It's very easy evolutionarily to just dampen the pain if it becomes necessary because getting a few mosquito bites causes creatures to pass out from the pain.
Yes, mosquitos.
Yes, needles.
Yes, those are absurd examples - they're supposed to be absurd. I'm trying to highlight an absurd situation.
As I've been saying for the past few posts, it's an absurd situation where
any breaking of the skin is the same as
any other breaking of the skin, in terms of pain. This means that a mosquito bite is exactly the same in terms of pain produced as
having all the skin on your torso ripped off at once. That means that cutting someone four times to produce a 2-inch long wound hurts four times as much as having that cut happen all at once. That is absurd.
I am trying to showcase the absurdity of this situation in the clearest terms I possibly can.
This is not some sort of personal attack on you, and I don't see why you seem insistant on taking it as one. I especially don't understand the apparent need to send me nastygrams via PM through an obvious sockpuppet account. I am legitimately talking about an issue I see with the game, not performing some sort of harrasment, and I do not even make an argument against you, personally, excepting this paragraph.