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Author Topic: You have found..  (Read 145724 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2011, 02:47:52 am »

Oh it's ended. The remaining dwarves just wandered around, begining to do stuff like clean up the mess, when they'd be horrified by the bronze colossus choking out a giant bird that refused to die, and end up walking in circles until they starved to death. Dragonwork is no more. Empty halls coated with the lifeblood of it's inhabitants. And demons. Lots of demons. And a bronze colossus. And a goblin ambush outside.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One Crazy Ass Giant
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #61 on: March 20, 2011, 02:48:47 am »

It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2011, 02:50:11 am »

I'm considering reclaiming the fortress.. cleaning the blood and bodies.. I mean the demons weren't constantly spilling out as they had before.. if I embark with three or four strong military dwarves.. and raise that damn bridge, then the number of demons becomes finite... and as long as I can avoid the area of the fortress they're in [or more safely, wall that section off. Twice.] until I get some hardcore demon-stompers.. I could take Dragonwork back... DRAGONWORK WOULD LIVE ONCE MORE.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.

Urist Imiknorris

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2011, 02:52:50 am »

That's the true dwarven spirit. Perseverance.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 02:58:48 am by Urist Imiknorris »
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2011, 02:56:30 am »

''Perserverance. When not failing is more important than not dying.''
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One Crazy Ass Giant
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #65 on: March 20, 2011, 02:57:32 am »

Also after the original Zerg RushTM they only wander onto the map 1-2 at a time, not even actively attacking just wandering like wildlife, so reclaim isn't even as hard as it seems
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #66 on: March 20, 2011, 03:03:30 am »

I need more people to talk about this game to. The one other person I know that plays sleeps the whole time I'm not. :<
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One Crazy Ass Giant
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #67 on: March 20, 2011, 03:07:03 am »

I'm central time it's freakin 3AM i'm bout to sleep till 11-12
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #68 on: March 20, 2011, 03:09:59 am »

I'm eastern. 4:09am here. I'm quite the night owl. I'll probably be up til about 8 or 9, then sleep til 1 or 2, then repeat the process.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One Crazy Ass Giant
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #69 on: March 20, 2011, 03:12:21 am »

im nightowl too but i'll probably have to be up for church today actually. and sleeping during the sermon seems bad  :-\
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #70 on: March 20, 2011, 03:13:44 am »

I'm not what you'd call religious. Also

Horrors! Demons in the deep!

Bring it on.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #71 on: March 20, 2011, 03:25:39 am »

A cursed place.

That's what Dragonwork was. They hadn't received word from it in weeks, and the last liason that had returned spoke of demon infested halls. Horrors beyond that which the mind could comprehend. Still, the heirarchy thought enough time had passed, and Dragonwork was filled with valuables after all. That was when they'd set up a team to send in, to scout the place and if possible rebuild it as a prominant trade town, to replace the metropolis it once was.

Edem Urdimmasos was the chosen leader and resident farmer, and with him he'd brought six others. A wood cutter and a carpenter, brothers by the look of them. A mason, for repairing the damaged walls and reinforcing the supports. A miner, for expanding the town if it was livable or carving out shelter if it was needed. And with them, two soldiers. Myself and Obok, axemen from the Mountainhomes.

We arrived, and everything was covered in a fog, and destruction was evident. Steam seemed to rise form the ground cluttered with broken barrels, bent iron bars, cracked tables.. and worse, the bones of our kin. It was obvious something horrible happened here. Edem made a comment that he was glad to have the two of us along... but form the carnage around us, I wonder if it would be enough.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #72 on: March 20, 2011, 03:35:11 am »

The front hall was in shambles. He'd pulled our wagon up to a ruin, a deserted hole in the ground. There were traps not yet sprung, but they didn't seem to have helped against whatever had happened here. As though... as though whatever had happened hadn't come from outside.. Obok came to a similar conclusion after carefully inspecting a set of fortifications against the wall, the rubble telling that it had been torn apart form the inside, by something that wanted out. Edem had barely given the scene a thought before he began barking orders.

"Tosid, get yer and yer brother to them trees, I want somethin ta burn if'n it gets cold. Momuz, start scouting a bit to th' north, look for a place for decent shelter. Take yer pick, so you can work soon as ye find it. Goden, give the doors and fortifications a once over.. I need 'em in workin' condition as soon as ye can. Rigoth, you and Obok go inside and scout the main room. Accordin' to me map, beyond the doors is a hall, then the bazaar, shops and the like.''

I was going to voice my opinion that such a thinning of our small force was in bad form, but he was the leader and I did not want to question him now, not infront of the others.

''Aye, sir.''

