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Author Topic: Request: Naga Sprites  (Read 24221 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2011, 12:23:59 pm »

Right now their size is about 1/3 larger than a human I believe, I can't remember the -exact- number I used.  Because they're using default body proportions, that means their human body is 1/3 larger than an actual human, but this could change as I give them custom bodies.  I would like them to be a bit larger, perhaps 1/4 relatively larger than humans, plus their long tails.  I guess I was imagining the tail ~12 feet long, enough to wrap around a body tightly, but not really sure.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2011, 01:30:53 pm »

So you mean that their humanoid portions are 5/4ths of the size of a human's body?
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2011, 01:37:25 pm »

Something like that, yes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2011, 03:33:43 pm »

Do you mind if I ask what makes you arrive at that proportional larger size than humans?  I generally just assumed human-sized (or smaller, to make it proportional to dwarves) torsos when I was going at it. 

I'm also still curious as to what sort of culture and role in the world you see nagas having.

OK, let me see... very roughly, half of a person's height is in their torso and head, the other half being in their (non-existant in a naga) legs.  5/4ths proprtionality means they would have a body like that of a 7 or 7.5-foot-tall human on average (with "large" nagas being more like 9-foot-tall people).  Assuming we'd need about 3/4s of the mass of a naga on the ground pushing that torso along that doesn't help with locomotion, and an almost 4-foot long torso, we're talking about a length of about 16 feet, minimum (up to 20 for some of the larger nagas).  To be faster, or survive having a bit of tail cut off, you'd probably want more of the body focused on locomotion.  Also, coiling around someone pretty well probably works better with longer, thinner body types. 

Very roughly, I'm guessing this is a total mass of about 110-120kg on average.  That's something like [SIZE:115000], by the way, since size is measured in either mL or g, and the game seems to functionally assume organic creatures have a density of 1L/kg.  That's a size double that of a dwarf, so you might want to drop the strength ratings on some of these nagas below what you would otherwise do, otherwise it might just be unfair when playing as a naga.

For the record, this was the code I had for lamias when I made them:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Basically, I made them fairly small (I'm actually a little surprised how small, relatively), so they would fit in more with the other castes they were living with. 

Their serpentine portions took up basically 3/4ths of their body length - they should have been about 10 feet long, so they would have had a "human" portion 2.5 feet long, basically being 5/6ths the size of a normal human (which I guess comes out about right compared to dwarves and the sidhe).

No idea if you were curious about or cared about those trait-based numbers, but there they are for my vision of them...


Ah, and here's a great video clip I found...

Artic snakes(!), and they are clearly using rectilinear motion.  (You can see it start at 0:55 in the video, with the male viper moving across the rocks in rectilinear motion.)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 06:32:11 pm by NW_Kohaku »
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #64 on: March 22, 2011, 04:07:22 pm »

Actually, my starting raws have them at 100,000 size, which was just a rough approximation.  I hadn't gotten into actual details yet.  I'm not sure why I wanted them bigger, except to make them fiercer warriors really.  Not to mention I'm just a fan of the large, powerful naga type, and since I'm working on it I can pander to my own fetishes.  Normally I would give them a slower birthrate, but that doesn't seem to matter very much when you get migrants by the dozen.  And if we're doing this for real, then I'd rather have a well-balanced product than an overpowered dream.

For culture and world role, I saw them sort of like Sparta was depicted in 300.  They're just chilling over there, but you pick a fight and they send a dozen soldiers that level houses.  They're rather laid back, content to wait on crops to grow and will take time to finish working on a set of armor well, instead of producing a lot quickly.  Their belief style is closer to one of "All things have their time", and the time for crops happens to be two months away.  When the time for war comes, then it's simply time to fight and they go at it with calm dedication.  Until the actual battle, at least, then they fight as furious as any creature with its life on the line would.

I haven't tinkered with attributes yet, I need to but I'm taking it one step at a time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #65 on: March 22, 2011, 05:12:51 pm »

For culture and world role, I saw them sort of like Sparta was depicted in 300. 

Oh my... Tonight I paint sprites in Hell. 

Well, can you give more of an idea of what their civil culture is like, aside from their warrior nature?  (And did you see the History Channel historical accuracy documentary released about the movie?)

I remember that my smallish lamia managed to perform fairly well, and I was considering making some of their negatives worse to balance them a little (although many of their positives are in less-useful attributes like musicality).  If you look at the bottom of that clip of code I put up, you'll also notice I basically went through and wound up messing with every one of their personality traits, as well. (I also tweaked their mannerisms and such.)

Basically, I tried to make them have very strong personalities and egos, but still made them fairly empathetic (as they'd have to be to avoid killing one another when they're all dominant personality types) and highly inclined to artistic or scholarly pursuits less than mechanical pursuits and generally being reluctant to pursue physical labor. 

Even more basically, the race was strong and fast and smart and natural leaders and organizers, but lazy and easily distracted and egotistical. 

