog is asleep. Noone can wake her up. The biggest fucking engagement we've had yet in this place, and our best soldier is

Whatever, we'll mob the undead bastards and pray there aren't too many casualties.

Entry Six: I went to the sight of the battle today, and it was a fucking mess. Two dwarves dead at the bottom of a pond, and three dead near the slope. Blood fucking everywhere. Still, we won. I can't really say a cheesemaker charging zombies with his bare hands is too much of a loss, but still.

Maybe it's a good thing Durzog was asleep, could have gotten herself killed with her reckless enthusiasm.

Our coffin room is starting to get pretty damn full.

Entry Six and a Half:Smells like victory.

Entry Seven: Dwarf went nuts today and locked himself up inside of my workshop of all places! Now he's just sitting there, yelling to himself, and I have to lounge around and twiddle my thumbs for Armok know how long.

Fuck Tunomungeg.

Entry Eight: Started digging down into the mountain, a few floors below us. Hopefully I can get our doctor an office down there, along with some more bedrooms. Got a gigantic storage area carved out, mostly used for food and wood at the moment for when we get sieged. There's also some cages and a kennel there, to train up some wardogs.

At least, if we had any dogs to train that's what they would be used for. Right after they were built, the useless mutts got killed by a zombie outside.

Just our luck.

Entry Nine: There's just so many fucking bodies around, we needed to make a graveyard. Well, at least a place to put all of them. You couldn't get down the mountain without tripping over some re-killed creature. Foxes, deer, more deer, and the occasional dwarf, and fucking squirrels.

Take that, fucking squirrel-lover! Your move, bastard.

Entry Ten: My workshop is finally free, the sonofabitch who holed himself up in it finally snapped. He was chasing Jesus down the halls with murder in his eyes when Durzog happily placed an axe in his head.

Good thing too. Jesus doesn't need to get strangled right after having his daughter. Not even this damn fortress can be that cruel.

Fucking Tunomungeg.

End of Fall/Winter Log: As usual, I'd like to include a sketch of the place thusfar, so that whoever reads this can get a feel for how it developed. I'll be damned if a hundred years from now people find these ruins and just shrug their shoulders.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Being sober sucks, those traders had better have some ale on them next time.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 05:26:05 am by Diablodude »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 11:00:19 pm »

Spring Log: Year 3
Entry 1: As I mentioned at the beginning of the last log, we had a couple miners trapped in a cave in. I ordered some stairs constructed to get them out, but there was a small issue.. The whole damn fortress wanted to party. It's just now a couple weeks later that I noticed I haven't seen those miners in ages. Turns out, every damn dwarf "forgot" to build those stairs. Naturally, the miners are dead by now. I ordered a tunnel built from the outside on their level, since stairs are obviously too damn difficult a task to complete.
We should have their bodies, and more importantly their equipment, soon.

Entry 2: As if sensing the sudden lack of mining labor in the fortress, we have some immigrants arriving. Among them, two fucking fish dissectors! I don't know if there's some annual fish-dissecting festival that goes on by here, but this is fucking ridiculous. That makes five now that have been sent here.
More importantly though, they arrived right by a pack of undead, personally I think a few of them dying wouldn't be such a bad thing, but I've sent in the military just in case.


Entry 2.5: What the Holy fuck? A fucking mess, that's what this is. Dead dwarves everywhere, just four damn undead killed thirteen, including two dogs. Four of our military fell, as well as seven of the immigrants, and those who stupidly went out to collect their bodies before the danger had passed.



Durzog was asleep, again. Eleven dead dwarves, plus the miners. Hel-fucking-lo to you too Spring!
Entry 3: Whoever reads this, if I'm still alive, I want you to think on this, and then go explain it to me. So, we have some mining being done on the left side of the mountain. Jesus's wife, for whatever fucking reason, decides to bring her baby along. By along, I mean right through the fucking river pouring out of the mountain. The baby gets ripped from her arms, and she stops everything she's doing to chase after it. So what does she do? The same damn thing! Over, and over, and over. I swear, this baby of theirs must have gills or something. Ridiculous.
Entry 4: What the Hell Durzog? You give me no explanation, just waltz into my office, drop some clothes off, and fucking vanish afterwards without a word. I. Don't. Get. It.
Seriously, what the Hell?

Entry 5: We finally got all the bodies from the slaughter earlier this season moved, filled up every coffin we had.

The only thing is, we have a fucking surplus of rotting dwarves to deal with.

Can this season get any worse..?

Entry 6: I need to stop posing such questions.

