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Author Topic: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress  (Read 365209 times)


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1140 on: November 15, 2011, 12:45:56 am »

Hello, headcannon. How are you today?

Wha?  ???
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1141 on: November 15, 2011, 01:08:13 am »

Hello, headcannon. How are you today?

Wha?  ???
That little imaginative ongoing story/world going on in your head.  It is canon to the person's imagination. 

Its been established that a few of us have that going on in the GD thread.
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1142 on: November 15, 2011, 01:11:01 am »

CC, once again, "canon", one "n".

What you're referring to is at most this:

(not my drawing)
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Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1143 on: November 15, 2011, 01:38:06 am »

Again, what?  ???

I'm sorry, I just don't get it.
Working on the "Dwarf Fortress Mod Creation Kit"

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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1144 on: November 15, 2011, 03:38:28 am »

EDIT: Also, a question: what's with the creature tanks? I don't get this, is this a reference? To what?

it's a reference to "art of the dress" specifically, the part where she's planning out rainbow's ensemble
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1145 on: November 15, 2011, 04:24:12 am »

EDIT: Also, a question: what's with the creature tanks? I don't get this, is this a reference? To what?

it's a reference to "art of the dress" specifically, the part where she's planning out rainbow's ensemble
Seriously? Wasn't that just a fashion statement/saying ?
Working on the "Dwarf Fortress Mod Creation Kit"

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Kaiser Reinhard

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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1146 on: November 15, 2011, 05:05:01 am »

Say, is there any way I can make ponies more.. successful during worldgen? They consistently seem to have their great cities wiped out, and I'm currently trying to build a thriving pony world to adventure in. Already figured out how to make humans extinct during worldgen so I can make a human fort to build equipment for my human adventurer, without having any other humans alive.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 05:14:56 am by Kaiser Reinhard »


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1147 on: November 15, 2011, 06:42:44 am »

Finally downloaded the new version and I'm giving it a go with a new fort.  Looks good so far, I've taken back my comments about the castes before.  I think it's a reasonable extrapolation of what we know, and without it the ponies do seem sort of too special.  I've noticed a couple of oddities though: seems that overwhelming majority of the pegasi I get are solid black.  I noticed this in my previous fort too.  I kind of dug through the raws to mod a few other things, but didn't see a cause.  I dunno.  Other thing I noticed is that I haven't gotten any ents with migrant waves yet.  Maybe I'm just unlucky.

This fort is turning out to be a lot more interesting than my last fort for a number of reasons.  First off, I'm trying a primarily above ground fort since that seems more pony like than digging way underground (although I do have a quarry).  Things are progressing much more slowly, as expected when you're working primarily with wood.

Secondly, this is my first experience with kobold like things, since I never played 40d and kobolds are bugged and die off now.  The diamond dogs haven't done much yet, but they've been showing up with worrying frequency.  I read back some pages that they were actual dog sized, so they're not that dangerous right?

If this fort makes it a little longer, I was considering posting a thread in the stories board tracking its progress.  Not sure I want to make it a community fort though, since the Glitterglen fort still seems to be going strong.  A pretty entertaining read, that thread is.

In other news, new comic up: My Little Fortress: Fluttershy  Meh, Celestia's should be much more interesting.

Diamond are actually dog sized, yes, so they're easy to deal with. They should probably be sized up a little, say about slippy pony sized, which would make them non-trivial but still quite easy to deal with, and is about the size of the jay pegasi. I usually get at least one ent(often a sapling) per migration wave, and I get crimson bananas and golden oranges often enough that I wonder if it's not respecting pop ratios. I don't know what could be causing the solid black thing, would you mind posting a description, and maybe whatever's between [SELECT_CASTE:FEMALE_PEGASUS] and [SELECT_CASTE:FEMALE_UNICORN] in your raws? Are all the pegasi like that all one gender? In which case, it might be a freak occurrence, it's certainly possible for a pony to be all black, but it does look like a bug. One thing you might want to check is that [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] is still there beneath the last royal caste's skill rate modifiers, that can lead to some errors.

EDIT: Also, a question: what's with the creature tanks? I don't get this, is this a reference? To what?
it's a reference to "art of the dress" specifically, the part where she's planning out rainbow's ensemble
Seriously? Wasn't that just a fashion statement/saying ?

