Welcome to friggin' scrubbedcreams, I hope you like the trousers!
Hematite, part 3
Let's butcher some puppies and stuff. I just realized that we have various caged elves. I'm removing minkot from my squad for no apparent reason. Yeah, this place is so confusing, and I have no idea what to do with it.
Wait who?
Oh, that guy. Where's his corpse anyway? I found this?
Wait, that's a different Atir. I hope. While searching for any possible areas I could find his corpse for burial, I found this:
Meanwhile, Zefon the HAULER has decided to steal MY equipment. Apparently he's meant to be a military commander. I saw this creature that looked like a pile of mud, it should give the squad some decent practice.
Annoyingly, I did not notice the other uninvited guest.
Some idiot stole my kill! However,
That other beast was actually easy to kill, I was only bruised by it trying to push me repeatedly. Now we can recover whatever everyone was running over there for. I think there were some corpses or something? What kind of idiot decides to send some dwarves out, get them killed, and then seals of the cavern? Other than that, all we had was some usual fortress-y stuff like childbirths. Some clothier started acting strangely. Well, I'm not sure about that, but her acquaintances said she was.
Then again, was she? She had no friends. Meh, maybe she'll make something.
I find it funny how I have killed an infamous beast yet am not considered an "official" swordsdwarf. We seem to have a danger room, though I have absolutely no idea how to use it. Suddenly, I started feeling dizzy.... Apparently I blacked out and was dragged to bed. But then whoever it was that had dragged me started acting weird. Later on I felt better, so there's nothing to worry about there.
Malachite, Whatever the year it is
Our clothier finally decided to stop running around the fortress at a turtle's speed and do some work! It uses silk, wood, gems, and I'm not even going to ask who's bone that is. I've realized that I'm a legend... at animal caretaking. However the hell I managed that, I will never know.
Or ever know again really. Ohey, miss clothier has finished her... trousers.
At least we found out what that bone was. Giant jaguar, some elf's former mount. I wonder if it belongs to one of our prisoners...
OOC: wow, horrible fps. at one point there was a brief moment of 66 FPS out of nowhere though.