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Author Topic: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress  (Read 348586 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #285 on: July 12, 2011, 09:36:42 pm »

 Actually, I'm just looking at the colours because I had that world genned for my main issue, getting the various civs to populate the world properly, so it was convenient to check after Sorceror mentioned cutie marks. I think the main thing we're worked up about is giving the ponies the sort of variety we see in the show.
 Birds nests, pony armour and such have been in since forever, so what items were you thinking off? I always keep forgetting to add umbrella hats, but I can't really think of anything else. My current plans are to get diamond dogs working, add griffons as a civ, sort out some more ents, add the painted leather I wanted for the buffalo and make a start on cocktails, marshmallows and other interesting derivatives like dough and sweets.


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #286 on: July 13, 2011, 06:06:48 am »

I have some civ specific items in my remix thing.. i gave feathers and headdresses for buffalo, rings and cloaks for zebra, and a bunch of hats and glasses and stuff for the ponies, mostly for flavour as my ponies are otherwise naked. My diomedan ponies have piercings and pitted helmets and eyepatches and stuff.. pretty punk :P

it does seem that there is alot more genetic variance if you use a bigger world and let it run for a while, but a tag to bypass that would be awesome, i agree. The same thing goes for things like clothing, as it appears that there are certain trends in what items my ponies prefer to wear.. for instance, sometimes they will bring mostly hats, while other times most will be wearing tophats and monocles, its pretty hilarious really :P


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #287 on: July 15, 2011, 01:27:10 pm »

I think the main thing we're worked up about is giving the ponies the sort of variety we see in the show.

Mission accomplished, then! Have you seen how often they repeat background ponies?

Question: if ponies can wear mail shirts with peytrals, shouldn't they be able to wear chain leggings with cruppers?


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #288 on: July 15, 2011, 05:22:35 pm »

We really need a place to upload all the alterations that people are making. I personally want to take a look at the at the stuff that Sorcerer came out with.  Also, do any of the Evil Domi-ponies have the building destroyer ability? Been exsperementing with a new way to possibly nip the buffulo un the bud by setting them to tree-diplomacy (the rare trees on the plains are considered sacred) and mabby taking away there clothes wile leaving it on the ponies. Also set the zebras to be city dwellers because it just seemed more... them. Ancient Africa had some of the most powerful civilizations of there day dagnabit! (and Zacura lived in a house. It was a tree, but so is Twilight's house.)

Ooo! Also, maybe have the griffons live in the forest? It's the biggest biome not already occupied now.

Give that bitch some stone crafts, bitches love stone crafts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #289 on: July 15, 2011, 08:36:36 pm »

I think the main thing we're worked up about is giving the ponies the sort of variety we see in the show.

Mission accomplished, then! Have you seen how often they repeat background ponies?

Question: if ponies can wear mail shirts with peytrals, shouldn't they be able to wear chain leggings with cruppers?

Oh snap! Well, if we have three or four dupes of each caste, that'll be true, we usually see that many of female earth, pegasus and unicorn in a crowd. That's a good point about the armour, I'll take a better look at what's available there. I was thinking of replacing mail shirts and leggings with a flanchard, since DF doesn't have a way of armouring the flank(the side, not the rump where the cutie marks are), since it would be between the upper body and lower body.

We really need a place to upload all the alterations that people are making. I personally want to take a look at the at the stuff that Sorcerer came out with.  Also, do any of the Evil Domi-ponies have the building destroyer ability? Been exsperementing with a new way to possibly nip the buffulo un the bud by setting them to tree-diplomacy (the rare trees on the plains are considered sacred) and mabby taking away there clothes wile leaving it on the ponies. Also set the zebras to be city dwellers because it just seemed more... them. Ancient Africa had some of the most powerful civilizations of there day dagnabit! (and Zacura lived in a house. It was a tree, but so is Twilight's house.)

Ooo! Also, maybe have the griffons live in the forest? It's the biggest biome not already occupied now.

I've got no problem with people uploading My Little Fortress add-ons to DFFD. Just name it My Little Fortress Add-On: Whatever and put a link to this message in the description so people know it's not mine and it's fine with me for people to post add-ons. Tree diplomacy's an interesting idea, but I think what lets the buffalo and zebras run wild is that they start on and have a preference for open savanna, and this gives them an advantage in food. They also don't seem to have as much trouble with megabeasts, which makes sense for buffalo because they're huge and don't have access to smelting, but why zebras don't is a mystery. Maybe they just don't have access to valuable ores and that's part of what draws megabeasts. Good point about building destroyer, I'll make the royalty and all buffalo level two building destroyers, and dralthas level 1.

Griffon placement is certainly between forest and shrubland at the moment. I'm just trying to wrestle with world gen to try and get all civs to spread and prosper at the moment, though, and when most ponies started in forests, they had trouble spreading. I wonder if litter sizes are taken into account? I'll have to test that. I'll add egg-laying code to griffons but comment it out, egg laying is a bit of a liability in fortress mode, since it can immobilise a female for half a year.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #290 on: July 15, 2011, 09:06:44 pm »

So, a few points:

First of all, I would much rather have little variety in appearance than copies of castes. I play Adventurer, and having to flip through multiple copies of castes would just be a pain in the flank.

Furthermore, I recently generated a world where ponies were capable of building fortresses, and they expanded much further. Definitely recommend that.

Also, you could just have the color of cutie marks defined. Random cutie marks would miss the point anyway, unless you can tie them in to a pony's stats.

