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Author Topic: Godhood IV Play Thread  (Read 12916 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2011, 07:40:21 pm »

Chlorine scoffed at the Overgoddess' feeble attempts at intimitation.

"I have died a hundred thousand times, a hundred thousand times I have stood at deaths door, and each time I slew him and escaped! I, I may be but a mite in power, compared to you, but you are falliable, you are killable, vulnerable to my every attack. I am immortal, invulnerable! You will die of a thousand cuts.

"And if you think that the threat of true death and my own pain scares me, than truely are you the dumbest overgoddess I have yet seen. In a hundred worlds, I have yet to meet one who has tried that tactic! I applaud your creativity, but you seem to have failed to take into account that my death would make me stronger! How do you kill something that cannot, will not die?!

"Little girl, or little boy, as the case may be, I think perhaps you do not understand the situation." He waved his hand, and a strange three-dimensional map appeared, floating in midair. Twisting colors, shimmering in some kind of light that simply wasn't light. Essence.

"We're born of this. You, me." He sneered as if he couldn't belive he could have been born of the same material as Kinare "I play with my cards up. But can you handle my thoughts? Can you handle a breath of Chlorine, destroyer of Multiverses?"
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2011, 04:27:41 am »

Alcinoe continued to guide her tribe, nudging them this way and that through whispered commands and subconscious instructions. She would forge her people into that burnished army of steel that the Goddess of War saw in her dreams, no matter how long it would take.

Although the Goddess knew that her people were already hailed as wise and strong, she was not naïve enough to think that they could ascend to greatness on their own. Without a guiding hand, they would fall, torn apart by the savage beasts that lurked in the darkness.

With a wry smile, the Goddess decided that direct intervention would be necessary.

She descended to the base earth, shaping her own form to an old crone, swathed in furs. Her golden hair turned white, and her face shrunk and sagged. Her proud frame drooped and bent over with the weight of decades. Hrunting, her eternal companion, was twisted and elongated until it was a staff, wrought of wood and covered in runes and charms. She looked out at the world through her cataract-veiled eyes, and at her disguise. She grunted in satisfaction, and set out.

She stopped atop a hill overlooking the village. From her vantage point, she saw that the village had expanded quite a bit in the half-century she had been away from the world. Around the well-structured layout of huts was a sturdy-looking log wall, presumably to keep wild animals—and invaders—out. Nodding in approval, she continued downwards.

The gatekeeper, a young woman who looked to only be seventeen winters, did not bar Alcinoe’s path. She knew that many visitors came from far and wide to seek the chieftain’s advice, or to request their aid. Unlike most tribes of the World, the men and women of the Raven worked as equals. Their tribe was not as big as the others, and the pragmatic chiefs knew that to ensure the survival of their people, they would have to have as many people working—and fighting, if it was needed— as possible.

The Goddess of War shuffled further into the village, the lively sounds of people at work and play enveloping her like a warm embrace. She smiled as she watched a small gang of children tumbled past, chasing after a ball. The ball rolled to a stop at her feet, and the gaggle stood back, wondering what the crone would do.

With an arthritic wheeze, the Goddess bent down and picked up the ball with one gnarled hand. Some of the children frowned, thinking she was going to take it. With a cackle, Alcinoe tossed the ball to the oldest of the group, a stony-faced boy of eight. He beamed, and they took off once more, tearing down a side street. The Goddess shook her head and smiled once more.

The elder’s hut, where the council of elders and the chieftain gathered to discuss their plans and the future of the entire tribe, was impossible to miss. It was by far the largest structure in the village. Today the doors were opened, signifying the chieftain’s availability to those who needed his advice.

The Goddess limped in. Inside the waiting room, a small fire crackled and spat as one of the two bored-looking guards tossed in another log. His friend, a barrel-chested greybeard, stood up, gripping his spear in hand.

"Hail, old one!" He inclined his head and crossed one hand over his breast in the traditional greeting of the tribe.

"Hail." Alcinoe did the same, bowing slightly.

