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Author Topic: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort  (Read 20703 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #45 on: April 10, 2011, 04:02:22 pm »

I'll jump to it tomorow, and hope Obi doesnt find a way to the surface.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2011, 11:49:14 pm »

Dorf me and put me in for a turn.

Joshua IX

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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2011, 08:19:13 am »

I'll jump to it tomorow, and hope Obi doesnt find a way to the surface.

Not currently possible unless someone pulls the wrong leve, though I imagine the carverns will eventually have to be accessed :s
Whatever happens, make it ironic dwarfy magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2011, 02:00:43 pm »

A drop of sweat dripped from my forehead, I could feel it, I don't know why I remember it, maybe because at that moment my spear was hitting a goblin hammerer in the heart, removing him from this plane of existence. We all have a purpose, and I knew mine.....WAR. Since childhood I have been working to become one thing, war itself, a short, spear wielding destroyer of everything that I am ordered to destroy. Learning my way to become better I realised two things: follow orders, and make them happy, make them darn nobles happy. Why? Because they are good only for one thing, FUEL for war, they are the magma of war with there intrigues and plots.
 Next goblin in line, first his right arm, always disable his weapon hand, then the heart, fast strike, and suddenly......silence......darkness....sounds from battle fading, could this be it, is the end here? I'm too good to die like this, I want a grand death not this......whatever I should call it.
Suddenly I heard a female voice, growing in intensity, and in front of me, in the middle of pitch darkness she appeared. “Thecko, it is time to go somewhere more urgent”,
 “Where, what is this, am I dead or what, who the hell are you?” I replied.
 The voice hummed: “Patience dwarf, you need patience, you are the best, and you are wasting your earthen life, I have need of you”,
“To hell with you, i'm needed on the battlefield, not here, who are you to say to me where I should be?!!?” I replied in anger.
“You are special, and I have a task for you”,
I started to feel weak, like my muscular body is being drained, and suddenly a light, and then darkness again, this time it came from my closed eyelids.....
I heard a voice yelling: “Thokut, Thokut, you are needed, wake up.”
Damn, all that female darkness crap was a dream, and opening my eyelids revealed that I was somewhere.....somewhere I never been, looks like a room, but no pain, so its no hospital.
I heard a voice say: “Thokut, you are awake, please hurry, you are summoned”
“Go somewhere and die, whoever the hell are you, and take that Thokut guy with you to the grave!” I nervously replied.
“Thokut....are you alright, why do you talk to me like that?”
Looking around the room I could see a dwarf at the doorway, looking at me with expectation.
“What the hell are you looking at, Thokut is not here, cant you see I am the only one in this goddamn room!?!?”
“You sound strange Thokut, did you have a bad dream?
My dwarven logic pointed that the dwarf at my doorway was talking to me, yet my mind was ignoring that fact, since I was not Thokut, I was Thecko, mighty speardwarf of the noble Lust Oglizomb, in whose service I was since my teen days.
“Thokut, why are you looking at me like that?”
“To hell with you and Thokut, get out of here pesky dwa...”, my mouth have stopped moving, eyes were looking at my hands with my brain filling with strange information. These are not my hands, these are hands of a weakling. Thinking “what the hell” I realised that I am skinny, no muscles, just bone and skin,  I am WEAK!
“Was I so gravely wounded that I needed to rest so long?”
“You were never wounded in your life as I recall.”
Then darkness again, cold darkness, with one thing on my mind “What the HELL is going ON?!!?” 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #49 on: April 13, 2011, 11:14:53 am »

