One thing I like about the first though: Vortexes (at least, I think that's what they're called, can't remember, been a while since I played the first).
You can literally take EVERYTHING with you to the next land. EVERYTHING. Giving me more fences (I like them for decorative purposes. Don't judge me!) to play with.
Just expect a LOT of lag.
I built a major town where it was going to appear, just for the luls.
At the end of the... 3rd land? It's where you defeat Lethys, and you get a Vortex back the first land near this huge village. I put a teleporter by my temple, and another one on the Vortex. Raise the totem all the way, and start with about 150 people in the next level.
Of course, I also found out a problem(in the next land) about having 150 people worshipping at the same tiime. If you drop someone into the crowd, it turns into a self-perpetuating mosh pit, which can't be stopped, and doesn't generate any prayer power.
The behaviour of the Creature astounded me with its seemingly total lack of logic. Then I read the two short guides here. Following some of the advice given has made this game at least 500% easier and 1000% more awesome.
Wow... just... wow. That's amazing.
Screw that, I just tie the Creature to a tree, and go about raining destruction on infidel villages.