"Do you seek an audience with Deyar?" She nodded again. The guard turned and rapped his knuckles on the large double doors. "Someone to see the chief."

A rough, whispery voice could be heard on the other side. “Who is it? Another of Inrod’s men?”

"No, it’s not." The older guard cocked his head as he appraised Alcinoe. "From where do you hail, old mother?" Alcinoe gave an annoyed harrumph.

"Where I hail from is none of your business, boy. I have an important message for the chieftain." The guard shrugged.

"Alright then. Just don’t cause any trouble now then, old mother." With that, he pushed the large doors aside.

The inner chamber of the hall was a large room dimly lit save for the fire pit in the

The current chieftain, a relatively young one, stood up from his place and turned to Alcinoe.

"Greetings, old mother. I am the chieftain, Dayar. Would you like a hot meal by the fireside? It must have been a long journey."

Alcinoe shook her head.

"Ah." Dayar nodded, his expression serious. "Then what brings you here, old mother?" Dayar put one arm around her shoulder, and led Alcinoe to the fire pit. She sat on one of the benches, and the chieftain took his place opposite her.

"I bring you advice, chieftain." Dayar cocked an eyebrow.

"Your people need to grow, to expand. You have made alliances with your neighbors. Use them."

"Who are you, old mother, to tell a chief what to do?" Dayar sounded half-amused, half surprised. Alcinoe merely laughed.

"You know who I am, boy." She jerked her head towards a crude wooden idol of herself, set on an altar. Dayar's brow furrowed even more.

Alcinoe's time in the material world was growing short, and so was her patience. With a whispered incantation, she dropped her disguise, for only a moment.

Dayar leaped back as if stung. The blood drained from his face as he realized who he was talking to. He threw himself onto the ground before Alcinoe.

"Don't grovel before me, Dayar." She poked him with her staff. "Get up."

The chieftain of the Raven Tribe did so, not daring to set his eyes on the Goddess.

"Look at me." Slowly, the man did so.

"Now, tomorrow you shall arrange to meet with the chieftains of your closest allied tribes. The Raven Tribe is well respected, so your words will not fall on deaf ears. Unite them under your banner, Dayar."

"But they will not stand for such insole-"

"If they resist, put them to the sword. You shall unite them under your banner, whatever it takes." Alcinoe rested one wizened hand on Dayar's shoulder. "My Blessing shall go with you my son."

Dayar nodded, looking slightly gazed. "As you wish, Goddess."

With a satisfied grunt, Alcinoe burst into a puff of smoke, and departed from the mortal realm.


As Alcinoe cast off her disguise and ascended from the material world, she felt something… strange pluck at her heartstrings. If she had a physical body at the time, she would have likened it to a chill running down her spine. There was an unexplainable new presence in the shapeless, eternal ether of the netherworld. As Alcinoe drifted through the ether, she made her way to the presence, wondering if it was another being like her...

Her curiosity flaring, Alcinoe made her way to Kinaré's cave.

Alcinoe instructs the Raven Tribe to expand, to create a small alliance between their nearest neighboring tribes, or to subdue them with war if necessary. Before she leaves, she performs a spell that ensures their success in the coming conquest.

Alcinoe makes her way to Kinaré's Cave.

Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2011, 10:33:10 am »

The Daughter no longer despised Chlorine. In fact, she found it interesting to hear a creature of such small power, without accomplishments to speak of, portray himself as an individual of such immense power. Chlorine, perhaps, was closer to the mortals than she was, and, still wearing the guise of this lesser God, she nodded.

"One of your sisters will soon find her way to you. The caverns will change, and with them, will I.
Remember, baby brother: I wear your face..

Within a moment imperceivable to even Chlorine, a God, she faded into the darkness. With her disappearance, the shadows retreated, allowing the fountain to once again illuminate the walls, which were covered in the thorns of Chlorine's heart, each of them representing one of his future errors. On the wall appeared an image, detailed impossibly, of an old woman, entering a dark cavern.

