Trips are easy, just put Fayrik#password in the name field. The hash sign tells the board to encrypt everything after that.
Yeah, I think I was thinking of [AT_PEACE_WITH_WILDLIFE], the elf entity tag. Well, I suppose that means goblins will attack apple ents. To be honest, with water buffalo and yaks as they are, it's already worth leading invaders through the pastures(or at least the male-only pastures), so I'm not that bothered. If I make saplings start off really small and take five years to grow, mature trees will be too valuable to risk, anyway, and that's only half as long as real apple trees take to grow. They'll probably only be 300 kilos at most, so it doesn't really matter from a combat perspective. Might be an interesting idea to make pear, lemon and orange ents, too, maybe even milkable maple ents.
If we want apples to be brewable, able to be made into barrels of applesauce, bags of slices and such, they'll have to be a separate plant that doesn't yield seeds, and probably a bunch of different plants with each caste yielding a different apple variety. If egg names can be changed, I'll make them lay seedlings, if not, we'll just have to deal with apple ent eggs.
There are 31 different types of tree in vanilla DF and 16 possible colours. That means I need to make 496 different types of painted wood. Thank Celestia for find and replace. I won't do per species reactions, that would be a little too much micromanaging for Dorf Fort.