I would think it would be somewhat along these lines.
First time the civilization has ever discovered adamantine, and definately no HFS yet:
"Wow, this stuff is... amazing! I don't even have to try to get it out of the walls... it's... amazing!" *pick hits the last bit separating him from the hollow tube* "AHHHHHHH-" *dead*
First time the civilization has ever found HFS, but not the first time with adamantine:
"It's such an honor to be able to mine adamantine, so few dwarves ever get this priv-" *pick hits the last bit separating him from the hollow tube* "AHHHHHHH-" *dead*
Civilization has been to HFS, but never survived:
"I've heard the stories about adamantine, that it hides something too horrible for us to ever survive... but... this is my job. I have to mine it. Plus, who knows if the stories are eve-" *pick hits the last bit separating him from the hollow tube* "AHHHHHHH-" *dead*
Civilzation has been to HFS and back, and built an outpost:
"That other fort ain't so special, we're going to show them that not only they are strong enough to survive. We can do it too. I think I should be close to the tube now." *pick hits the last bit separating him from the hollow tube* "Taste our fury!" *murders the nearest few demons with his pick*