Kinaré's eyes now rested on this Goddess, who was peering into the blackened entrance to a labyrinth. Kinaré knew she would find her way to the center. The question was; When? As the woman set her first step into the tunnel, the thorns under her feet retreated, making place for gray, cracked marble.
Spider Overhaul
Adding realistic spiders to Dwarf Fortress. (Discontinued.)

Godhood VIII
The latest installment in the Godhood roleplaying game series.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2011, 12:32:31 pm »

Kath had long stared at the moon in wonder of its beauty. Certainly he would see it closer still. Its domain was every so far away from his earthly existence. He was the darkness which surrounded him. Or was he? He was a light bringer as well as the night, the darkness which his followers could now see in. It was not enough though, as he felt. The tribe which he had watched, had been borne from was not as small as once thought. They were proving their might in the world. They had proved their courage, they had proved their strength. Their intelligence, however, they faced many difficulties. Is it that they could not think for themselves? That could be discounted by their other successes. No… what they needed was a catalyst. For learning, for everything which he could seek. What form could this catalyst be?

So he began is descent again, on another night which was uneventful at best.

He had seen his worshippers at this time. No longer did only one stay out, looking at the moon in its splendor. No, there was a few, mainly of the tribe but one convert otherwise. He had long awaited to see their praying first hand. Yet he had important business to attend to inside the forest, farther than what the people of the village could see. He was creating life.

With his direction, one, two… many seeds were dropped on the ground. The seeds planted were of a dynasty to be formed to last.  Time would pass, as the seeds, from the darkness, grow in the ice like it was soil, proving its strength and courage to take a task. In it, a program, the intelligence it needs to grow and prosper. Once raised, it shall show its creativity, in its beautiful bloom to challenge common reason. It shall provide its own nurturing, for from the flower comes the fruit, so many can enjoy its gifts. It grants order to the soil, providing many uses which he could imagine. Finally, it the ultimate gift of creation, it shall release its seeds, throwing them around to continue the growth of beauty. Courage, strength, intelligence, creativity, order, and creation… these were the values which the plant followed, and shall be Kath’s creation for the world. The second, yet not the greatest, gift.

All of that, though, would come with time. Here he stands fifty years along in his lifetime. He was old by mortal standards, although he would not weaken with age. He knew there was a world in front of him for him to take, so he would in his own time.

He turned back to the village, and approached those who been praying before. They were still praying, and indeed had been acted similar to the first meeting. Where he used to stand, however, was no longer wilderness, but homes! He was amazed that they had been changing, and were greater than before. He did not walk down a grassy terrain, but a simple path through the world around him. He had approached the mortals from behind, and had prepared his next speech. He had new tasks, a new gift, and news for them to hear.

It had indeed been a while since any of the villagers had seen their god. They had their god’s blessing, as they prayed they saw the world around them was full not of darkness, but of light. Night and day was not separated by light and dark, but by the sun and not. For what they knew, the dark was light, but the day had more. Neither was to be revered, as the Moon was over them regardless. They did not know why, though, these occurred. Little remember how they gained this understanding of the darkness. Some had only gained it once they worshiped Kath. So how did it arise? To them, it did not matter.

Suddenly, footsteps approached them. Was it some raider attempting to sneak attack? They all turned, expecting a face but only seeing darkness. It was Kath. He had come to message them again.

“Hello, my followers,” began what was to be another long speech to his followers.  “I am glad to see you have completed my tasks. Tell me, what is it of these tasks which was added? Did you not end those which sought to cause chaos, taught them of this world’s power?”

The followers were stunned. They did not to be able to say anything until one of the members stepped forward. It was a member of a formally hostile tribe. “If you are Kath, as you are clearly, then to say that I am a proof of that.” It was unique for the man to show such courage his statement, although his fear was quite clearly existent in the case of his staring into his god. He cleared his throat, and then continued. “I assume you are here about our failures?”

