-Extraction of spectra from pony nervous tissue works.
-There's a problem with the spectra drink brewing reaction. :/
Somehow... the brewer took a
rock, and a barrel, and did the reaction. Then the barrel contained 5 "drinks". What.
The creature extract "spectral residue" that's supposed to be used in the reaction ([REACTION_CLASS:SPECDRINK] tag and all) was right there, in a jug.
[NAME:make spectral essence]
[REAGENT:residue container:1:NONE:NONE:NONE:NONE]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen spectral residue]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:spectral residue]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:boiling spectral residue]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen spectral essence]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:spectral essence]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:boiling spectral essence]
I can't see what I did wrong with this reaction. Maybe it's Celestia punishing me for crimes against equinity (because well, this addon is a griveous one), or something.