Of course the season could fucking get worse. Now we have these hairless bastards to deal with, again. We'll pay them back for the brainwashing they did to my second in command, but for now we'll trade.

"Oh dear, I didn't like this place the last time we came here, now there's blood everywhere! And that waterfall has started flooding the entire area!"
"Steel yourself Illnandyre. These dwarves may have no respect for nature, but they are still our neighbors, we must at least try to put up with their actions."
"But, but- There's still animals in the water! Oh my.. Please don't tell me that's an infant tumbling down?!"
"So it seems, with the mother tumbling down the mountainside after it. These dwarves are surely a hardy people! The hardships even an infant must face here trouble me."
"L-let's just hurry, I think I see things moving to the West of us!"
Entry 7: We finally managed to retrieve the bodies of the miners who became trapped several months ago. It seems they made a real effort to survive, even tried digging themselves out. However, their tunnel was never completed. They scratched their final words near their resting place.
"Fuck Tunomungeg."
[/i]I quite agree.[/i]
Final Entry: It's been an eventful, and bloody spring. The damned Elves never even traded with us, when we brought them out surplus crossbows, they looked at us with disgust, and refused to trade anything with us because we used their precious fucking trees. When I kindly pointed out they were trying to trade us good made of wood, they stuck their noses up and stomped out. Good fucking riddance.
However, I would like to end the log on a positive note.

Ha ha, the sound cheers me up a bit every time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 02:58:52 am »

I like this story :)
Could I be dorfed please as a mason/marksdwarf?
I would like to be obssesed with building 3x3x2 guard towers with tunnels to them and only shooting from these positions. (also train some haulers to novice bowyers for artifact crossbows ;) )
Must... Eat... Demon... Rat ARGLEBLARGH *crash* OMNOMNOMNOM
Tastes.. like... SAAAAATAAAAAAAAN!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 05:47:01 am »

You know, since I started this elsewhere (And am still running it there) I've questioned whether to let people here in it or not. I think what I'm going to do is keep the main characters that I got from the other place, and edit out mention of the more minor characters when I post it here, and then write up different sections for the people who hop on board here.

- There's a problem with the tower thing though- this is only my second fortress I've run in DF, so I've yet to even build one tower, let alone several. It could be done, but I'd need to look into it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2011, 01:20:46 am »

How to build a tower
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Note some of those diagrams look out of place on the forum, look on the link for correct placement
Must... Eat... Demon... Rat ARGLEBLARGH *crash* OMNOMNOMNOM
Tastes.. like... SAAAAATAAAAAAAAN!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 02:18:22 am »

(Yeah, I took a break from this for awhile. I know by now you probably don't care, faithful commenter, but.. I just want to focus on the basics of not starving/dying of thirst/ getting overrun by zombies or killed in my first Goblin siege at the moment. Even the simple tower seems a bit daunting to me right now, as I haven't really done anything as far as building goes. I do hope you continue reading, and enjoying this though. Even if I sort of gave you the shaft here.)

Summer Log: Year 3

There's about fifty of us Dwarves here now, not counting the corpses. Everyone in the fortress is trying hard to keep up with the ever increasing workload as our home expands further into the mountain...

- Hah, yeah right. The lazy bastards are too busy partying ever fucking week to get any serious work done. I swear, we're throwing parties at a higher rate than we're losing Dwarves, which is a pretty fucking amazing feat. We have rooms half-mined, an archery-range half-functioning, passageways with water half plugged up. Who cares though, it's not like our survival is at stake or anything, no, let's all just sit down and have a drink of water, trying to forget our sorrows.

Bah, lazy asshole Dwarves. I put out a temporary "no-party" mandate until we get things back on track. Below you'll find the season's progress detailed, what little of it we made.

Entry 1: Summer, what a wonderful season. The scorching heat, the smell of roasting corpses rising up through the air, the fresh water which animals fucked in all Spring. Yes, how very wonderful.

Truth be told I'm actually in a good mood for once. A messenger was sent from my brother, while that normally would have me grinding my teeth in frustration, it seems the gods were smiling on me this time.

As it turns out, our scouts found him near the edge of the fortress, unfortunately picked apart by a horde of vermin. Few things make me happy any more. Speaking of which, I think I smell some cooked cat. Durzog must be bringing dinner for our weekly strategy meet.


Entry 2: We indirectly gave those Elven bastards what was coming to them. The idiots appearently decided to bathe in our beautful waterfall of death. Our scouts just found some of their equipment floating in the west.

Fuck with my second in command? That's what happens to you. I've told my men not to bury the bodies. Send a little message to the hairless tree-hugging bastards.

