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Author Topic: How about Sonic mods?  (Read 20802 times)


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2011, 03:48:14 am »

Here's a rar with what I've done so far:

Included are the following:
Swatbot (Comics/TV show)
Replication bot (Made up to represent manufacturing)
Burrowbot (Sonic 1)
Burrowbot MKII (Sonic 2)
Buzzbot (Sonic 1)

Problems that I'm aware of, but can't fix due to not knowing how (help?):
Colors for the badniks optical sensors, and bodies.
BADNIK:SWATBOT:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: NECK_GYRO

Problems that I'm aware of, but forgot to fix:
Inappropriate prefstring for badniks. ([PREFSTRING:height])
Badnik language is way too big.
Buzzbot (Sonic 1) only has thrusters, and no wings. He can still fly fine though.
Balance vs standard creatures. Although it's kind of hard to balance an army of super advanced robots in a world filled with iron shortswords without completely nerfing the badniks. I might make all of the bots aluminium instead of steel in the future.
Noble position names are really campy right now and need to be re-done.

I haven't done very much testing in fortress mode, but everything -should- work properly.

Near future:
Slow learning for the bots, and more bots with natural skills, like digging and combat. The purpose of this is to make the player use the appropriate bots for certain situations. For example, burrowbots should always be the first choice for mining due to their natural mining skill, even if it is still possible to use swatbots for mining.

Adjusted litter sizes.
Buzzbomber mk II (Sonic 2)
Motobug (Sonic 1)
More balanced out physical attributes between badnik castes. Right now swatbots are just too strong.
Tile set.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 03:49:50 am by [5th]Lupin »


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2011, 12:42:22 pm »

I haven't tried out the mod yet, but in context, it does make sense that the badniks should be made of the lighter aluminum anyway, unless they need some serious strength (steel drills for the burrowbots) or something. Then again, I guess the badniks could be modular as they are (also in context), so I guess certain inter-changeable parts can be different tools you can build, but Mobians can still use as well (drill = Pick, chainsaw = axe, and so on). I don't think Deon would mind you borrowing some notes on how he did it with the Fallout/Wasteland Mod. This can also make the Mobians more modern as well. In regards to swords and such, those can be vibro-blades (like you see in Star Wars: KOTOR or XCOM), knives can be prog-knives (Evangelion), whips can be of the energy variety (like copper electro-whips) or something. We can't forget, using traders and such, consider it like Eggman dealing in the black markets of local regions (even better when the caravan arc is developed even more). Make him seem more rotten. Speaking of trade, we need some noble-class badniks. I suppose variable eggbots can still apply for the role, seeing as they resemble Eggman/Robotnik, I think it would work well (kinda suits his ego too). Eggbot = Noble unit.

I like the idea of natural specialization (initial stats and slow learning). However, allow them to learn a bit quicker via teaching/schools. Consider it like a network update of their programming or synching up their knowledge and skills. It may allow for some abuse, but then again, that's what the starting 7 are for anyway. Take advantage of the crippling over-specialization by making it less crippling if you can "network" (upload/download/dropbox) information between badniks (Elites "educate" mooks). Of course, they will require some points in teaching to do that best. Proper management of that can help make the migrants/backup forces more useful after the first few days of working, provided proper 'education'.

In the meantime, I wonder if anyone will be up to the task of making the tiles for each class best associated with their original counterparts. May require some research into how they look, and what would look best scaled down.

Nice rendering BTW.

Regarding crutches and such, leave them as they are. I mean, for inexplicable reasons, robots still use crutches when broken apart in the comics/series (though they just explode in the games). So leave it in for the innate comedic effect. It won't affect the Mobians either.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 02:49:19 pm by Itnetlolor »


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2011, 04:47:49 pm »

you could have it where the robots do not eat or drink though they will have frail bodies and killing one releases vermin. I wonder with the discovery of Adventure crossing to fort mode could one just make Ivo a playable human caste and use Dfusion to make all zones accessible to him. that way you could play Adventure mode as the good doctor building zones and crafting the worlds largest space theme park and or using his robot army to ran sack some human forts. Reaching the set number of bots/or rings will lead to a 'freedom fighter'/'Sonic friends' to attack and hopefully you made a escape route so that you can get your fast running fat butt out of there.
I thought I would I had never hear my daughter's escapades from some boy...
"body swapping and YOU!"
Adventure in baby making!Adv Homes

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2011, 06:49:19 pm »

I tried my hand at a burrowbot, using ironhand's stuff as a reference.

I kinda like him.
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2011, 07:02:59 pm »

Agh, lost my post while editing it, so instead of rewriting the whole thing, I'll just summarize what I was going to say.

Yes I think I'm going to downgrade them to aluminium.

Adding body part specific materials is something I don't really know how to do. It's not my specialty. So I don't know how to make the drills steel. I would need an example for an inorganic creature.

I was planning on making drills and chainsaws. This should be pretty easy so I don't need to rip them from wasteland.

While the idea for superswords sounds nice, I'm not too sure about it. I was planning on the badniks to use their natural melee attacks, and it wouldn't make sense for badgermen to be running around with plasma whips. Once I downgrade the bots to aluminium normal weapons shouldn't be completely useless against the badniks. After all, I've seen a badgerman bite the head off a buzzbomber before.

I don't think it's possible to assign a specific caste (eggbot only) to noble positions. The way it is now is that any badnik can have any position. And it's really not too strange considering Robotnik's second in command was a crabmeat badnik.