“You are catching on It seems”
“What am I catching on, I am transformed into some freak dwarf!!!”
“You are summoned to a place of great interest to me”
“What place, who the hell are you summoning me and making me....weak!?!!?”
“I am the one you pray to every night, I am the goddess Lil Shellsrampart”
At this point it was too much for me, I could hold off ten goblins, wrestle an elf to death, but this, this was too much for my dwarf senses!
“You are in Drunkewhims of Artifice, the place I plan to make one of the strongest fortresses in dwarven history!
“The new colony?! Those shaggy soapmakers and lumberjacks!?!? THEY?! You must be joking, I tried to explain to the lords that the military should form new colonies, not some peasants!”
“Seems to me you are now the leader of those peasants, I will give you guidelines along the way, for now...enjoy your stay. Oh, and sorry I couldnt teleport you, it would be rather suspicious to the demon lords, so your mind is transported to one of those “peasants” as you call them. ”
Darkness gave way to the light, and that dwarf was still at my doorway.
“Thokut, are you going to get up?”
“Yes, and stop calling me Thokut, I am Thecko for crying out loud!”
Then I felt mind used to my reflexes and strenght tried jumping out of bed, only to find out that my back is hurting like hell, must have springed something!
“Ok, what do you want” I said with my right hand massaging my back
“The expedition leader wants to see you”
That damn dwarf started walking, and I followed, only to in HELL!
This place is horrible, everything is tossed all around the place!
Occasional bypassers would greet me, only to return a strange look seeing my face.
We arrived, it was a short walk, since the fortress is so small.
I entered somekind of an office, the first half decent thing I seen here, I kinda liked the gallery in front of the office.
“Oh, Thekud, I see you are awake, excuse me for waking you up, but we have a rather big problem”
This dwarf was some kind of a leader, I would say he is a peasant, but this time my diplomacy stoped me from saying it aloud.
“We have dug too deep, and we discovered something down there, it killed our poor stonecrafter. I had a feeling, and as you know, I always trust my feelings, that you are the one I need to talk to regarding this problem”
“Yes, I am, if you need to kill something, im your dwarf!”
“Pfffew, I thought I would need to convince you, but you seem quite eager”
“Yes, just give me some men and equipment and ill see what I can do”
The dwarf stood silent, he looked embaresed, finnaly opening his mount with a whisper: “You see, that is the problem, our men are not trained....and we have no equipment”
“What!? What do you expect me to do without proper gear!?”
“That will be your problem from now on, you will see to it that we have a grand and powerfull military!”, with the end of that sentence, he put his hands on his chest, looked at the other dwarf, and clearly stated that this conversation is over.
We were walking down the hallway, if you can call that a hallway, not a sewer drain,
“I want to check out the millitary”
“Yes, right this way”
I entered the barracks, with troops inside, and I almost vomited by the state of them and their equipment, something must be done!
“I want an arena dug out, we need it for practice and prooving! Secondly, for inspiration, I want classy rooms dug out, and decorated in the latest dwarven fashion! Only dwarfs that prove themselves may have a nice room, and of course to keep them sharp, under the room will be their tomb, just so they might know that death is always lurking! I like the idea of an open barracks, fresh air is good, opposite from what those medicine dwarf say! And we need a tannery and leather armorer, better leather equipment then nothing!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2011, 11:19:54 am »

21. Granite- If the arena is to work, we need prisoners to FUEL it, I have begun the construction of cages and mechanisms, and started picking spots for cage traps.

22. Granite-I realised we have a tannery, but now I can atleast remove one workshop from the main corridor, what will the liason think when they come and see all this crap in our main hallway!?

 By the end of granite all of the new rooms were dug out, I spent most of my time getting to know the fortress, thinking what can be upgraded. We really need those weapons.

4. Slate- Im starting to realise I dont have magma knowledge, and I fear that my inexpirience with magma could cost someone his life, so currently I stoped thinking about magma furnaces.

5. Slate- Since everything is dug out for my project, I started digging the workshop part of the fort, I really want those workshops from the main hall gone!

8. Slate- between sparing and teaching these mongrels to fight I was taking walks, and wandered into the tower, a rather beautiful construction, and there I seen bees, I didnt know what they are, and the beekeeper dwarf explained to me what they do, but still I am afraid to do anything with them. Oh, and I enjoy sunbathing on the roof of the tower, really nice place to hang out.

