I have another space RTD idea.
You see, beyond the reaches of human-populated space, there is the Dark Nebula of Peril. Why do they call it the Dark Nebula of Peril, you ask? The answer is quite simple, actually. The reason the Dark Nebula of Peril is called the Dark Nebula of Peril rather than, say, the Nice Nebula of Pretty Lights and Philosophical Contemplation is, to put it simply, you. Why? Well...
You Are All Horrible Space Monsters, Man!
Yes, that is indeed the truth. You are all space monsters that dwell in the horrid, terrible reaches of the Dark Nebula of Peril. Why are you there, you might ask? That's a very good question. You see, it all started with a technologically advanced race of smartass aliens that decided to experiment with things they really shouldn't. To make a long story short, you are the result - evil nanobots, space vampires, sentient parasitic bacteria, doppelganger aliens, malevolent electromagnetic phenomena, highly playful extradimensional beings and many, many more. After having your own brand of fun with all the silly alien buggers (and then eating them or depositing them in a safe spot for the more boring days), you are now largely bored and alone in the Dark Nebula of Peril (sadly a frequent consequence of being highly successful at what you do).
Fortunately, in the last couple of thousand years, aliens of many races have achieved successful FTL space travel. They have also developed an unhealthy fascination with Dark Nebulas of Peril the entire galaxy over. And the best part is, they send you steel-wrapped presents all the time! How amazing! You guess you should return the favor someday. Maybe take a ride on one of said presents back to them and have fun in their houses as well! Oh, it should be absolutely delightful there! If only your friends in the Nebula didn't always get in the way...
Okay, here's the idea - you are a space monster of your choice. You are powerful. You are sentient. You are bored! You need something fun/productive/*untranslatable* to do! And sentient visitors are the only thing that qualify as such, sadly. They occasionally arrive, looking to investigate the Dark Nebula of Peril, at which point the Race Phase begins. The Race Phase is the point in the RTD when the respective space monsters in a particular sector of the Nebula (the current players) trip over themselves (and each other) trying to be the first to take over the hapless alien visitors to the Nebula and use them to visit places outside the Nebula comfortably and without issue.
Of course, you could band together, forming some kind of Space Monster League of Evil and head to the hapless alien worlds all together. Your choice. I would love to see a Space Monster road trip through populated alien space, myself.
Now, be warned. Aliens are unlikely to take this sort of treatment sitting down. They may possibly figure out your Secret Weakness (sent in PM), they might prove victorious over your mind control with the Power of Love, really, depending on the particular race, anything can happen. But that's where the *fun* truly is, you know.
Finally, don't forget to *enjoy the sauce*.