i was hiding behind a quickly built column of stone i just laid when i ran into an ambush ahead of me of 3 green guys.
I built it in like 2 seconds flat, and they continued firing at me, and hitting me behind the stone.
I died 5 seconds later, and rage quit.
bullshit hitbox's
Also this game does not deserve headshots, the aiming sucks so hard its entirely random till you find a hacker or something, and they constantly 1 shot you in the head even when your ducking in and out of new firing holes you dug 20 squares across from each other.
I rage quit about an hour after i started.
One of the fun things i had during my game was tunnel wars, the enemy team dug a giant 3x3 tunnel across the map to our base, I was apparently the first one to find it, Built a giant tower above it to mark its location, then i went down into the enemies tunnel, hid in a little hidey spot i dug in the side of it, then ran up behind anyone running past and shot them in the head (multiple times). fucking hitboxes.
Then i went down the tunnel to their end, and blocked it off, and had hilarity ensue as they tried to dig it out as i was sitting behind it.
I kept lobbing grenades through the holes they made and killing multiple enemies on the other side.
I laughed hard, then promptly got 1 shotted in the head by some guy at the far end of the tunnel again.
Fucking headshots ruin this game.
then when i reload, a spawn camper or something was in our base and instantly rekilled me
Why is it, sometimes i can start near the middle of the map at spawn, and at other times, i start at the very edge of the god damn map and have to walk a mile to the middle where anything is happening? Thats also annoying, give us set spawn spots or something please god.