Entry 3: Well, shave my mother's beard and call her Human-  I'm surrounded by idiots. First Jesus's wife spent over a day on the same moronic task of carrying her infant to work by the waterfall, and constantly it was ripped from her arms and flung off the cliff. This time I wasn't worried- I know that baby is made of steel and gills, it's just shocking how one with Jesus's brains could marry someone so dimwitted.

Speaking of infants and lack of thought, one of our soldiers gave birth recently. For some reason, she decided to bring her infant along on patrol. The Dwarf saw a zombie fox, and wasted no time running up to it, infant in her right hand and crossbow in her left- notice I said crossbow. So instead of gently setting down her infant and taking aim, she charged in and beat the fox to a pulp. The blood stained baby just clapped with glee.

That'll be one for the military in the future.

However, the idiocy does not end there. One of our Dwarves just recently died of thirst- three meters from the well. The reason she couldn't get a drink? She was too busy throwing a goddamn party.

I swear this place will be the death of me.

Entry 4: I've decided to help out the fortress by picking up a weapon and getting to work helping the defense. We have such a surpluss of stonecrafts from the Elven traders leaving early, that it's pointless for me to keep making them for now. So I ordered the construction of an archery range for the troops to use, and drafted myself into the military.

Speaking of the military, we've been killing off more and more of the undead in the area, and things have started getting crowded again. I ordered the bodies around the fortress to be rounded up. After a day, these are the results:



I think we're going to need a bigger graveyard.

Entry 5: Humans. The sight of the half-hairless traders always warms my heart. Mainly because they tend to pack a lot of food, and with our production at next to zero, plus the lack of twigs and berries we usually get from the elves, rations were starting to get a bit tight.

Every hand was working hard bringing the crafts I made to the depot so that we could buy enough food to last the year, for once the productivity in the fortress soared.. That is, until another party was thrown.

The problem was that our broker was attending, and I'll be damned if I let any other incompetent Dwarf trade. So, I was nice at first, and I waited.

And waited.

I waited for weeks in fact, and you know what? The party never stopped.

Finally, with the traders getting bored, I stormed into the dining hall and stopped all the festivities. Forever.

- Or at least until we get some much needed work done. We bought all of the food that the traders brought with them, and unloaded so much stone it's amazing their wagons an hold it all.

Final Entry: I've got to say, overall it was a pretty good season, minus the blatant stupidity that's spreading, we only had one death. Minus a dog that lost a fight with the wildlife. Now that we aren't partying every second, production is running at an amazing pace. We're cutting down as many of the local tress that survived the great fire here to make charcoal and run our forges. We haven't found any great metal yet for smithing, aside from a small bit of iron, but that'll come soon enough. I won't include my usual map this time because quite simply, not a lot got done as far as expansion goes.

With the archery range getting built, the military will be much better prepared to deal with the locals, or any goblins that come snooping about.

As long as we don't go in to battle wielding infants that is.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 12:25:39 pm »

Writing style is excellent! Commendable work.

Looking forward to regular updates. I can do hand-drawn paint pictures (not crappy carpy) for any requested incident.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 06:21:07 pm »

Well, thank you. I developed this little style specifically for this LP. If you'd check out the Companion to this, it's written in my usual style if you want to check that out.

I recommend it, if you're interested in learning the history of Tunomungeg's world through an epic adventurer tale (Which is far from complete). Should be a few threads below this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2011, 01:02:43 pm »

Autumn Log: Year 3

Entry 1: NO! No, no, no, no! This has gone beyond ridiculous. First my office, which I can hardly walk through at this point because of the clothes everywhere, but now by bedroom? Honestly?

What the holy Hell?

Entry 2: Yet more deaths, this time it was one of the workers tasked with building the barracks. How did they die? Thirst.

Once more, most people don't seem to have any problems with the concept of a well. So, how is it that we have Dwarves dying left and right because they can't figure out how to get a damn drink? I asked around; the Dwarf wasn't depressed or anything. There's only one explanation: Blatant stupidity.

As such, I don't count it as too big of a loss for the fortress.

Entry 3:The archery range has been completed. As such, I hand picked nine others to be in my squad, as the first official Marksdwarf regiment. We'll also be training in melee combat when we have the ability, but for now this will have to suffice. I spent most of the afternoon trying to show my recruits how to hit the targets.

They didn't do too bad, but we'll need to vastly improve to be of any major affect on our own.