Lastly, did you make rainbow ponies as their own creature or make an entity with all 3 breeds? Is that even possible? I ask because I'm working on my own mod.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #291 on: July 15, 2011, 10:10:57 pm »

When I do dupes, it'll be because I'm sure there won't be major code changes, and when that time comes I'll probably have it in a subfolder for people to switch out if they want.

Outdoor fortifications do seem to make a big difference. I've made a fair few changes, and things are looking a lot better now.

The thing about cutie marks is that right now, all it would do is tell you what caste the pony is, and I can't be arsed doing it right, which would entail making colours for each type of plant, vermin and a bunch of geometric shapes and tools, if it's just going to be eight to a fort. There's also the fact that ponies will pop up who like the colour "a pile of wheat worms". If there's a lot of demand for it despite these issues, I'll add it in as an optional module when I do the "Tarn Adams Must Die" version that'll catch up the animal ponies and any other changes in the next version, unless that starts looking like it's stretching off into the horizon.

Rainbow ponies are their own creature, unfortunately. Putting multiple creatures in a civ just makes it pick one of them, as with the animal men/pony civs. It's wasn't exactly rocket science setting it up, though.


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #292 on: July 16, 2011, 12:02:54 am »

The problem with having cutie marks at all is that they can't tie in to the pony's talent. You could have a miner pony with, say, a butterfly or plump helmet cutie mark. I much prefer using my imagination for that part.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #293 on: July 16, 2011, 01:17:43 am »

The problem with having cutie marks at all is that they can't tie in to the pony's talent. You could have a miner pony with, say, a butterfly or plump helmet cutie mark. I much prefer using my imagination for that part.

Agreed. Diffidently not worth the time given the problems faced with implementing it.

Give that bitch some stone crafts, bitches love stone crafts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #294 on: July 16, 2011, 03:01:00 am »

personally I'd do it the other way.. look at a ponies cutie mark and then decide what role to put her to.
was bored yesterday and wrote out a python script that can pretty much generate as many cutie mark combinations as i can be bothered to generate, so im going to add it for my remix mod at least..

speaking of remixes, there seems to be alot of personal editing in this mod, i haven't looked too much into it but wouldn't the DF Mod Manager tool help in setting up both the main mod (instead of selecting txt files) and adding any alternative changes.

If there is a demand for it i can zip up my current "stable" build of the Sorc ponymod remix for you to peruse :P


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #295 on: July 16, 2011, 07:37:46 am »

well poop, another hitch with the cutie marks it seems.
after generating a few hundred cutie marks and combinations with my awesome cutie mark generator it seems that for some reason, the cutie mark tissue layer modifier only takes the first option.. strange...

This is my first time playing around with descriptors tho.. maybe I've missed something? any ideas?
(note that if i replace the cutie mark colors with colors CP'd from the hair it does seem to work O_o)

Code: [Select]
            [TLCM_NOUN:cutie mark:SINGULAR]

it seems my coherent cutie mark addition was less apparent than i thought, and only a spelling error (forgot to close a tag) ment it even showed up at all, its currently a part of the [SET_TL_GROUP:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:HAIR] branch


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #296 on: July 16, 2011, 01:40:38 pm »

I just got an awesome idea. Buzzards should be able to buzz in adventure mode.
And bees should squawk, if it's possible to make vermin vocalize.
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #297 on: July 16, 2011, 01:44:54 pm »

Cutie marks are really, really up for interpretation. I mean, look at Cheerilee. She's a teacher, so she with smiley faces? And Pinkie Pie has balloons, which symbolize her talent at throwing parties, but that's not her job--she's a baker. So there's no real problem randomizing images for cutie marks, any more than there is in randomizing physical appearances and personalities. It all comes down to the investment the player puts into the story.

Nidokoenig, I was really confused by your use of the word "conjure." Turns out you're using it to mean "do magic," but it doesn't mean that; it means "summon magically from nowhere or from a great distance." "Transformed" would be better.

There's no way to restrict job functions by caste, is there? Because really, only unicorn and royal ponies should be able to transform anything.

Speaking of horns, I suppose it'd be impossible to make chanfrons with spiked rondels, wearable only by pegasus and earth ponies, that would add a stab attack? I don't know squat about modding, but it sounds to me like it would be difficult. The only instance of using armor as a weapon that I know of is the shield, and that requires a grasper, so I suspect it's not treated as armor at all.

I just got an awesome idea. Buzzards should be able to buzz in adventure mode.

I also detest buzzing noises.
How long have you had that signature?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 01:48:39 pm by doublestrafe »


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #298 on: July 16, 2011, 01:49:43 pm »

I just got an awesome idea. Buzzards should be able to buzz in adventure mode.

I also detest buzzing noises.
How long have you had that signature?
Uh, a few days?
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


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Re: Pony Mod: My Little Fortress
« Reply #299 on: July 16, 2011, 02:49:27 pm »

the horny ponies actually have a stab attack already, quite a powerful one too, if they weren't so damn powerful as sword and board fighters (as they are the only pony that can dual weild) I'd use them as wrestlers exclusively.

I actually managed to fix cutie marks, and currently have a list of 100 plain symbols i pulled from the DF language files (with some additions), as well as 250 variants with colors and multiple symbols

"Her cutie mark is a bale of hay"
"Her cutie mark is a shield flanked by spears"
"Her cutie mark is a sword over an apple"
"Her cutie mark is a black pillar surrounded by an orchard"

just some examples i just pulled from the list :P

unfortunately, without doing the caste multiplication thing nido was talking about, the cutie marks are currently not too diverse (castes tend to have the same generic look with only minor variations)
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