They're currently on hiatus while I do some testing with the coloured woods. I've been a bit busy and my laptop's charger broke, so things have been slow, but I've got some more free time now and a replacement charger, so I should be able to make more progress on the wood. The problem, I'm pretty sure, is the lays unusual eggs tag, I just don't know the proper syntax for how to make it lay a plant. The raw data for them is at the top of page eight, I haven't made any changes to them since. A custom reaction might be easier, just have the ent's lay an apple bushel toy and make a custom reaction to "clean" it in the kitchen and produce apples that way.
Firing bolts like miniguns? Odd, perhaps that's a strength thing.
That Apple Ent picture is awesome. Although, if Applejack is a 250 kilo pony(and is probably bigger, she's a muscly girl), that ent must be at least five metres tall and weigh several tons.
Oh, in light of the rabbits stealing apples in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, rabbits should probably have the [CURIOUSBEAST_EATER] token.
I had a thought related to duplicate castes, the thing I'm going to do to force genetic variety eventually. In light of Fluttershy's Earth-pony like attributes, Rarity's mining skill(finding gems perfectly like a legendary miner digging them out), and so on, I was thinking some dupes might have stat affinities that fit other castes. Also, a rare description of the eyes as "staring in different directions" or something.