They'd sent us out with meager supplies. It wouldn't be easy to defend against even a goblin with the copper plate and shield, but Obok and I would make due. We donned our armor, and began towards the entrance. The large brown stone doors hung by their hinges, blasted open from the inside. I clutched my axe and shield tightly, and motioned for Obok to take the right while I took the left. He nodded and held his shield infront of him. I gave one parting glance to the wagon, and furrowed my brow. I couldn't shake the feeling that we had made a grand err in judgement coming here..
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #73 on: March 20, 2011, 03:54:56 am »

The stink was overpowering. I saw Obok frown as we entered the darkened halls. There were still longburning torches set, a marvel of dwarven engineering in itself, but many of them were destroyed. Personal effects were strewn across the stone floor, torn clothing and blood stains in every direction. I noticed a curious streak of black, and advanced slowly towards it. Leaning down, I registered that it wasn't black stone, but charred stone.

There was a horrible shreik form the south. Obok and I were immediately in form, slightly crouched with shields held out front, axes at the ready. We stared silently into the far hall, waiting for whatever had made the noise. The only sound now was our breathing, heavy and loud in the gloom.

''What was that, Rigoth?'' Obok whispered.

I eyed the corridor, melted around the edges, as if by some sort of acid, "I don't think I want to know, me friend..'' Obok gave an agreeing nod.

Another shriek, this time form the north. In unison, Obok and I turned, rolling our shield over our shoulder and readying instantly, as we were trained to do. There was an odd click and a heavy thump, then silence. I could feel the sweat forming on my brow.

''I don't want to be here any longer, Rigo-'' a scream from outside sounded. Obok glanced at me, his face a mask of concern, and we ran. Our booted feet thudded against worked stone as he ran down the hall and to the outside. The sun momentarily blinded us but cleared instantly, and what we saw was horror. Tosid and his brother, Endok, were torn apart. Tosid's axe lay on the ground, broken in half. Momuz, the miner, lay slumped against a stone wall, breathing but dying, his pick embedded in his chest. He looked up weakly, and shook his head in reignation before closing his eyes, his chest halting it's slow heave. Goden the mason, and Edem, were atop the wagon, dodging the blows of two.. things.

The first was a gigantic eyeless dimetrodon. It's gaunt appearance was further horrified by the four long, spiralling hornes protruding form it's head. It was greenish yellow, and seemed to secret a sickly poison. The second seemed a huge lizard, with thick black hair covering it where it's scaley skin did not. Two long antennae topped it's head, and fire leaked form it's jaws as it swiped at Goden, it's claws ripping his chest open and spilling his insides. Edem saw us, and scrambled over the wagon.

''Help me, Rigoth!'' he yelled, and stumbled towards us.

Obok and I are trained soldiers, but in the face of such horrors, we hesitated. A cold fear gripped us, and for a moment we could not react, and it was a moment Edem did not have. The dimetrodon, moving impossibly fast, leapt from the wagon and came down atop Edem. It's horns gored into his back, spilling the farmer's blood onto the ground in gallons it seemed. The sickly poison dripped onto the still-living dwarf's form, searing the flesh and rotting it before our eyes.

''Rigoth..'' Obok said, and took half a step back.

''Run!'' I yelled, and Obok and I both turned and bolted. We werent far from the entrance, but the demons were very fast. I heard the one breath it's fire and the dimetrodon stomping towards us. We'd barely made it to the door when it reached Obok. It's horns sheared into the stone as it lunged forwards and down with it's head, like it has done to Edem outside. My boots slid on the stone as I stopped, but as I said before, Obok and I were trained soldiers. He tucked and rolled, copper breastplate sparking as it ground against the stone. He turned in the same movement, bringing his left arm up with his shield, slamming it into the downward swipe of the beasts claws. His axe came neck, striking the creature across it's scaley face but doing no real damage. He glanced back to me.

''Rigoth, run! We can't both outrun it, but one of us can!'' Obok growled. It was the most heroic thing I'd heard anyone say. Every fiber of my dwarven being screamed at me to grab my axe and join the fray, but it was not what Obok wanted. I nodded and turned north, sprinting away.

''Come on, ye elf kissin sissy! Is that all ye got, or ye been holdin' out on me, sweetheart?'' Obok hollered, laughing as the creature struck again with it's horns, only to receive a nasty shield slam for it's trouble.

I ran past several shops, smelting furnaces and a metalsmith's forge, but it went by ina  blur. I reached the northern hallway and was out of sight by the time I heard a horrible crunch of ripping metal, and the triumphant roar of the lizard beast. A moment later a brightening of fire, and silence. I shut my eyes and prays for Obok, but prayed harder for myself. I was lost in a demon filled fort, and all alone.

[This is pretty much a dramatization of what just happened with my rembark, by the way.]
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You have found..
« Reply #74 on: March 20, 2011, 04:00:06 am »

Sounds like you need a retake in force squad. Steel armored military
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