>delete chains
Come on guys, we don't want our new dude to suffocate over here, let's focus.
>lock ChangeCHEM(Steward.05)
Also, "seal" is the command that prevents things from being moved.
whisper(Soltesz, By the gods, do we need to do everything? You just sort of stood there and let this happen! Man, we told you things were going to very quickly get dangerous and you are NOT doing to so hot so far! Anyways, pretty sure I've got a guess what your task is now. Lady Andrea sounds like some sort of secret vampire monster, and you're going to have to kill her. Sound right? Sounds like fun at least, right? Succeed, and you'll retire to a life of leisure and more wealth than she has, so I think you should consider it as an improvement over getting killed in here, but I hope you've got some ideas on how to get out of here.)
Look (<x>) Object <x> is described in more detail.
Help (<x>) Displays help for object <x>. <x> can be a command as well.
CheckATT (<x>) Lists the five highest tasks for object <x>.
CheckINV (<x>) Lists all the items in object <x>'s inventory.
AddATT (<x>.<y>.<n>) Adds task <y> to object <x>'s task list. Task <y> starts with <n> points.
RaiseATT (<x>.<y>.<n>) The task <y> is increased by <n> ATT points for object <x>.
LowerATT (<x>.<y>.<n>) The task <y> is decreased by <n> ATT points for object <x>.
AddINV (<x>.<y>) Adds item <y> into object <x>'s inventory.
CheckCHEM (<x>) Check the rate of object <x>'s chemical processes.
ChangeCHEM (<x>.<y>) Change object <x>'s chemical processes to <y> times normal.
Say (<string>) Say <string> out loud.
Whisper (<string>.<x>) Say <string> so that only object <x> may hear.
Veto (<command>) Veto a command. If more people veto a command than approve it, the command will not be used. You cannot veto Approve or Veto commands.
Approve (<command>) Approve a command. If more people approve a command than veto it, the command will be used. You cannot approve Veto or Approve commands.
Scatter (<x>) Moves object <x> in a random direction. Object <x> must weight less than 0.5Kg.
Push (<x>.<y>) Applies enough force to object <x> to move it in direction <y> by 1 m/s, assuming a frictionless, gravityless environment. Any forces acting upon the object may cause it to move less then 1 m/s.
Seal (<x>) Prevents object <x> from being opened/moved.
Unseal (<x>) Allows object <x> to be opened/moved.
Lock (<command>) Prevents <command> from being deleted. <command> must have a permanent effect for it to be locked.
Unlock (<command>) Allows <command> to be deleted. You can only unlock commands that have been locked by proponents.
Delete (<command>) Deletes <command> and all its effects. <command> must have a permanent effect, and not be locked.
VoteMUTE (<x>) Creates a new vote to mute proponent <x>. If the vote passes, proponent <x> is banned from using the whisper or say commands for one IUD (In Universe Day.)
VoteYES (<x>) Vote yes to vote <x>.
VoteNO (<x>) Vote no to vote <x>.
ClearRAM (<x>) The RAM is checked for needless entries, and removes them, freeing up RAM for other tasks. Up to <x>% of the RAM will be cleared. WARNING: 20% of CPU cycles and 10% of the RAM is needed at one time for this command to run. If the amount of CPU cycles or RAM is not available, the command will take longer to complete.
DrainCPU (<x>) The CPU is checked for needless cycles, and removes them, freeing up CPU cycles for other tasks. Up to <x>% of the CPU cycles will be drained for use. WARNING: 20% of CPU cycles and 15% of the RAM is needed at one time for this command to run. If the amount of CPU cycles or RAM is not available, the command will take longer to complete.