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Ash, Rani, Wallace, Zeox, Tai
"...and that was the last thing I saw" said Zeox.
The five of you are in a room, with no apparent exit. You had woken up in here from what apparently must have been sleeping, but you aren't sure. The last any of you remember is booting up Virtual Monsters.
A rather ominious purple question mark floats in the center of the room, letting off an eerie glow that turns the room shades of purple. Rani, being the oldest of the bunch, is the first to wise up and approach it. There are some grumbles from the younger boys about having a girl do it, but otherwise it is silent.
Rani touches the floating punctuation, and a woman appears in its place. She introduces herself as "The Tutorial", and explains that she is here to help you, if you so wish. She asks you to pick from a list of topics, which float in front of her. If you wish to move on right away, there is rooms and supplies down stairs to help prepare you for your adventure. She points to a downstairs you swore wasn't there a few minutes ago.
While pondering what she meant by adventure, you peer over the list:
1. Where are we?
2. Leaving
3. Rules
4. Winning
5. Getting Started
You assume Rani will select all the options. So, you can either stay with the group and listen to The Tutorial, or get caught up later by someone in the group and get first dibs on whatever is downstairs.