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Author Topic: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)  (Read 23126 times)


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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #150 on: April 30, 2011, 05:47:25 pm »

Scaldedabbeys Year 4, Winter Report

Moonstone, Early Winter
I met with the DTA Liason and reported our failure to meet the bronze mandates. He responded by elevating Scaldedabbeys to a Duchy and promoted me to Duke.
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Then he gave me a new list of mandates before leaving.
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Anyways, to celebrate my new status I commissioned a fancy cabinet for my dining room. least its valuable.   
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Opal, Mid Winter
A fish cleaner took over the leater works and made a leather shield with a picture of a goblin on it.
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Where's the image of the dwarf striking it down? Dumbass fishers.

The mad metal smith that we locked in the magma forge finally died of dehydration. The mayor picked up her body and buried it.
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Obsidian, Late Winter
The goblins tried to be sneaky and tried to ambush us, but the livestock outside foiled their plan by spotting them and alerting the militia. Nothing else to do this winter since I shut down all industries. Everyone likes the statue garden it seems.
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End-of-season report
Wealth: 1,280,036
Siege: No
another mandate unmet
make amulets (1/1)
make aluminum items (2/2)
Population: 107
Borders: Trade Depot accessible.

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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #151 on: April 30, 2011, 05:52:43 pm »

Any of you guys having trouble with the bee farming? My beekeepers keep wandering to the same corner of the map and get stuck there "installing hive" until they start to starve or I draft them. There's nothing in that corner but weeds. Very annoying. Keeping them from getting to that spot via burrow or raising the river bridge causes them to spam me non stop with cant get to site.


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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #152 on: April 30, 2011, 07:03:42 pm »

From here on, any mandates not met due to a hard restriction do not count against you for penalty. (Outside of dwarven justice)


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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #153 on: April 30, 2011, 10:14:56 pm »

Year 4 Spring Report, Hatchettwinkled

From the journal of Baroness Carpenter.

1 Granite 304
According to the various trade agreements I've signed, certain goods are only available from specific sources.  Unfortunately some of those sources are having problems with their exports, so it looks like this year will see a few more shortages.  The lack of plants and seeds are especially worrisome. 

Thankfully, there is still the winter crop to harvest from the ground and we should be able to produce several thousand units of booze until the other members of the alliance get their acts together.

Oh, and bars are also going to be a limited import, but thanfully, we have a good amount of metals bars currently stockpiled.
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I was initially annoyed that Mechanic got a better tomb than I did.  After all, he did get himself killed, and I'm the one doing all the important work.  Why should he get a better tomb? 
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In an effort to limit our export imbalance, I've ordered cook to stop making such extravagant roasts.  He's taken up making stews instead for local consumption.

I also ordered the stockpiling of various items that we might need in the future, such as extra pipe sections and other furniture as well as logs.  Lots of logs.  In fact, I've ordered a good part of the surface jungle to be chopped down and I'm considering expanding the tree mushroom farm.
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Work was also started on the roof, including the construction of a bee house.  Ranger told me that a place where beehives are kept is called an apiary.  I told her to mind her own business.

There are no available seeds to work the ground this year, so I told Farmer and Herder to let the fields grow fallow after they've collected the winter's crop.

I've also ordered a ditch to be dug to enclose a large area above ground.  This will allow various surface tasks without the threat of goblin ambushes.

5 Granite 304
I noticed Farmer fertilizing the fields.  I asked him why, and he said because I didn't tell him not to.  I pointed out that telling him to let the fields grow fallow means that there's no need for fertilizers.  His blank look was enough to make me grind my teeth at the stupidity of my fellow workers.

20 Granite 304
Another cavern layer was discovered between the old cavern and the magma forges.  I ordered the opening to be sealed up.  We don't have time to deal with anything that might crawl out of there right now.

26  Slate 304
More migrants.  12 of them.  I let the others deal with them.  I have more important things to do.

14 Felsite 304
Hauler gave birth to a girl.  I didn't even know she was pregnant.  Like a good worker though, she immediately went back to hauling refuse.

18 Felsite 304
Elven merchants came.  I was too busy fixing up my new room, so I told Smelter to deal with them.  He had a small amount of experience trading.  They had no seeds, plants or drinks available for sale.  Smelter said that they had some in the wagon but wouldn't sell any for some reason.  I was thinking of various punishments for him, but he redeemed himself somewhat by stating that he managed to purchase a Giant Badger from the elves.  Now all we need is a male and we can have our very own Giant Badger minions.