I don't think there are schools in this version. However, I -can- make training workshops that boost pretty much any skill imaginable.

you could have it where the robots do not eat or drink though they will have frail bodies and killing one releases vermin. I wonder with the discovery of Adventure crossing to fort mode could one just make Ivo a playable human caste and use Dfusion to make all zones accessible to him. that way you could play Adventure mode as the good doctor building zones and crafting the worlds largest space theme park and or using his robot army to ran sack some human forts. Reaching the set number of bots/or rings will lead to a 'freedom fighter'/'Sonic friends' to attack and hopefully you made a escape route so that you can get your fast running fat butt out of there.

I currently have them setup to not require food or drink, and it will probably stay like that. Right now when a badnik dies it drops a bar that's the same material as the bot. In the future I'm going to replace the bar with "scrap". Yeah eventually there will be freedom fighters to test all of your doomsday devices on.  ;)

I tried my hand at a burrowbot, using ironhand's stuff as a reference.

I kinda like him.

I really like it. At first I was just going to use the original sprites, but if you can make more tiles like that I would be glad to put them into the mod!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 07:06:19 pm by [5th]Lupin »


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2011, 07:27:02 pm »

The reason schools no longer work, iirc, is that reactions which produce no product give no exp, but reactions where the product is the same as the reagent do work. So just make data disk toys, a custom reaction to make them from sand or clay(microchips or ceramic drives), and a custom teaching reaction that consumes a data disk to produce a data disk. That's basically your training workshops, just with a bit more flavour.

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2011, 07:34:48 pm »

I tried my hand at a burrowbot, using ironhand's stuff as a reference.

I kinda like him.

I really like it. At first I was just going to use the original sprites, but if you can make more tiles like that I would be glad to put them into the mod!

No prob. What variation of SWATbot would you like? Also, what should the replication bots look like?
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2011, 07:43:32 pm »

The reason schools no longer work, iirc, is that reactions which produce no product give no exp, but reactions where the product is the same as the reagent do work. So just make data disk toys, a custom reaction to make them from sand or clay(microchips or ceramic drives), and a custom teaching reaction that consumes a data disk to produce a data disk. That's basically your training workshops, just with a bit more flavour.

Yeah I'll try that out.

I tried my hand at a burrowbot, using ironhand's stuff as a reference.

I kinda like him.

I really like it. At first I was just going to use the original sprites, but if you can make more tiles like that I would be glad to put them into the mod!

No prob. What variation of SWATbot would you like? Also, what should the replication bots look like?

Basically this, except silver and grey instead of silver and brown:

About the replication bots.. I'm not really sure to be honest. Right now they have the same basic body as a swatbot, but they're far less durable/agile/strong.

Maybe as a placeholder we can just use the swatbot sprite, just with different colors. And on that subject, I'm going to include a repairbot in the future that will handle all the "medical" duties. For this, just take the swatbot sprite and give it some yellow paint.

Thanks. :)

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2011, 08:27:44 pm »

So, here are a couple more prototypes, and I also edited the burrowbot a bit.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 08:29:15 pm by elf-fondling human »
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2011, 08:28:56 pm »

So, here are a couple more prototypes, and I also edited the burrowbot a bit.

Thanks. I'll add those in right now, and I might post a new version pretty soon.

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2011, 08:31:05 pm »

Whoops, I broke it... I'm still not totally happy with the swatbot, so I fixing it up a bit and I changed the link.

This is the latest version, I guess.

Update: added a medicbot proto.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 08:50:46 pm by elf-fondling human »
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2011, 09:54:41 pm »

Thanks for the graphics, EFH.

Here's the latest version of the mod:

Included are the following:
Swatbot (Comics/TV show)
Replication bot (Made up to represent manufacturing)
Burrobot (Sonic 1)
Burrobot MKII (Sonic 2)
Buzzbomber (Sonic 1)
Buzzbomber mkII (Sonic 2)
Motobug (Sonic 1)
Repair bot (Made up to represent repairing/the medical system)


Scrap metal (corpse item)
Badniks hated by all races

Graphics by Elf-Fondling-Human
Oil plants by Elf-Fondling-Human

Name corrections.
Burrobots now have a drill nose.
Buzzbombers have earned their wings back.
All badniks are aluminium now.
Pref strings for all badniks.
Some entity changes.
Inter-badnik balance evened up a bit. Swatbots aren't 5000 strength killing machines anymore, although you still don't want to get attacked by one.
Probably a bunch of other stuff  that I can't remember.

Problems that I'm aware of, but still can't fix due to not knowing how (help?):
Colors for the badniks optical sensors, and bodies.
BADNIK:SWATBOT:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: NECK_GYRO

Problems that I'm aware of, but forgot to fix:
Badnik language is still a little big.
Noble position names are really campy right now and need to be re-done.

I haven't done very much testing in fortress mode, but everything -should- work properly.

Near future:
Adjusted litter sizes.
Less common swatbots.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:56:40 pm by [5th]Lupin »

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2011, 02:48:53 pm »

Got the Mk IIs done, I think they're ok for now.
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.


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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2011, 06:39:24 pm »

Got the Mk IIs done, I think they're ok for now.

Thanks. I'll put them in later.

I should also probably make a thread pretty soon since I don't think anybody actually knows about the mod. ::)

elf-fondling human

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Re: How about Sonic mods?
« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2011, 08:10:13 pm »

Also, I'll try coloring the swatbots pink to represent replication bots for now.
That didn't last long, huh? Shame, cause binary's cool. Anyway, an important message: I will be changing my names on every username based thing I use to ASCIt on/around 10/1. Consolidating, I guess you could say.
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