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Author Topic: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)  (Read 23161 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #75 on: April 18, 2011, 01:54:04 pm »

Scaldedabbeys Year 2, Winter Report (Late? Oh my!)

Many great things happened in Scaldedabbeys this winter...heh winter. This jungle is so hot and humid year round it didn't even feel like winter. I haven't seen snow since I embarked from the mountain homes.

Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, we have an Axelord now!
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She was one of our earliest migrants. I remember when I first drafted her last year in the fall.
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She was only a novice then, but after a year and a half of constant training she is a now a champion! Now our enemies will know fear! I hope the rest of the militia will see Roxy as an example and strive to train harder to become champions themselves. Maybe then they'll stop complaining about long patrol duty and quit raging every time I visit the barracks. I've had enough of them throwing rations at me.

After I finished trading with the dwarven merchants, I spoke with the trade liason from the DTA. The liason brougt news I could scarcely believe.
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I knew the perfect dwarf to recommend.
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We then discussed the usual trading matters. Before the liason left, he mentioned something about
Scaldedabbeys' high inflation and that we needed to make aluminum items to balance the price of goods or something like that.
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I don't really understand all this economic mumbo jumbo. I'll get around to it...eventually...
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End-of-season and year 2 report
Wealth: 580,246
Siege: No
Mandates: make aluminum items (1/1)
Population: 53
Deaths: 0
Borders: Trade Depot accessible.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #76 on: April 18, 2011, 02:06:18 pm »

6th Moonstone
I'm sending a guy in to explore the caverns.

20th Moonstone


5th Opal
Ban's done.

Also, our poor arena test subject has died of infection.

10th Opal
We're not allowed to export war hammers now.

Not that we were going to do that anyway...

25th Opal
We've heard the roars of a forgotten beast deep in the caverns...

It's pretty far away, but perhaps we should seal off the caverns anyway, just to be safe...

28th Opal
We've managed to safely mine out 33 stones of the sweet, sweet, demon-prison.

Spring has arrived!

1st Granite, 204
The whole fort's feeling the dry spell now. We can only hope our trading partners are back up to par for the next year.

End-of-year report
Wealth: 1038327☼ created, 116544☼ imported, 31483☼ exported
Orders: 1 trade ban in place.
Trading: No caravans arrived this season.
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


  • Bay Watcher
  • My name is Cedric
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #77 on: April 18, 2011, 04:39:44 pm »

Oh.  Umm...giant screws are considered trap components aren't they?  And therefore weapons?  and therefore not available to me due to trade restrictions? 

All of which means I can't build pumps.


Guess I need to build a magma piston to bring up that magma then...
Check out my comic!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #78 on: April 18, 2011, 05:48:45 pm »

Or you can just wait a year and hope the ban is lifted.

This is where the game gets interesting. How far can you go under near crippling restrictions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #79 on: April 19, 2011, 06:23:30 pm »

Scaldedabbeys Year 3, Spring Report

I seemed to have fumbled our export agreements with the other fortresses. My disorganization caused us to export more goods than Scaldedabbeys could possibly produce. We will be without gypsum powder, pig tails, and yarn thread.

Even more dire are the reports coming from the DTA. A caravan from Salverope was intercepted by goblin raiders. It was carrying eggs, chairs, and beds. Aquifier problems has distracted Hammermoths from producing enough goods for the rest of us. Now we will be without hematite, plump helmets, coffers, bone bolts, swords, catmeat, pig tail cloth, glass, Wood, and BOOZE for a whole year! The other dwarves don't know yet and I won't tell them until we're completely dry. Can't have them rioting over the little we have left.
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It won't even last half the year.

Spring was spent digging, looking for some aluminum. Instead we found something completely unexpected.
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I can't believe we were sitting on this for the last two years and never noticed! It is both a curse and a blessing. With this we wont be needing any wood to burn for fuel. But we also won't be able to dig through that molten rock so our chances of finding aluminum have dramatically decreased.

Later, more migrants and traders came. There were 19 migrants so our numbers are now 72. The elven merchants didn't bring any wood or booze as expected. We traded and I payed them off with some the most beautiful robes they have ever seen.
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They then found out the production order for aluminum went unmet and informed me that this would cause more economic woes. I had to find a patsy to take the blame, lest the other dwarves question my leadership.
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End-of-season report
Wealth: 621,055
Siege: No
Mandates: one mandate unmet
Population: 72
Deaths: 0
Borders: Trade Depot accessible.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #80 on: April 19, 2011, 09:16:28 pm »

o.o you chained your own wife Johnny?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #81 on: April 20, 2011, 03:18:28 am »

13 Sandstone

Our plans for a generator have hit a big of a snag. Adding in all the needed gears and axles, we need a bit bigger generator then the one we have now. Hopefully, we can expand it without too much trouble.

23 Sandstone

And that brings the count to 54 bedrooms, and one for the mayor. We will need to wait for the caravan from Salverope to make more for the others, but it is enough to give almost everyone a room. The old dorm upstairs is now a collection area for sand.

28 Sandstone

The remodeled generator works! Just barely, but we now have enough power. Now to put this into full motion.

5 Timber

We now have a fully working mist generator. This should make everyone happy.

More then happy even. Everyone is living an absolutely divine life here. It does not matter if your a mayor.....

Or a Child.....

12 Timber

There has been a new mandate, for Sterling Silver. Fortunately, that is fairly easy to make for us.

14 Timber

And the yearly caravan has arrived! Lets see what they have in stock.

20 Timber

The mandate has been met with ease.

28 Timber

And now a hunter has got in one of those moods. Should not be any trouble.

End of Season

Wealth 451810


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2011, 05:41:14 am »

5 Moonstone

Another mandate for sterling silver. At least this is easy for me

10 Moonstone

Now for the other project. The area has been dug out to bring the farms down closer to the fort, and the floodgates are all in place. Within the next few weeks, we should have ground suitable enough to bring the farmers down from above.