20 Felsite 304
I still felt that my tomb was too sparse, so I ordered the construction of two black bronze objects to decorate it with.  I was about to go write up the order when I saw Surgeon.  He looked like he was trying to duck into a doorway to avoid me!  I cornered him and told him that he's the new manager.  I don't trust him and I'll be able to watch him better if he's near me.  I told him he can set up an office in the same room as the soap workshop. 
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Year 4 End of Spring Report

Wealth 1,392,649
Population 56
1 of 1 mandate met
Depot open for trade
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« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:35:38 pm by cdrcjsn »
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #154 on: April 30, 2011, 10:16:11 pm »

Year 4 Summer report
From the Journal of Baroness Carpenter

4 Hematite
I noticed that we only have about a thousand bolts.  I want at least 200 for every inhabitant of the fort, so I placed a ban on trading bolts.

28 Hematite

A minotaur made its presence known with a loud bellow.
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An alarm went up in the fort.  Thankfully, Beekeeper and Hauler were inside at the time (they've been wandering about outside moving bees to the tower hives).  The minotaur made its way to our tunnel entrance. 
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Upon spying someone's cat, it charged and fell prey to the many traps that lined the way.  It fell to its doom with no casualties to the fort.

18 Malachite
More migrants.  Again, I couldn't be bothered to meet them.  Frankly, I'm starting to get annoyed with all these newcomers.  Who do they think they are, mooching off our hard earned labors?

21  Malachite
KitchenHauler got in a strange mood and made a veil.  Is someone getting married that I hadn't heard about?  Nobody's cleared it with me, so there better not be!
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3 Galena
Hauler's first son has reached an age where he can actually do real work now.  I named him Peasant.  Hauler's none too pleased, but she really does need to learn her place.

10 Galena
A human diplomat arrived with the human trade caravan.  I don't know why he came to be honest.  He didn't really say much or make any agreements.  He did take an unusually intense interest in our traps and defenses.  I need to make sure that we put up some more once he leaves.  I don't trust him.

21  Galena

An ambush!
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We became aware of it when they started whooping and yelling as they shot at a guard chicken on the roof.  The stupid goblins weren't even smart enough to kill it.
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  Three squads of goblins (crossbowmen, archers, and spearmen) fell to their deaths in the dodge traps. 

Year 4 Summer Report

Wealth 1,422,518
Population 63
No mandates
Trade ban observed
One caravan succesfully traded with
Trade depot open
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« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:41:08 pm by cdrcjsn »
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #155 on: April 30, 2011, 10:18:25 pm »

Year 4 Autumn Report
From the journal of Surgeon

Miss Carpenter has ordered me the task of managing jobs around the outpost, so I thought it best to write things down for posterity's sake.  If this journal were to also help establish that I am not negligent in my duties, that Miss Carpenter cannot place the blame on me for contradictory (or non-existent) orders, so much the better.

1 Limestone

I approved the request of Hunter, Ranger, and Hauler to do a bit of hunting.  I don't see why not?  There's a great amount of livestock wandering about.  Why not take advantage of that, especially since the natives seem to like the roasts that Cook makes.  That reminds me.  I need to ask why Cook has stopped making his fantabulous roasts.  I mean his stews are good, but not as great as his previous creations. Maybe I can convince him to go back to making roasts.

6 Timber
Miss Carpenter placed a note on my desk forbidding the export of amulets.  Strange, since I don't know anyone in the fort that are actually making them, but I filed it in with the rest of her odd requests.

22 Timber
The dwarven trade caravan has arrived.  Miss Carpenter was too busy entertaining the liaison, so GemSetter took over the trading duties.  They're paying a premium for figurines, so perhaps GemSetter can afix a few gems on one and sell it to them the next time they're around.
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25 Timber
Goblins are attacking again.  Or at least someone tells me.  I wouldn't know.  I've been stuck here in my office updating the work orders.  Considering that my desk is in the hospital, I guess it's a good thing that I'm alone down here.

26 Timber
I guess all that energy from the goblin ambush had to go somewhere.  Everyone seems very enthusiastic about combat drills lately.  Even those that are not in the milita are getting into it.  Perhaps I'll join in.  I suppose it can't hurt to learn how to shoot a crossbow.
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28 Timber
I saw the liaison from the homelands emerge from Miss Carpenter's office.  There were laughing and smiling.  He said something like "til next time my Lady" and bowed to her.  I thought, a nice man.  Very gallant and gracious, calling a commoner a lady, even though he was a proper Baron.  When Miss Carpenter saw me though, there was fury in her eyes.  She marched over to where I was and started berating me about eavesdropping.  I had to apologize and tried to convince her that I hadn't heard anything and that I wasn't eavesdropping.  I don't think she believed me.  She told me that I would be sorry if I told anyone else what I heard and stomped off.
OOC - HatchetTwinkled is now a County

Year 4 Autumn Report
Wealth 1,468,996
Ban on amulet export 1/1
Caravan successfully traded with
Depot accessible
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« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:44:42 pm by cdrcjsn »
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #156 on: April 30, 2011, 10:20:37 pm »

Year 4 Winter Report
From the Journal of Countess Carpenter

1 Moonstone 304

I was right!  That sneaking Surgeon has been spying on me!  Who sent him?  Is he an agent of one of those other forts in the alliance?  No matter.  I'm aware of him now.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  I understand what that means now.  I have to treat everyone around me as if they're out to get me because they probably are...