Kath was not ready for this question asked, but still smiled behind the layer of darkness around him. The man had shown courage against their protector. In a sense, he was the key to solving something which was part of his overall plan. “If I came to talk about your failures, I would not be praising what you have done otherwise. The tribe has only had problems with the third task,” Kath paused, and turned away from the group, “…from me assuming you were ready to take up such a task. Why I am here is not to talk about how you failed, but how you will succeed. For you have done enough for the second gift, but this gift will come with time. Within the next year, you will find my gift around you, spreading, blooming like the moon above. It will provide for you, and is a new key for you to solve you tests.”

“Yet, with a new gift comes new tests. The final tests to be issued to you all, the final tests before you are ready for the final gift, and the ultimate test. So please listen closely, for these tasks will depend on your understanding of the second gift which I have granted. The first task, the fourth I have gave you, is the test of creativity. The world around you is full of things which are hard to understand. I seek for you to interpret the world differently than with your eyes, as you must use your soul. You will find my second gift useful in this manner.”

“The second task is the task of order. For Order to be established there needs to be a sense of security. Order is not simply saying what is obvious, that those who steal need to be punished, that the crops need to be grown by someone, and things in that sort of sense. The task is to build and preserve an order which is not as obvious. The order which needs to be sought is that of autonomy, to lose the need to have to wander this world. My second gift will help meet your needs in attempting this struggle. I hope for you to use it well.”

“The last task which you must complete is of a task which is not easily explained. The test is the test of creation. Look around you,” Kath gestured toward the forest surrounding, “and see that the world around you is nature. Nature is important for animals, but you are animals no longer. You have proven this through your successes. What this task requires you to do, to be simple, is to make the world around you change to your will. Where there are trees can be plain with a blade. Where there can be plain, can be many more things than the woods. This task, the task of creation, shall be the last task before the ultimate task, but with it shall reform your life to that of a stronger being. Do not forget the first tasks lessons, as I see them being most useful in your endeavors in the future.”

With that, Kath had left towards the villages depths. It was not really something to mention those who he had left. They had got the information he sought to give. He had more stops this night than the encounter which he had with those still alive. He approached where the chieftain would be, safe in his home. It is strange, for what he sought to do was not truly in his interests. In a sense, it was almost like he was hurting himself for these mortals. Still… they were his source of power. He had to lose dependence on them if his ambitions were to come true. He entered the home.

When he entered, the inhabitants were obviously asleep. The chieftain and his consort were away from the true prize he sought: one of his sons. The tribes leader, Horanias, was loyal but was clearly not the most intelligent follower he had. His leadership would probably change to his eldest son, but even then, he would probably become a fool more so than his father, but still would have power. Then there was the younger of the brothers. He had no future, unlike his brother above him. He would have to take power for himself through a duel if he was to become chieftain. Still, he was not expected to be strong. In his youth, he could still be changed. So he would begin his tutoring about the world, about his gifts, to the boy in a manner he would understand. He would have to use mortal means for his plan to work. He did not doubt, though, his patience for the task at hand. He would succeed, and with math and the arts, he commence begin the construction of a legacy. The beginning of his legacy's name? His name with Mithio.

Kath creates the Icefern plant near the Owl Tribe
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kath gives the tribe 3 more tasks
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kath begins (via mortal teaching methods) teaching the younger son of the Owl Tribe's chief, Mithio.
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« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 02:51:20 pm by Humaan »
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2011, 02:53:33 pm »

A single red droplet was clutching to the cliff,seemingly fighting against gravity.


The whole cliff was covered in dead fish, meat and their guts. Flocks of Seagulls were circling the cliff snatching what they could get. Joreth had given up scaring them away, the hunger nearly killed him, he was tired and those damn birds...were stealing their sacrifices.


Another drop left for the sea. Joreth stared after it until it met with the water and vanished. The seagulls were still quaking. The sun was burning onto his face and the stench of Death was assaulting his nostrils.


As he stared more intently at the droplet before him, something else than his face seemed to be mirrored by it. Something behind...

