jesus himself was quite openly religious, i'd think... but i generally think of him as the king of hypocrites
His teachings were written down by four different people with four different agendas. It'd be more surprising if there weren't conflicts.
i think of jesus as a fictional character. one can judge a fictional character even without having known the real historical figure it was based on... in fact, i'd even say historical jesus' opinion is not that pertinent, it's not on it that modern western society is based upon
on the op, my opinion is that religion generally pertains to a set of beliefs that may often contradict facts, since science is theoretically about observing facts, somebody confronted with observations who contradict his religious dogmas may have to chose between religion or the scientific method, therefore, religion may be an obstacle to overcome in the pursuit of truth through science
religion was born as an explanation to natural phenomena in ancient times, and was basically composed of invented mythologies to be taken as facts. it may have valuable philosophical thoughts, but then, why don't we strip it of all mysticism and unprovable entities and just take the ethical considerations? probably because one might find some notions harder to defend if he cant claim they're right because god said so, or because it felt magically right in their heart\soul\aura\invisible pink thing
my personal opinion on religion is that there are so many, and if they all are unprovable, even if they were remotely possible they'd still be pointless... they're all just different shades of pink of the invisible pink unicorn
EDIT:fuck, i knew there'd be some ninjas, but 17?
EDIT2:i see the conversation shifted quite a bit... eh