13. Slate- I noticed we dont have trees around our fortresst, so I ordered our miners to mine out a big room in the soil layer, where hopefully underground trees will grow. Just as we put down the layout of the forest farm, strange sounds were heard from the underground, bashing and screeching, must be that damn thing, a dwarf named Joshua IX said that the beast cant acess the fort, but still the sounds gave the dwarfs quite a scare. We need equipment, I must think about it more.

20. Slate- hmmm, almost two months here, not much happening, since we have nothing to do, I ordered  the miners to make room for the still and kitchen, I must move all those damn workshops from the main hall!

23. Our dear carpenter Litarstromek Eral came crying to me, I started shouting orders to the military thinking that the beast has found the way to the fort, and It turned out that Eral was stung by a bee, im starting to think that putting bees in the stairway to the tower roof is not a good idea.

1. Felsite- THIEF yelled the machanic that was putting traps in front of the entrance , we emidietly charged the bastard, but he fled. I dont like this one bit, that kobold is bad omen!

14. Felsite- I seen them in the distance, I didnt want a panic, so I only informed the soldiers, and we started discussing tactics. I was wandering why do they look at me so strangely, and then reallised, im stuck with ELF LOVERS. I was angered by the fact that this “fortress” deals with pointy eared hippy scum, but since we dont have iron, my iron fist and heel ruling tactic is not applyable here, I had to step down, but we were all in an alert state, I dont trust anyone here anymore!

17. Felsite- Those elves are slow, they scare me! The tree farm is ready, and trees started growing, its not much, but we can always make it bigger.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2011, 01:28:03 pm »

Your free to make use of the river floodgate to form a tree farm, but unless you know how to work irrigation without causing a flood, better to let it be. Those floodgates also allow the well to be refilled if needed.

If you get it wrong though, you will lose the farm area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2011, 01:38:43 pm »

I made the farm in the soil layer, near the main gate, so no irrigation is needed. I know how to use floodgates, im just new to magma, never used it, since i dont like my smelters deep underground.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2011, 02:27:15 pm »

Just keep im mind there is not much soil on the map, and it's all sand.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2011, 02:42:01 pm »

20. Felsite- An invasion of mountain gnomes, I dont know what they want, but they look scary, Im not sure if we should engage them, they are too many!

21. Felsite- The gnomes have atacked, some of them got trapped in the cage traps, a nice addition to the arena. We engaged them and while chasing them around a kobold thief apeared, I momentarely charged him and killed him, and then whilst chasing the rest of the mountain gnomes, AN AMBUSH!

22. Felsite- The battle is long, since our military is so small in numbers, the only ones repeling the ambush party of seven speargoblins are Bomrek Rilemlolor and me. At the beginning of the battle the speargoblins killed one dog!

23. Felsite- Brave Bomrek got wounded in the right arm, and started running like a coward, leaving me to fight off the goblins alone!

24. Felsite- I was all around the place, jumping around, I knew I cant survive for long, and all of the sudden I heard bolts flying around occassionaly striking goblins! Two of them got angry at this action from our marksdwarves and engaged them. The brave captain of the marksdwarf squad got attacked first, a goblin cut open her arm, which resulted into her dropping her baby! The baby, being the son of a hero started fighting the goblin, who just stabbed the poor thing, killing it. Just as the baby was struck down our reinforcements came, maybe the brave militia captain and me are saved?!

25. Felsite- I just managed to see him go down with the end of my eye, I was surrounded, I couldnt help him, poor Etur Nishogam is no more, he is dead!

26. Felsite- Im jumping around, striking when I can with the pointy stick I have in my hand, and then suddenly I feel a spear in my leg, then another one in my arm, I continue fighting, but the pain is too great, and then I feel it, one of their dirty rusty spears is in my lower body, piercing me completely, I cant move, almost paralysed, only to turn my head, see the reinforcments on the hill charging the goblins and then silence, I am no more........

