Damned : An RTD
You find yourself in Tartaros, the realm of the damned, like all others who lost their immortal souls. Whether you got here through vile magic, despicable acts or by signing an ill considered deal with a daemon, demon or other underworld denizen, matters not . The room is lighted by strange non-shadows, the darkness flowing underneath your benches and into a gutter. In the center, a daemon is speaking, his body constantly changing shapes even as you look. He has been speaking for what appears to have been eons, but may as well have been minutes - Time has little meaning in a place like this.
The daemon tells you a tale about how the enemy, appeared from the primal chaos, and bound it, restraining the uncontrolled magic and binding it to their rules. The natural residents of this primal world, tried to intervene, but found this new world rejected even their very existence. Desperate, they tried to preserve the primal realm, and succeeded, though barely. In this new world the gods had created, the last remnant of the primordial chaos became known as Tartaros, the underworld.
Now, the daemon says, it's making you an offer. It'll offer you your immortal souls, undoing all the debt you owned, allowing you to leave Tartaros, and return to the surface realms. In exchange, they require that you destroy one of the seven great Wonders that binds the magic of the world, weakening the crushing hold the gods have on the underworld.
[spoiler=Sign-up sheet]
Name : Just your forumname
Bio : Primarily of interest, how did you loose your soul
Description : What kind of creature are you actually. All sort of things end up in the underworld
Skills : Suggest 5. I'll stat or vet them, and then you get to choose 3.
Virtues : Suggest 3. I'll vet them, and you get to rank them in descending importance.
Curses : The daemons aren't just going to let you free and assume you do your task on good faith. Suggest 3. I choose one, or add one of my own if I think they're not serious enough.
Inventory : Empty, for now