Heres my idea of 'Ahab'
(You sail around there are whales.)
I think that would work.
Insanity mechanics are the best mechanics. Also, that's a really good tutorial design- maybe you'd be given the option to accept the tutorial boat and crew from your retired whaler father, which puts you in the tutorial, or strike out on your own to skip it?
Yeah, definitely be able to skip the tutorial.
Also I agree with this
Y'know, I can actually see that working really well with the Wii's controls.
If somebody made this and I could find it, I'd have a reason to dust that fucker off.
Thrusting my wiiharpoon into a whale would be hardcore, and bewildering to any observers.
Also it obviously should be a roguelike, but relatively forgiving. While to start you probably have a peg leg, every time you 'die' you lose another limb which severely reduces your effectiveness, making it the ultimate challenge to kill the white whale with two peg legs and two hooks. It could go like this for the most part, 1 Foot>1 Hand>2 Feet>2 Hands>Both Legs>Both Arms>Entire Lower Half>Death. Death will most likely come quickly if you're a fragment of a man, armless, missing everything from the waist down, holding on to life with only the thirst for revenge.