26. Felsite- Thecko is no more, but lets charge, he thought us well!!! Oh what a grave mistacke, almost all of our military is dead, the only ones that survived are those who managed to get to the hospital. Im sealing off the fortress, until that elf caravan decides to leave, with only 4 military dwarfs we dont stand a chance against anything.

Well, those gnomes.....i hate em, after chasing them the dwarfs meet that ambush, which pretty much killed all of the millitary, some of them are in the hospital, fortunately no grave wounds. Continuing tonight or tommorow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2011, 11:39:59 am »

20.1. Hematite- That guy was an idiot, what was he thinking!? Because of him we now have 5 dwarfs less and almost no military! His stupidity will be always be remebered here! Althrough he had some nice ideas, like that arena thing, and clearing the hallway. Anyway, since some dwarf think he was some kind of a hero, im naming a child after him, dwarves always ask you to be the godfather when you are a mayor!

2. Hematite-  Finnaly traded with those good elves, we bought all their food, some crutches, drinks, cloth, nothing more interesting there.

3. Hematite- We burried the remains of our “defenders” and buissiness is back as usual, since dwarfs need the hospital more and more, im making traction benches for future patients.

24. Hematite- After all that happened its quiet, we making stuff for trade, the engravers are finnishing the new rooms, and our first HERO suite is ready,and it will be awarded to Ustuth Osodmonom, whose heroic marksdorfship almost saved Thecko and Bomrek.

2. Malachite- Because our military looses, im currenty picking new recruts, those fish cleaners are getting weapons!

3. Malachite- I recruted a peasant,a fishery worker and a potash maker into the military, let them train, maybe we will stand a chance next time we fight!

11. Malachite- Ustuth moved in her new room, and is very happy with it, im proud to see our hero happy!

24. Malchite- Everything is silent, not much going on, waiting for the engravers to finnish the new areas. Since no one is doing anything im using my mayor powers to mandate construction of thrumphets.

4. Galena- Im making another tower in the front entrance, this way the “gnome incidetnt” wont happen again since our marksdwarfes will have more angle to shoot from.

11. Galena- Another invasion from those damn mountain gnomes!! Im sealing off the fortress, I dont want another massacre!

13. Galena- Sealed off the fortress, many of the gnomes got trapped in the cage traps, the rest have fled. I personaly fought one of them who made it through, but the millitary denied me my kill.

14. Galena- Since the danger is over, im opening the main gate.

19. Galena- Our mason has been taken by some kind of a mood, he walked right to the masons workshop and is making something, despite my orders to make doors.

20. The humans are here!! Sending all goods we can to the trade depot, and im putting the military on alert state, those goblins are near, I can feel it.

23. Galena- The caravan is unloading, and just then, I see it, I was so shaken! That crazy mason created a statue of a goblin! And a dwarf! The dwarf is killing the goblin, which is good, but I dont like things with goblins on it, especialy realistic goblins.

25. Galena- Nothing interesting on the humans, bought a bunch of food, althrough we have enough, it wont be waste, brought drinks too, nothing more to my liking.

20. Limestone- The arena and support building are finnished, so are the new still and kitchen rooms, I can finnaly move them from the hallway. The front tower expansion is coming on nicely.

20 Sandstone- The front tower renovations are finnished, now our marksdwarfes can fire in an 360 degre arc.

14. Timber- All of the new workshops are smoothed out, and ready to begin work, no more workshops in the main hall, in their memory I installed that artifact statue in their place.

14. Timber- Just as I was thinking that my year is about to end without the fortress dying out, the liason came, which means one thing, GOBLINS, im putting the military on alert.
20. Timber- The caravan is unloading their goods, and is shaken up with screams coming from our dear jewelcrafter. Why do they always embaress me in front of the liason I dont know!