Entry 4: The Dwarven caravan has finally arrived! Bless my mother's beard, like true Dwarves they decided to take the hard rout and have been making their way up our waterfall, instead of going around like the weak willed Humans and Elves. The sight of them joking as they fought their way up the mountain filled me with pride to be a Dwarf. I shall be venturing outside of the cave to greet them personally.

**** Interlude ****

The caravan finally came into view as the sun sank under the horizon in the west. The lead dwarf was an old one, with a beard that reached the stone he was walking on. Him and the rest of his party were absolutely soaked from their trek through the waterfall, but if it bothered them, they didn't show it. Everyone seemed to be in a high spirits, but no one spoke until the caravan's leader came within arm-reach. It was Dwarven tradition. A show of respect. Finally, Golgath and the old Dwarf gripped each other into a firm handshake, and the time for silence was over.

"Welcome to our mountainhome, I trust your journey here wasn't too difficult."

"Difficult? For a Dwarf? Bah! It was a great fight getting here through that water, almost fell off of the edge a few times myself. It's a great plan, that waterfall. There are Goblins not far to the West, I'm sure when they finally get the nerve to strike, it'll buy you a bit of time."

"Goblins in the West you say? Thank you for the tip. Tell me though, what goods have you brought to us."

"We bring a kingdom's worth of food, as you asked for last year. We also have some raw metal, weapons, and a few barrels of ale we can unload."

A curious sound followed immediately after the old Dwarf finished speaking. It was the sound of an entire fortress stopping what they were doing to listen. Golgath himself didn't dare breathe, unless doing so would wake him up from the dream he suddenly felt he was living. It was then that a sound echoed through the fortress.

"Did he say... ALE?"

Still, no one else spoke, but a crowd had begun to gather at the entrance. Dwarves who had become mere shadows of their former selves huddled around the traders like ghosts. Not daring to hope, waiting for their leader to make a move. The traders shot each others looks and instinctively backed away, growing fearful.

Finally, Golgath gripped the old Dwarf's shoulders and fixed him with a cold stare, speaking very slowly and deliberately.

"Ale? I swear, if you're playing a damn trick on a bunch of overworked sober Dwarves, I have thirty armed Dwarves who will not find you bullshit at all funny. Tell me now! Do you truly have Dwarven ale with you?"

"By my mother's beard! How long have you all been sober? You're all half mad  from need of a good drink!"

"Years! We haven't had a drink since we set out for this forsaken land!"

Golgath was just about to start shaking the man in a fit of hysteria, but one of his scouts came running in from the West, breaking him out of his crazed state. The Dwarf was in half a panic, and his right arm hung limply at his side. He didn't even take a moment to catch his breath before speaking, despite having run up the entire mountain.

"Bossman, sir! Goblins! Coming in from the West! Not enough for a siege, but at least half a dozen, probably hoping to ambush the caravan! All armed with warhammers and they look like they've seen combat before."

**** End Interlude ****

Entry 5:Goblins, filthy vermin. Still, they could fight as good as any Dwarf with enough training, and they're probably far more able with a weapon than most of our recruits. Still, we have thirty Dwarves in the military, half the population. I'm going to be leading a charge at them before they even get close to the mountainhome. They've killed a few Dwarves gathering wood in that area already, and I'm not positive I'll survive this. As such, I shall be leaving Jesus in command if I fall. Let it be documented so that there is no dispute as to the leadership of the fortress after me.

I'll shave my own beard if I let some damn goblin kill me though.

**** Interlude ****

"Right, the Bossman here will be taking point and leading us against the Goblins. I shall be bringing up the Rear with the rest of the Glad Boulders squad, in case the try and surround us. There may be some we haven't seen after all. Intense Rocks! You lot are to follow behind the Bossman's East Standards squad as closely as you can. I want you in the fight immediately! Understood? Don't worry everyone, we'll mop up these scum and go home to ale! Ale I tell you! Now let's go!"

It wasn't the most inspirational speech, but Golgath supposed Durzog was a better fighter than leader. Though she was certainly getting the hang of it. Personally he would have put her at point where they would have a better impact, after all her and her squad were the fortress's melee specialists, bu Durzog felt it would be a better inspiration for the troops if he were leading.

Not wanting to argue the point, he agreed. Now he was here, about to charge into battle, with his sword in hand and his crossbow slung over his shoulder. The thirty of them marched down the mountain silently, the stomping of their boots matching the beating of their hearts. As they drew closer to the reported location of the enemy, they marched faster. Until finally the first Goblin came into view, looting the body of one of the Dwarven woodcutters.

