Okay, I'll do that in the future. I've been jumping between before and after the picture as the mood strikes me to be honest. And I've been playing Europa Universalis III so that's slowing the flow of the updates. (Started as Castille, managed to form Spain a few years back at the turn of the 1500 hundreds. Currently wiping the Mamluks off of the face of the earth, grabbing some territories from the golden horde cos they're allied to the Mamluks, and planning a final annexation strike at the Naples single remaining territory. Also colonising Africa and America. Got most of North Africa and Starting on South. Been a bit slow in the Americas but I'm getting there. I'm planning to remove France's few remaining coastal territories in Europe so that they can't make colonies and wipe out England cos they've already started colonising. Portugal is already out of the game. The colonies are getting bit restive with my constant warmaking so I'm thinking of getting the bill of rights national idea. At lest I have a goodish judge advisor and courthouses, I should probably slow my expansion a bit but want to get my slice of the pie before England. The Ottoman Empire is my main worry, Poland is rather huge but I'm most probably going to be the next Holy Roman Emperor once the current Austrian one dies so that should be okay for now.)