They are taking my food.

Joreth nearly fell from the cliff in surprise. He turned hastily around to see a girl in an almost white dress, it's lower side had a pink tone to it, propably due to the blood.


They are taking my food.

the innocent statement hung in the air like an accusation towards Joreth.

Thhh-he seagulls?
the girl answered nothing but merely vanished into thin air. Joreth rubbed his eyes...he must have fell asleep. as he turned around the next suprise glared at him.


the sound echoed back from the whole coast. The beast stared at him. It had the head of an Anglerfish but aside from that it had a almost one metre long newt-like body from which protuded 4 legs which were rahter made for swimming then for walking. It stared at him the white fangs glistening in the sun. A gull came down trying to get one of the deceased fish. Within the blink of an eye the tongue of the beast shot outwards reachhing the whole ten metres distance between it and the gull and came back with the whole gull glued to it. screaming the bird ended in the mouth of the thing. A loud crunch later the broken body of the bird lay between Joreth and the thing. With its head it pushed the dead body a bit closer to the astonished man before taking a mouthful of the fish sacrifices and jumping from the cliff into the sea...

Anea creates the Woahk
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2011, 04:17:41 pm »

"Leaving already? But Ma'am, we had just started to understand-" Chlorine was talking to thin air, and as the world around him was made of his spiny heart he knew he had a visitor. It wouldn't do to be seen talking to thin air...

Or would it? A undescribably vile smile spread accross his features as they cracked and wrinkled into the face of a old man, a senile old man. He adopted a empty smile and glazed his eyes and tried to look unthreatening.

Turn your back, fool, he thought, just once. Even a god needs to keep her head free of any blades...
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2011, 11:44:55 pm »

Alcinoe held her breath as she took her first step into the strange cavern. The slime and thorns retreated, replaced by old, cracked marble.

She took her true form, gripping Hrunting's handle tightly, and squinted into the darkness.

As the Goddess of War stepped into Kinaré's Cave, she was attacked by the sudden sensation of vertigo. Something had been here, something of such... immense power compared to her own. She was reminded of the sensation that a guppy must feel when one of it's larger brethren must be passing over.

Her interest piqued, Alcinoe strode forwards, treading softly on the marble floor.


The innards of the labyrinth were immense. The hundreds of passageways were twisting and turning, rising up and falling like the sinuous curves of a snake. Alcinoe's green eyes darted from surface to surface as she examined every single detail on the engraved walls.

Whoever had made this etheral realm certainly was powerful. The Goddess continued to muse as she continued on.

Alcinoe felt a chill run up and down her spine as she detected yet another presence. It was not nearly as powerful as the first one, but it still was formidable... maybe it was a caretaker of this realm, or another curious entity like herself...


After what would have been hours on the mortal realm, the young Goddess finally made her way to the heart of the labyrinth.

She had pinpointed the new presence, and finally entered the room where Chlorine was waiting.

Alcinoe was certainly surprised to see a wizened old standing in front of her. His gawpy, vacant smile and glazed eyes only confused Alcinoe more. He certainly didn't look threatening. But stilll... Alcinoe could feel the divine energy surging from his frail form like a surging tidal wave. His paper-thin disguise was of no use. This was the presence she had felt earlier.

Alcinoe shifted slightly, and manifested her armor with a whispered incantation. She gripped Hrunting in both hands and adopted a combat stance.

"Who are you?" The goddess's expression became severe, and her eyes grew cold. "Who are you, and where is this place?"
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #52 on: April 19, 2011, 07:29:18 am »

'The problem is stability,' Mahet sighed, 'as you can see.'

Another dreamscape blurred, cracked and was shattered by an earpiercing shriek that sent both dreams screaming into the gaping void. The dreamers snapped awake, the face of the other dreamer burned into their memory. Mahet moved onwards, seeking new dreamers to bind together. Creating a shared dream for the death-god was proving much harder than expected.

