Hmmm. Maybe it would be good to have a no-flying race.
Your ideas are good. I'm already going to have to shrink them down (because even the Quetzalcoatlus weighs more than most ponies. The triceratops would weigh more than 5 or 6 royal buffalo), so having a much smaller, weaker one might go well, too.
Okay. I would rather not have any races members go over the size of a Dragon, thank you.
. Royal buffalo are already the size of elephants, so even thats pushing it. How would a T-rex, say, use its tiny arms to hold a shield is beyond me.
It would go a bit like this: Small caste with a nice well-rounded set of skills, with a dabbling in every skill exept those relating to metal working and fighting. The next caste up would be bigger, has natural weapons, and has focus on just fighting and metal-working. Pure fighters and hunters. The next caste up would be a smaller Triceratops type thing, with a durable body and two magical horns. Cooks, planners, and masters of building. Perhapes they are not that smart at actualy fighting, rather, and are actualy pathetic at defending themselves from threats smaller then them due to there bulk. A negative growth in Dodge and Armor using would make others think twice in using them in battle. Another, more "well rounded" dinosaur would be better than a T-Rex (shoot me) because they dont realy have a nich besides eating things. You could just make something up.