20. Timber- Just as I was explaining to the liason that the screams of our jewelcrafter was his yoga training, our brave millitary started yelling and running about, an ambush it seems!

21. Timber- I tried giving the order to close the main gate, but Bomrek the Coward tried to dissaprove his title by charging the lashers, lucky for him the marksdwarves were on their tower wrecking havoc among the goblin lasher squad. With their ranks in demise, I ordered the millitary to charge the goblins, and the captain of the Special Corridors Uzol Kibstinth proved to me he wants one of those fancy apartments! He killed two goblins with his bare hands, such heroism!! No one was harmed, and the goblin squad is dead, with two of them trapped for the arena.

22. Timber- another ambush, this time the dwarfs on the statue tower seen them, a goblin spearman and 3 goblin crosbowmen. Even through its a state of emergency, I traded our fellow dwarfs, and it didnt come out well, since I forgot that the human and elf caravans deplied our finnished goods stockpile, so I dint buy everything I wanted, but its good, I bought a bunch of steel and steel items.

24. Timber- With the gates closed the ambushing party was destroyed by our marksdwarfes.

25. Timber- Yay, our jewelcrafter has created Zakgoldegol, a blue jade toy hammer. Nothing special about it, and I only said “good job, this is great” to him because I didnt want to offend him.

7. Moonstone- I moved all of the workshops from the main hallway, now it looks nice.

10. Moonstone- Great news!! The liason mentioned we can become a official country or something, he asked if I know anyone who can do it, and I personaly dont think there is anyone better then RTiger for the job!

20. Moonstone- The liason and the caravan have embarked on their jorney, I wish them a pleasant voyage.

21. Moonstone- ALL HAIL Rtiger, THE BARONESS!! We have become a barony, I couldnt be more happier.

13. Opal- Since everything is quiet I decided to start making a grand dinning room, we need that!

20. Opal- The new dinning room has been dug out, now we need to decorate it, and we need a quick way to the food stockpiles.

10. Obsidian- With the lever, we can now release creatures in the arena! The first arena in the history of Drunkenwilms of Artifice will be: 8 dwarfes against : 3 goblins (goblin thief, goblin master thief and a goblin crossbowman) and a mountain gnomes, ENJOY!

11. Obsidian- As soon as the cages opened a goblin thief was killed when a bolt penetrated his skull, nothing of interest happened, the foes were too pathetic, it was a gore fest, since one of our axedwarfs has a copper axe now, there are goblin body parts everywhere!

1. Granite- Spring has arrived! I have some nifty ideas, and I will talk to Will_Tuna about him overseeing all of them.

My report: At the beginning I killed almost all of the military, but thankfully most of the commanders survived, so they have trained up recruts fast. The arena is operational, there is a lever near the animal stockpile. I removed all of those workshops from the main hallway, and placed them near the stockpiles. Dead dwarfs are replaced with childeren, so that might be a problem, we now have lots of childeren.The hero suites should be given to dwarfs who make something of them. I appointed Rtiger as baron, didnt look at his preferences, just wanted to give him credit for starting this fort. So, not much has happened during my year, I havent destroyed the fortress, thats a start :)

Link for save:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2011, 12:54:59 pm »

Awesome. It looks like even with the barren surroundings, the fort is thriving. Next up is.... Will tuna. You got two days to answer


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2011, 02:42:42 pm »

Everything goes well, but we generated alot of wealth, which means new friends, Will_Tuna should concentrate on making the military stronger, the existing soldiers are well trained.


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Re: Drunkenwhims of Artifice - .25 succession fort
« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2011, 06:37:32 am »

ok, looking forward to it, will start later today!
True story: In the year 2007: Surinder Singh Bajwa, the Deputy Mayor of Delhi, India, was warding off several Rhesus Macaque monkeys at his home and fell from a first-floor balcony, suffering serious head injuries. He later died from his injuries.
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