As are purple rubies. So, a split-civ module seems in order, which is going to be a a pretty big hike in difficulty, with the diomedians split up. That leaves royal ponies out so, so maybe more powerful versions of the base castes would be in order? For example, pegasi could be 10% wonderbolts, with devilish speed(about 17% faster than regular pegasi), regal unicorns could have their horns subdivided into four pieces to simulate them being able to manipulate more objects(I'll probably make the horn larger, too, because I probably can't prevent them wearing several sets of hankies and bandanas on one segmented horn), maybe royal earth ponies could be larger, or have supernaturally high dodge. Royal slippies could be giant and spin more valuable web, royal gorlaks could have subdivided tusks, royal dralthas could be big. Royal keshi would be really fast, shadowbolts(with the normal caste renamed vampiric) could suck more blood and heal phenomenally quickly, royal tentacle ponies could have two tentacles on their foreheads and some Cthulhu-esque mouth tentacles. I'll have a think about varieties to add to zebra and buffalo. This would mainly be for divided world games, but I'd probably add them into the united creatures as another module.