'May I speak, my lord?' Ynara asked cautiously. She was much more polite than her teacher, Mahet noted. He had not talked with the girl much before this, but Isra's death had left him without any real company, aside from the sea goddess who he still did not fully trust.

'You may.'

'The causes of the problem are the minds of the dreamers, right? They both attempt to shape the dreamworld for themselves, but in the process conflict and abruptly end the dream. Atleast, that is what I believe just happened.'
Behind the mask, Mahet blinked hard. Yes, that was exactly what had happened. The girl had a very keen mind. She would be an excellent servant. Perhaps, in time, even better than Isra had been.

'Not many could have deduced that so swiftly, Ynara. You learn fast.' he said. Ynara blushed, unaccustomed to being praised.

'Thank you, my lord. I may have a solution, as well. Simply stop the conflict of minds from happening in the first place - keep the minds from influencing the dream.' she continued. They had brought together another pair of dreamers now, two women from entirely different parts of the world. Mahet began skillfully weaving the dreams together, noting with approval that Ynara followed the process attentively.

'I appreciate the effort, Ynara, but that is not what the god I am creating this for wants.' Mahet said, placing an arm on the girl's shoulder. 'That... does give me an idea, though. I do not think the minds have any need to shape their dreams directly. Yes... do not speak for now. I must focus.'

Mahet nodded to himself. He could create an intermediary of sorts, to take in the mind's instructions and shape the dreamscape according to them, but also to make sure there was no conflict between the dreamers. It would not even need intelligence or sentience beyond a very basic mind, as it only needed to replicate what the minds wanted.

He began feeding energy into the empty void around him, shaping the raging divine power like he would a common dream. Light pierced the eternal void of the world of dreams for the first time ever, shooting out in waves from the sphere of creation Mahet held in his hands. Ynara backed away behind him, covering his eyes but Mahet did not even notice.

The sphere grew and began to take shape, energy surging throughout the body he was creating like molten gold. A vaguely humanoid form was being drawn into existance in front of him, a long, inhumanly thin body and a skull-like head lacking any facial features or marking in the smooth, white bone it was made of. A ragged, black robe appeared around it, flowing around it's body like running water. As he continued, the light dimmed and then disappeared alltogether, devoured inside the being.

He let the creature fall and looked back for Ynara. The girl was staring at him and his creation with wide eyes. Perhaps out of fear - the creature's appearance was certainly fit for the realm of the dead and it's morbid god, as had been his intention.

The being arose slowly, moving with unsettling precision. It cocked its head, curving its body until it was face to face with Mahet. Even though the creature was faceless, Mahet felt a pair of soulless eyes drilling into his skull.

'Follow, Shaper. Your task awaits.' Mahet said, and left the world of dreams for the world of the dead.


Mahet creates the Shaper to maintain a stable dreamscape in the Final Rest
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #53 on: April 19, 2011, 06:12:39 pm »

The old man cracked a mad grin.

"Oh, this is here, there, everywhere, we're in the sun and the moon and sometimes hell but mostly inside a rubber chicken!"

turn your back just once Godling, and I will slip my blade in between your ribs before you have a chance to scream

"Hey you're the one the one the one, right?"

I wonder what your blood tastes like. I wonder if it's warm or cold. I hate cold supper.

"You're the goddess of that one element right the one that isn't like gold or arsenic or flourine or Chlorine or hydrogen but the other element that isn't an element at all?!" His smile never wavered, but his eyes, for just a second, flashed as he said his name. Chlorine. Unbreakable. Elemental. Titanic.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #54 on: April 19, 2011, 09:48:09 pm »

Alcinoe's brow furrowed.

"I... I am Alcinoe. Goddess of War." Her voice faltered, but she managed to regain her steely tone.

Past the entity's confusing words and insane babbling, she could sense... a thirst for blood, one so great that the Goddess had to hold herself in check. It was almost infectious, how much this Chlorine wanted to destroy.

