Don't know about you guys, but I haven't seen a hacker in about 5 game sessions. Hopefully this lack of hacking will bring back more players, and hopefully the dev can concentrate on new content now. Can't wait for artillery and what not.
I'd like to imagine artillery as such:
-Requires a crew of two to use; kills acquired with the artillery give points to both players. Don't know how the work-load would be spread between them, though.
-Very slow to construct/move from place to place, but able to soak up a lot of damage. Only has a range covering about 3 fifths of the map horizontally. Carried around in a similar fashion to the intel, but slows the player a lot and removes their ability to use equipment. This way, it'd be necessary to protect anyone carrying artillery around, and the impeded movement would also make it more difficult to steal the other team's artillery.
-Aimed using a Call of Duty 4 air-strike style selector on the map. "Spotters" would be necessary to use the artillery efficiently. Plus, the enemy team would have to cower in fear once their intel has been captured due to the UAV system this unlocks.
-Only able to fire once every minute or so. Quite a wide damage radius around the selected point, insta-kill if you're anywhere near the centre of this area.
-Concrete blocks (which require the use of 5 ordinary blocks to create) would be immune to artillery damage, and any other damage aside from that caused by the pick. (It'd take more time for invading forces to get rid of a concrete bunker if they can't use their shovels against it). This'd also be a nice feature for the greens due to their base building tendencies.
-Possibly a 'gas' attack? Very slowly deals damage, but the gas stays in the area for quite a while and can spread downwards, into, say, bunkers. To prevent OP use of this attack in a defensive manner, it can't be fired within a certain distance of your own team's intel.
That said, I'm going to post this on the Google Moderator site the dev has up.