I got burned out on xx.18 months ago because i found it impossible to control the lag. Now i'm loading up xx.25 and i'm praying not to run into the same problems. So here's the story:
I said "screw this lag stuff, I'm going to build a lag free fortress!" And so i went about doing that. I picked a flat, 40z level, no water, featureless desert, 3x3. I used reveal to make sure it contained no underground water, and 1 layer of caverns, which contained no swarms of units. I disabled temperature and weather, and started digging.
I built a fortress which grew mushrooms and had no animals. The only drink was mushroom wine, and the only food was prepared meals made from mushrooms. There were no engravings and the population cap was set to 30. Each dwarf had his own cabinet to keep clothing in, and I atom smashed everything i could get away with, including any stone i didn't need right now. I littered the surface with atom smashers and smashed any caravans/invasions/wild animals, and tried hard to keep all my dwarves alive so i didn't have to deal with ghosts. I monitored my farms so there was never an overflow of food, and I atom smashed all my refuse, all loose clothing, all crafts and tradegoods. I never breached the magma or the caverns, and restricted my digging only to necessary areas.
I made each z level about a 20x20 room, with multiple stockpiles and workshops and whatever placed in a roomlike pattern, just missing the walls between them. there were many stairways, so that there would be absolutely no traffic jams at doors or stairs. I used cleanmap all over the place, and monitored the dirtiness of my dwarves, spawning water to rinse them occasionally.
despite all this, i got reduced to 1/4fps by the 5th year just as if I wasn't trying to prevent lag at all. The different draw procedures didn't seem to do anything to the frame rate except break the game on the opengl modes. this is with g_fps already reduced to 20.
So now i come to you people. It seems that every trick in Maximizing Framerate is trivial. Is it just the case that lag can not be prevented and there's just a 5 year limit on fortresses?
It was fun to have 25 atom smashers on the surface, i've never had so many before.