Oh, another squad of goblins came to attack.  They died.

14 Moonstone 304
Beekeeper was assaulted by a badger as he was gathering bees for the tower hives.  It was pretty funny the way that badger chased him all over the place.
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Opal 15 304
Farmer had too much time on his hands.  Since the farms were all fallow, he's just been hauling refuse.  Today however he decided to take a break from that and make himself a leather glove.  One glove.  Out of chicken skin.  I hope it helps him haul better, because that's what he's gonna keep on doing.
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20 Opal 304
A great Raven announced its presence in the upper caverns.  Thankfully there is no entrance to the fort proper, so it's not much of a threat.  I'm tempted to send a squad of crossbowmen to shoot it down from the fortifications.
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19 Obsidian 304
A gang of goblins came again.  Most of them were killed off in the traps, but one managed to make its way out.  Before it got away however, a squad of militia was able to intercept it.  One brilliant recruit thought it would be a good idea to venture out there without a weapon and decided to resort to fisticuffs. 
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23  Obsidian 304

Another goblin ambush.  Of bowmen this time.  They died even faster than the previous group.

26  Obsidian 304
Another forgotten beast has come, this time a large wolf creature with wings.  It's in the lower cavern areas.  I think that area is secure.  I'm pretty sure...I better go check.
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Year 4 End of Year Report
Final Wealth  1,693,744
Change from Year 3 Wealth  +344,664
Population 69
Caravans traded with this year 3/3
Mandates 1/1
Trade bans observed 2/2
No deaths of significance
Trade Depot open for business
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« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:50:50 pm by cdrcjsn »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #157 on: April 30, 2011, 10:21:36 pm »

I'll update screenshots later as soon as I can remember the password to my host...

Now updated with screenshots.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:52:56 pm by cdrcjsn »
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #158 on: April 30, 2011, 11:20:23 pm »

Any of you guys having trouble with the bee farming? My beekeepers keep wandering to the same corner of the map and get stuck there "installing hive" until they start to starve or I draft them. There's nothing in that corner but weeds. Very annoying. Keeping them from getting to that spot via burrow or raising the river bridge causes them to spam me non stop with cant get to site.

I don't have that problem.  But my beekeepers do take an insanely long time to gather bees.  They hang around one spot like you describe for almost an entire month before they go back, and they're usually thirsty way out in the fields.

Maybe activating your burrows keep interrupting their work?

After I gathered a few hives though, I kept them inside the fort and switched all the hives I did have to split only, not harvest, so they'll just use those rather than run outside again.  I figure from here on out, I'll keep half on harvest and half on split only.
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #159 on: April 30, 2011, 11:23:33 pm »

Oh, and have we decided what to do with Salverope?

Is someone reclaiming it?  Are we trying to recruit someone new? Potatolord posted the save on page 8.

If not, then are we keeping the bans permanently?

I can try reclaiming it if nobody else wants to do it.

Whatever works for folks is fine by me.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 03:52:52 am by cdrcjsn »
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #160 on: May 01, 2011, 08:54:11 am »

I believe it is still a bug that if you have more then one beekeeper, they will all run for one hive and then get stuck there when they aren't the ones to harvest it. Currently it is best to just have one beekeeper, or to cancel their orders by drafting them and then resetting them as keepers.


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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #161 on: May 01, 2011, 08:43:51 pm »

As BBF said he would be late, I offer him an extention, this time


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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #162 on: May 02, 2011, 05:28:03 pm »

So, completely unexpectedly, I've got no access to my usual computer today. Well, not completely unexpectedly, I had enough warning that I could throw my DF on a flash drive and play it here. It's a few years older than my computer and my FPS is really feeling it.

That's not really important though; as I've nothing better to do I'll probably finish today as planned anyway.

The point of this post is, if I trade X empty barrels for an equal number of booze-filled barrels, does it count as violating the restriction on barrels?

(Probably should have asked that earlier, instead of the moment the human caravan arrived.)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 05:58:38 pm by billybobfred »
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #163 on: May 02, 2011, 05:46:17 pm »

That actually sounds like a clever way of getting around the issue.

I'll defer to RT's verdict though since he's setting the rules.
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Re: Dwarf Trade Alliance (Co-op Fortress)
« Reply #164 on: May 02, 2011, 05:54:36 pm »

It would be against the restrictions, but, I would not be against counting a barrel of Booze as Booze and not a barrel.
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