Well, I realize my first problem is that I'm using VB and not C++, Java, or flash. But that's what I've got. (Visual Studio 2010 on both desktop and laptop, so.)
So I decided I wanted to make a game where you could play as a dragon vs all the heroes and whatnot that you usually play as, as a sort of... hybrid pet game. (to be honest, I first saw this game style in the form of some X-rated Japanese flash game, but I liked the simplistic RPG-style.) The short version of it is that I'm making it a... turn-based RPG with strategic elements (overland maps, cave layouts, dealing with angry peasants/heroes/kings/etc at your cave doors, etc.).
But. The most code I knew prior to starting this project was HTML and a java applet where a little robot thing turned and picked up a ball. Or something, idk, it was a few years ago. It's been going pretty smoothly, but I've reached the point that I can't just keep adding what I do know without compromising the rest.
The issue I have right now is that of classes. What I want to do is write up a CSV file with stats for every creature in the game (although, if it can be done, I'd like ot do it such that the CSV holds ranges of stats -eg 2d6 or 2-12 or 7 +/- 5, etc- as to keep every individual in the game unique. This actually become necessary with NPCs, but I'd like to hold off on them until the rest of this is working.) And then I'd like to have the program read the CSV file and generate stats for a creature. So far I've got "clsCritters.vb" which is a class file, and holds the following (note that I haven't finished all the properties):
Public Class clsCritter
'load them into memory at game launch- Dim creatures(0) As clscritter / creaures(0).name=clsCritter.name / etc.- And thne - querey a CSV for those values. Then I can call those values. I don't know if I cam have more than one instance of a creautre tho. Ask about this.
Public Shared crittercount As Integer = 1
Private m_ID As Integer
Private m_Name As String
Private m_displayName As String 'This is for when there are more than one of these in a room. increment the name with (+=1) every time.
Private m_Is_Animal As Boolean
Private m_Age As Integer
Private m_Treasure As Integer
Private m_meat As Integer
Private m_bones As Integer
Private m_hide As Integer
Private m_vore As String
Private m_voreQty As Integer
Private m_tags As String
Private m_HP As Integer
Private m_Durability As Integer
Private m_Strength As Integer
Private m_Grace As Integer
Private m_Intellect As Integer
Private m_Willpower As Integer
Private m_Magic As Integer
Private m_skl_Atk As Integer
Private m_skl_Def As Integer
Private m_skl_BrthWpn As Integer
Private m_skl_Acro As Integer
Private m_skl_Athl As Integer
Private m_skl_Ste As Integer
Private m_skl_Fly As Integer
Private m_skl_Hnt As Integer
Private m_skl_Frge As Integer
Private m_skl_Frm As Integer
Private m_skl_Cook As Integer
Private m_skl_Blf As Integer
Private m_skl_Nego As Integer
Private m_skl_Intu As Integer
Private m_skl_Inst As Integer
Private m_skl_Lead As Integer
Private m_skl_Arcn As Integer
Private m_skl_Pray As Integer
Private m_skl_Shm As Integer
Private m_skl_Cln As Integer
Private m_skl_Eng As Integer
Private m_skl_FstAid As Integer
Private m_skl_Mine As Integer
Private m_skl_Srgy As Integer
'craft skills
Private m_skl_crf_stone As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_jewel As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_glass As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_wood As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_bone As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_cloth As Integer
Private m_skl_crf_leather As Integer
'properties. Get and Set rules for all. accsess via "clsCritter.[property]" e.g. "clsCritter.Name = 'Goblin'" will change the m_Name value to "Goblin". Can be read with something like " txtBox.text= clsCritter.name"
Public Property Name() As String
Return m_Name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
m_Name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ID() As String
Return m_ID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
m_ID = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
And the player's stats are "clsPlayer.vb" which is a class that inherits clsCritters.
And I'm not sure what else to DO. I can build a CSV file with columns for all those stats easy enough (most of them all default to 0), but I have no idea how to load that info into the prog. I think I need an array? But I've also seen examples that use structures to achieve similar ends, and that just confuses me more.
I know i'm going to have more issues once this is resolved, but I'd like to focus on this one for now, as it's the biggest hurdle. If i can get player stats and multiple creatures of the same type initialized at once, I can wing some mediocre combat code to test it, and once I have that, I can package a test build and start working on the rest of the game!
P.S. Once I have a combat sim running, I'll publish it and put up v0.0.0(a) for anybody who's interested. There's a LOT planned; you'll have to deal with getting loot, food, livestock, hirelings and/or slaves and/or prisoners, attacking villages, castles, armies, and bandits, learning from wizards, priests, and shaman, monopolizing industry, raising armies, conquering regions, collecting taxes, destroying crops, finding mates, running criminal syndicates, and anything else I can think of.