I kind of envisioned them taking up more of the leadership roles and being more the engravers than the miners or better yet, the crafts-makers and glassmakers rather than the masons of the mixed race society I was building.  They are the sorts that try to understand the people around them, and play the social and political games better than others, trying to get ahead more through who they know than what they can do sorts of people, but also being fiercly loyal or passionate about the people or causes close to them. 

So, I'm not sure how you feel about the things I've already had in mind for the lamia I rather liked playing with, but I'm thinking that, based upon how different you want to make your naga, I might just make my own version, and we could do a sort of half-collaboration, half-parallel development kind of mod, or just make a single mod if our visions of what we want out of the race are close enough together. 

Oh, and I'm thinking I'm going to make the "common naga" have a sort of teal hair/scale color, and phase out the orange-red color, then, with nobles having purples, middle class artisans having blue, and leaving the warriors with red.  Farmers and hunters might have more woody greens.

Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #66 on: March 22, 2011, 05:45:40 pm »

By "Spartans in 300" I mean "they way their society was shown in action during the movie".  Not counting the flashbacks showing baby deaths and wolves.  They were a self-confident people who stood their own.  They didn't hurry to do anything or take a big part in local politics.  They do their own thing and that's fine.

That sounds like a pretty good idea though, having them empathetic and more creatively inclined.  I hadn't even touched personality traits yet, but there will certainly have to be good personality charts and ideas.  That sounds like something you already know how to do though, and your description wasn't bad for my intentions either.

The sprites look good.  The color for peasants is teal-ish, right?  Looks like we're going to have scale and hair color change depending on job :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #67 on: March 22, 2011, 06:21:41 pm »

I wound up manually punching in slight variations on every attribute, and 17 of 30 personality traits...

Low activity level, adventureousness (prefer to be laid back), cooperation, dutifulness (stubborn), modesty, self-discipline, and straightforwardness (do as they feel)

High artistic interest, intellectual curiosity, liberalism (like to express themselves and learn), assertiveness, self-efficacy (confident), friendliness, sympathy, emotionality, gregariousness (caring), and immoderation (still like to do as they feel)

Actually, thinking about it, there's a couple extra ones I should put in that list...

low vulnerability, low self-discipline... I'll mess with that for a second...

Even better video:

Rectilinear motion up trees.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 06:45:31 pm by NW_Kohaku »
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #68 on: March 22, 2011, 06:56:42 pm »

Snakes climbing trees is weird...  It makes no sense.  But, not much to say here.  You seem to have the peronality pegged down pretty similar to what I want.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #69 on: March 22, 2011, 07:43:10 pm »

If you ever go rock climbing, the trick to doing it easily is to always press your body as close to the cliff face as possible. You want to use your legs, which are strong and meant for supporting your weight as much as possible, using your arms more for balance.  Then, you pretty much try to climb the wall like a ladder.  The more you can press yourself against the wall, the more you are simply pressing all your weight directly down to your legs, and just standing on what little outcroppings you can find.

Snakes are built for this sort of rock climbing (or tree bark climbing) - they press themselves up against the surface of the tree, force their bellies into the crevices, and push off all their weight into the tree bark in that way.

Rectilinear motion is so cool because it just doesn't look like they're moving at all (which is the major advantage of rectilinear motion - little movement to tip off prey), but it's actually a very delicate and intricate set of precise motions.  The sort of motions that make a snake look like it just hovers over land and glides straight up a tree.

Yes, it looks like our ideas are fairly similar, so there shouldn't be much problem with creative differences down the road.

I made an updated version of the naga peasant.  I didn't like the old version once I colored it - I made the original very simple and very light-colored to be visible when everything was just one color, but with the ability to make higher contrast images, I feel a need for more detailed work.

I also want to try messing with making a larger eye - a "r" shaped eye instead of two dots.

I also made the skin a little more tan, added shading and some transparency to a few pixels. The hand is also outstretched more, so it should be easier to do things like make her hold a bucket or something.

Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #70 on: March 22, 2011, 08:00:32 pm »

Oh, hey, check this one:

Haah... how do you code in a liver that can double in size depending on when and how much it last ate?
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #71 on: March 22, 2011, 08:01:28 pm »

I am trying to make chickens lay bees as eggs. So far it only produces a single "Tame Small Creature" when a hen lays bees.
Honestly at the time, I didn't see what could go wrong with crowding 80 military Dwarves into a small room with a necromancer for the purpose of making bacon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #72 on: March 22, 2011, 08:04:09 pm »


... now why didn't I think of that?

Hah, wow, that's gonna be weird... in a the-player-will-probably-never-know-or-care sort of way.
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #73 on: March 22, 2011, 08:12:24 pm »

A bigger liver is easier to attack... and if they're well-fed, like any good fort should be, that's pretty big.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Request: Naga Sprites
« Reply #74 on: March 22, 2011, 08:34:21 pm »

... now why didn't I think of that?
Sanity checks are for the sane. :P
I am trying to make chickens lay bees as eggs. So far it only produces a single "Tame Small Creature" when a hen lays bees.
Honestly at the time, I didn't see what could go wrong with crowding 80 military Dwarves into a small room with a necromancer for the purpose of making bacon.
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