15 Moonstone

And another mandate completed.

25 Moonstone

Exploratory mining is revealing more and more veins of gold for our use. However, we just ran out of silver nuggets. Time to find more.

4 Opal

Reports shot that the forest above is halfway clearcut

1 Obsidian

We now have an irrigated farm between the storage area and the magma forges. What next I wonder. Beehives? The alliance should be pleased with the progress we have made this year, increasing our wealth by nearly a half a million in a single year, if the current trend continues.

20 Obsidian

The Granite statues in the main dining room have been replaced with solid gold statues. I wonder how the mayor feels about the common dining room being far more extravagant then his own personal dining room.

Spring has arrived
All mandates met
Wealth: 540337

I must admit, I have never had a fort as successful as this one. For the next year, I plan on removing my pop cap. It has been set at 50, so I had no new migrants this year. I really don't need to set it higher then that, but I want to provoke some titan to have at me. There are no goblins in this embark :)

That being said, I want to make sure I am ready for a titan.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 04:05:27 pm by RTiger »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #83 on: April 21, 2011, 04:57:47 pm »

o.o you chained your own wife Johnny?
Its a love hate relationship  :o


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2011, 04:58:19 pm »

Scaldedabbeys Year 3, Summer Report

Summer was spent building a sun roof for a planned statue garden. We dug some channels on the surface then jumped down into them and dug some more until we fell into the fort. Oh how my shins hurt. Were almost done covering the holes with grates so we can walk over them. I hope our enemies aren't smart enough to shoot down at us through those grates.
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We also built some roads on the surface. Usually caravans enter our territory from some random direction. I always send out an escort the moment they're spotted but it takes time to meet up with them. There's the danger that the caravan might get ambushed and slaughtered before the escort can get to them. If they use these roads I can have an escort waiting for them as they enter our territory.
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In midsummer elections were held and a mayor was elected. Some nitwit furnace operator won by a landslide. Eventhough I would have made a perfectly good mayor. Those ungrateful bastards. The first thing she did was ban the export of bronze items. Two can play that game, so I banned the exports of slabs. Take that!
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Later many people came to visit Scaldedabbeys. First migrants came and boosted our numbers to 79. Then a humongous giant came to claim Scaldedabbeys as its new lair. The militia brought it down like it was a tree and chopped it to pieces.
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Finally, a human caravan came as usual. They didn't bring any booze or wood as expected, but instead brought a diplomat from the DTA. I gave the diplomat a tour of the fort. "This is such a nice place you carved out for yourselves," he said. "Perhaps too nice? Mwahahaahah!" Then promptly left. What a jerk.

End-of-season report
Wealth: 774,067
Siege: No
Mandates: none
Population: 79
Deaths: 0
Borders: Trade Depot accessible.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #85 on: April 21, 2011, 09:43:18 pm »

I think to get titans you need at least 80 pop and about 100k created wealth. Forgotten Beats come whenever they feel like it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2011, 10:56:41 pm »

I know that.

In truth though, you only need about 50 to really keep a fort running. I never have any idles.


  • Bay Watcher
  • My name is Cedric
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    • Familiar Ground, fantasy comedy from a familiar point of view.
Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #87 on: April 22, 2011, 01:23:56 am »

We also built some roads on the surface. Usually caravans enter our territory from some random direction. I always send out an escort the moment they're spotted but it takes time to meet up with them. There's the danger that the caravan might get ambushed and slaughtered before the escort can get to them. If they use these roads I can have an escort waiting for them as they enter our territory.
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Do caravans really prefer built roads?
Check out my comic!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #88 on: April 22, 2011, 04:19:32 pm »

Scaldedabbeys Autumn Report, Year 3

Limestone, Early Autumn
The booze supplies are lasting longer than I thought they would, but many dwarves are starting the wonder why all the barrels are almost empty. I put the Mayor in charge of handling all booze related complaints. She'll take the flak instead of me hah.

One of the millers decided he preferred to grind bones instead flour. He somehow turned a ton of elephant bones into a tiny puzzlebox.
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Sandstone, Mid Autumn
We're completely dry now. Everyone is drinking from the well. More migrants and a minotaur came to Scaldedabbeys. The militia took their anger out on the minotaur. Also, the mayor mandate we make more crutches for some reason.
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Timber, Late Autumn
The statue garden lies statue-less as it would be unwise to flaunt our wealth with the current state the economy is in. But one statue couldn't hurt. We have a couple platinum bars just lying around anyways. I had the blacksmith make something that would hopefully raise everyone's spirits, despite the booze shortage. It sure cheered me up.
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Later, the dwarven caravan arrived, completely ignoring the road I built for them. Coming from the opposite direction instead. Then the goblin scum came too. They seemed content to camp at the edge of our borders so I sent the militia to drive them out. The axelords led the charge.
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Only goblin blood was spilled that day.

Trading progressed as usual. They brought no booze or wood. I gave away all the surplus of robes we had lying around. Another badger attack was put down as well. 
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End-of-season report
Wealth: 943,577
Siege: No
Mandates: Make crutches (1/1)
Population: 87
Deaths: 0
Borders: Trade Depot accessible.

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« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 02:52:19 pm by JohnnyDigs »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #89 on: April 22, 2011, 04:20:46 pm »

We also built some roads on the surface. Usually caravans enter our territory from some random direction. I always send out an escort the moment they're spotted but it takes time to meet up with them. There's the danger that the caravan might get ambushed and slaughtered before the escort can get to them. If they use these roads I can have an escort waiting for them as they enter our territory.
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Do caravans really prefer built roads?

Apparently not. Only the liaison used the road.
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