It didn't notice them at first, but as the Dwarves drew ever closer, the thundering of their boots alerted him to their presence. It raised a cry of alarm, and almost instantly seven others materialized out of the trees. Every one of them carried a large warhammer, and were armored head to toe. The Dwarves looked almost naked in comparison, most wearing leather.

Golgath's blood boiled at the sight of his peoples' oldest enemy, and he let out a battle cry that was picked up by the thirty Dwarves behind him. Durzog cried out the loudest, and with the comfort of having his greatest warrior at his back, Golgath charged.

The Goblins charged as well, and it felt like only second before both sides collided with crescendo of metal and screams.

Despite their overwhelming numbers, the Goblins were simply more experienced fighters, with better equipment. They managed to stand their ground and break the Dwarves momentum. That is, until Durzog pushed her way through the Dwarven army to the front lines. Singing a song that was picked up by all the Dwarves around her:

"The Dwarves defend their mountain homes
With blood, and ale and steel!
Our foes stand so very high
and we only accept surrender eye-to-eye
But without legs they cannot kneel!

When the final words left the lips of every Dwarf on the battlefield they gave another great push, and the goblins began falling back. One Dwarf took a hammer to the chest, collapsing. However Durzog then planted her axe in the Goblin's head, avenging her comrade. Golgath struck with his sword and ran the Goblin in front of him through. He then cut sideways and spilled it's intestines onto the ground. A third Goblin was struck in the leg, and was immediately set upon by five Dwarves. It managed to crack one of it's attackers on the head before finally being overwhelmed. The final five Goblins took stock of the situation, and fled. The Dwarves tried to give chase, but simply were not fast enough, and instead surveyed the battlefield.

They had been fighting in a shallow pool of water that had formed from the artificial waterfall running down the side of the mountain. It was where the main woodcutting operations the fortress had going took place. Now, the water ran red with the blood of Dwarf and Goblin alike.

Durzog began approaching him after looking over their wounded, shaking her head as she went.

"Afraid we have two dead, Bossman, with a few others being bruised."

"Yeah? Well, better than ten dead and the rest of us dying. You know, this combat stuff is hard work. What do you say we go get a drink?"

They both sported a stupid grin as they made their way back up the mountain. Only the kind an extremely sober Dwarf about to get drunk out of it's mind can make.

**** End Interlude ****

Entry 6:I've officially given my workshop to an apprentice I've been training, and have taken up being a military Dwarf full time. Well, I'm still the leader of this forsaken place, so partly full time I suppose. Still, we'll be much better prepared for the next Goblin attack, as we finally have training areas for all of our squads built. A triple barracks, with the archery range at the back of my squad's room for easy access. I'll include a sketch here:

In other news, I commissioned a Great Hall to be carved out at the end of the last season, and it finally got completed as well. The place is damn beautiful. The miner who dug out the last chunk of rock came up to me and wanted to name it "The Rainbow Hall" due to the magnificent colors of the stone it's carved out of. I kindly put him on stone hauling duty for even suggesting such an undwarfly name.

It will simply remain "The Great Hall" for now.

Rainbow Hall, bah.

Final Entry: It's been a season of changes. Half of the population is now part of the military. We've begun continuous smelting operations to try and better equip the military, which I am now a part of. Also, we've managed to expand the Fortress quite a bit, which hasn't happened for a few seasons. Sure, we lost a lot of Dwarves, but is that really news at this point? What five more deaths or so?

All that means is that the ale will last us longer. I made sure to bring a barrel to my office in secret in case the rest of it manages to vanish in one night. At least then Durzog, Jesus and I can enjoy a good drink during the strategy meet.

I'll include a sketch of the fortress, so that the changes this season can be properly documented:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2011, 01:56:09 pm »

Wow, that's a nice fortress you got there.

Now make aboveground walls and parapets to surround your part of the mountain. Only then will it be a true fortress.

IDEA: Make a wall-in around the fort and then make the lower part an artificial reservoir. Around the walls, put floodgates.

Then, during a siege,




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2011, 02:15:01 pm »

haha :D alcohol depraved dwarves, did ya buy the ale?
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm running out of stone!
    • View Profile
Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2011, 07:20:09 pm »

also what is up with no farms?


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Tunomungeg: MortalFailure (Language warning.)
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 05:34:16 am »

Well, this is the first fortress I've ever run that was past the "Start digging out the first couple rooms" phase. So I'm still extremely new to the game and am winging it as I go.

The traders always bring tons of food, and I have a dozen or so animals I can slaughter right now if need be. It hasn't ever been a big enough issue for me to seriously look into farming.