Yes, but it implies tanks are a thing in Equestria, so ponies either have mechanised infantry, or it's something I can actually implement in Dorf Fort and we can have a giggle over. Plus, a large, grazing reptilian brings a nice cost/benefit problem, in that you have to be prepared to deal with a beast lightly less ravenous than a water buffalo, that produces five to ten hatchlings per litter and produces shell when butchered.

Still working on writing that piece, but got some questions.
This is an part of it:

New armor for pony creatures:
    Peytral - Chest armor for ponies.
    Crupper - Armor for the pony flank. (Protect your plot!)
    Chanfron - Your basic pony helmet.
    Caparisons - A cloth cover often used in conjunction with other pony armor. It's usually worn over other pieces of armor to hide how much of it is actually worn. The higher the status of the owner the more beautiful and elaborate it's design.
    Bandanas - Unicorn only item, horn armor item. (necessary to please dwarf fortress)
    Hankies - Pony item, mouth armor item. (necessary to please dwarf fortress)
    Umbrella Hat - A pinkie invention. You know you want one!

1st: A possible spelling mistake: Chanfron (as copyed from the raw file), wikipedia however calls it Chamfron, with an m.
2nd: I took some liberty with the Caparisons description which may not reflect dwarf fortress reality. Let me know if it's ok or not.
3dr: I'm not sure about the Bandanas and Hankies, read a long while back that they are for the grasping appendages on the pony creatures so I just put down "necessary to please dwarf fortress"

EDIT: I've yet to see any Alfalfa or beet pulp foods in the game, might be nice to have. Found some info here:$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/hrs3243

EDIT: The [HARD],[METAL],[SOFT],[LEATHER],[BARRED],[SCALED] captions under each armor item, are these just properties the armor has or are these the different variations of the item that can be made?

EDIT: Also, a question: what's with the creature tanks? I don't get this, is this a reference? To what?

Bandanas and hankies will actually be worn over mouths, too. In the first version of the mod, unicorns would walk around with mittens and gloves on their horns, and everybody would be nibbling mittens and gloves. Considering both those parts are part of the head, a chanfron will probably protect it, but I included grasper-wear just in case.
Caparisons are usually thought of as decorative, but tests with heavy leather caparisons have indicated they'd provide some protection against arrows and small weapons. They certainly provide protection in Dorf Fort.
I've seen chanfron spelt at least four or five different ways, they predate dictionaries.
[METAL] means it can be made of metal, [SOFT] means it can be made of silk/cloth/yarn and will wear out, [LEATHER] means it can be made of leather, [BARRED] means bone, [SCALED], I think, means shell, and [HARD] just means it doesn't wear out.

I've been thinking about expanding the grains to more "horsey" things like hay. Since I'm adding [CAN_SPEAK] to most farm animals, which will make them need to eat like people, being able to turn the wheats and whip vines into low-cost feed would be useful. They'll respect pastures, though, like how gremlins will starve if you pasture them away from food, so they could be limited to cheap food. Beet pulp's a good idea, I've been thinking the sweet pods(basically sugar beets) will need rejigging when the cocktail arc comes around to make rum production more realistic, making it require syrup instead of the base food, and adding a beet pulp product there would be easy. Maybe a reaction convert rotten food to swill, too, for the pigs.

Can I have this mod work with the Wanderer's Friend mod? If not, what adjustments should I make?

Looking at the description of it, you'll need to copy the new reaction permissions Wanderer's Friend adds into the pony civs. I don't know what changes it makes to materials, if they're all added to creatures using the standard body plans, they should be fine, otherwise you will need to copy over new bits in changed files, especially if you want special materials made of tank scale or whatever. I'll have a proper look later, but there's a readme and resources guide included in the download that explains the changes I've made to vanilla. I'm going to be updating in the next couple of weeks to make things a lot more transparent and easier to read, while squashing a few bugs.

For increasing pony success, I'm still not sure how to do it deliberately, but if you copy the site type and biome support from zebras, ponies should become more successful. I think it's mostly a problem with worldgen's food production, though I'm going to mess around and see if I can make ponies more successful and nerf griffons and zebras a little.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 06:46:45 am by Nidokoenig »


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1148 on: November 15, 2011, 11:35:25 am »

Diamond are actually dog sized, yes, so they're easy to deal with. They should probably be sized up a little, say about slippy pony sized, which would make them non-trivial but still quite easy to deal with, and is about the size of the jay pegasi. I usually get at least one ent(often a sapling) per migration wave, and I get crimson bananas and golden oranges often enough that I wonder if it's not respecting pop ratios. I don't know what could be causing the solid black thing, would you mind posting a description, and maybe whatever's between [SELECT_CASTE:FEMALE_PEGASUS] and [SELECT_CASTE:FEMALE_UNICORN] in your raws? Are all the pegasi like that all one gender? In which case, it might be a freak occurrence, it's certainly possible for a pony to be all black, but it does look like a bug. One thing you might want to check is that [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] is still there beneath the last royal caste's skill rate modifiers, that can lead to some errors.

