Most of what I believe has already been stated, so don't expect me to respond too frequently on this thread. Anyways, here's my two cents:
Men and women may be equal under the law, but they are certainly not the same. They have different ways of thinking, some of which is genetic and some of it from cultural stimuli The most obvious differences, however, are physical. In addition to the obvious reproductive differences, men are naturally stronger, more durable, and over all more physically efficient than women, and in a life or death situation, this means
everything. There are, however, outliers in any group. Let's assume a group of women that are capable of this role, what do we do with them? To integrate them with the men could be immediately dangerous, because the natural instinct and tendency is for men to protect the women, and this can put them both in a very bad position during combat. Now let's also assume we can train soldiers to be gender blind; is this a good idea? After all, there are undeniable differences between genders, and ignoring this raises a whole new set of problems. Segregated units for women is an option.
We are equal, but we are not the same.