Whoever this... Chlorine was, Alcinoe was convinced he was a foe. She remained quiet, preparing for the inevitable assault.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2011, 08:23:04 am »

Mahet strode across the World of the Dead, the Shaper close behind. It would fit in this world perfectly. He didn't waste any time looking around, heading straight for the Citadel -not that he had any wish to spend any more time than necessary there in any case.

They passed into the dark fortress, through it's cold halls and finally into the throne room of Death. The Shaper studied the cold god curiously, emitting a sharp, excited clicking sound from inside it's featureless skull.

'Summon the souls of your dead. I am ready to fulfill my part of the bargain.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #56 on: April 21, 2011, 04:32:54 pm »

"Well Goddess of War Alcinoe the Lady who is all about the blood and things and marble hmm? Why the face that says to me 'this man is crazy and probably violent'?" Chlorine smiled his most disarming smile, which was like a Pirahna trying to look like a guppy. "I'm... Err... I'm Phosphor, God of the Crazy things and sometimes just chaos but mostly Crazy things. Like people. And faeries. And those gigantic white things on stilts with clown makeup. You saw the things on stilts right?" He narrowed his eyes. "OR maybe you're one of them-"

a vile, disgusting, repulsive GOD

"You're a Bunny, aren't you?!" Chlorine said happily. His eyes began to dribble an orange paste, like tears but thicker than mollasses. Some spewed from his mouth as he spoke. "I just love bunnies. Bunnies are cute! And tasty! Cute and tasty, the best animals to grace the worlds above and below and if I have my way I'll see a bunny in every home across the nation-world and also on the moon but I'll have to build a station on there because if you checked lately, because I have, and there was no air, which would be very bad to put something as defenseless as a bunny in unless he's been quite bad." With that, Chlorine mimed going to sleep far more convincingly than he had played at being harmless. He kept himself upright, but his head lolled to the side and his eyes closed. His breathing slowed to a fraction of it's normal speed and he even lowered his heartrate. Of course, he needed none of these things, but as a God of Madness his bodily systems wouldn't have made sense anyways.

He loosed a loud snore, just to seal the deal.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #57 on: April 23, 2011, 04:04:33 am »

Alcinoe wasn't fooled. Even as the strange entity babbled on and on about rabbits, she could almost taste his bloodlust. She was disgusted by this... thing. She wasn't entirely sure about how much of its act was fake or not, but she wasn't willing to take any chances. When he fell into that mock slumber, Alcinoe was fooled for almost a moment. What gave him away, though, was the fact that she could still feel the roiling waves of emotion emanate from him, almost stronger than when the Goddess had first arrived.

"Cease your infernal yapping, fool!" She snapped, leveling her sword at Chlorine. "I grow weary of your games. Are you friend, or are you foe?" She delivered her words with a venomous tone, her eyes cold. Her ultimatum hung in the dank air of the marble caverns like a carrion eater, waiting for the inevitable feast.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #58 on: April 23, 2011, 09:29:19 am »

Without changing his stance, without taking breath, cracking an eye open, without any theatric of any caliber, Chlorine spoke. This was not the voice of the false Madgod, this was not the pitiful squeak of a vengeful mortal. Gods rarely have enemies with any sort of power, but here he was, a titan, a angry one. The voice was chilling to the bone and filled with such malice that Gods of death seven universes away felt hoarfrost forming on their skin, so hateful that gods of flame and fire felt cooled, and gods of fear, living embodiments of terror, horrible beasts unsuitable for the most disgusting and evil parts of the multiverse, for the first time in their lives, felt fear.

What he said was not violent, but it promised it.

"Put the weapon away, insect." Spoke Chlorine, Titan of Destruction, devourer of souls.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood IV Play Thread
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2011, 01:33:20 am »

That would make you a foe, then. Alcinoe felt fear in her belly, a primal fear that told her to run from this... monstrous thing. She ignored it, and steeled herself for battle. She was the embodiment of War! She would not back down now.

"I shall not be separated from my blade, Chlorine." She gave him a steely glare that challenged the other god to act on his unspoken promise.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."
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