I'll dig up the descriptions when I get back home.  Of my starting 7, 4 were pegasi and 3 of those were black and one slate gray if I recall.  Their manes were of different colors, so that seems to be working correctly at any rate.  Maybe it was just a fluke, but it seemed to happen in my last fort too.  Just luck then too maybe.  In my last fort, it seemed to mostly happen to female pegasi.

While I was mucking around with the raws a bit in the pony creature files, I don't think I changed anything that should have mattered.  I'll grab that snippet when I get back home and post it, just to be sure.

I think I might have been wrong about the ents, actually.  There's a bajillion trees on the map and since the ents move so slowly I think maybe I just missed them (I didn't look closely through the unit list).  With such a slow fort start I'm attracting very few migrants, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

Edit: Here's the raws you asked for:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I went back through my list of ponies, and I think I've found a pattern.  It looks like all of my pegasi come in two varieties: male with black fur and a mane striped red and heliotrope, or female with slate gray fur and a mane striped dark scarlet and crimson.  Looks like their wings are bugged too, bronze for all females, plum for males.  I don't have time to actually try to decipher what the raws above mean right now, but I may take a look at it later tonight when I get a chance.  You'll probably have sorted it out by then anyway. :)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 02:15:57 pm by Telgin »
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1149 on: November 15, 2011, 02:07:52 pm »

All members of a given caste having the same description is a Dorf Fort problem, sometimes they'll have a lot of variety, but most times it'll all be the same. I think it's something to do with the harshness of world gen, too many bottlenecks. It'd be nice if we could tag descriptors as non-hereditary. For now, that's why castes have descriptions programmed separately, rather than the whole bunch. Interesting thing about that, if you program a descriptor for a body part a caste doesn't have, it'll skip over it and not include it in their descriptions, so pegasi will have a line about what colour their wings are, but those descriptions won't pop up on unicorns and earth ponies. But everything else will be exactly the same, almost always, and all pegasi will have the same colour wings.

Oh, does anypony know if a pony having a preference for colour makes them like ponies who are that colour more? Or should someone add [NO_EAT] and [NO_DRINK] to rainbownies, embark with 255 of them, then stuff them all in an enclosed meeting hall and see if there's any correlation between being friends and being a preferred colour after a few months?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 02:10:15 pm by Nidokoenig »


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1150 on: November 15, 2011, 02:20:39 pm »

All members of a given caste having the same description is a Dorf Fort problem, sometimes they'll have a lot of variety, but most times it'll all be the same. I think it's something to do with the harshness of world gen, too many bottlenecks.

Interesting, I guess that explains what's up with the pegasi in my fort.  A shame that, I was going to illustrate the adventures of my new victims.  I may just have to get creative and change their appearance from what the game says.

It's odd though, it looks like my earth ponies and unicorns have a pretty good bit of variety.  Just luck of the draw I reckon.
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1151 on: November 15, 2011, 05:13:50 pm »

Found something in the raw, don't know if it's important.

In the "creature_pony_diomedes.txt" I found:


While in the "creature_pony_rainbow.txt" I found:


The rainbow ponies are supposed to be a collection made up from other pony civ's but I can't find any dark royals anywhere else so I suppose these actually belonged to the diomedes but they seem to only have just royals. Alto the description is the same for them.

I don't know if it's of any consequence, just letting you know.
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1152 on: November 15, 2011, 05:15:07 pm »

They're the same, merely having to be differentiated only in the Rainbow civ.
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1153 on: November 15, 2011, 05:52:25 pm »

Yeah, it's the same as not using the standard [MALE] and [FEMALE] IDs for Keshis and Dralthas in the rainbowny raws, it produces errors because the Earth ponies already have those. I'll make them consistent in the clean up.


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #1154 on: November 15, 2011, 06:20:08 pm »

so, poking around in the raws, I came across a body plan I thought would make a more show-accurate parasprite
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