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Author Topic: Eve Online  (Read 270665 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1860 on: July 31, 2013, 07:31:33 am »

NC./PL aren't your friends. That dude that just ran off with the 350bil in TEST JF/logistics contracts? He's now in PL. Also before and during the Fountain war, a lot of HBC/TEST's competent officers and FCs fled for PL.
A fair amount of your post is true, but people keep saying that "ALL OF TEST'S FCs WENT TO PL". Where are these mystery FCs that we lost to PL all of a sudden? The only one I can think of is Richter, and he hadn't FC'ed for a while. Maybe Dysphonia, but he bittered out after the Delve war and never really FC'ed again. Neither of them are true, bloc-level FCs, either.

EDIT: Also to touch on the part about PL, why would they show up? They're not deployed to Fountain. We may not be blue, but our diplomatic stance with PL is in pretty decent shape. And so what, we're neutral, nothing's stopping a guy (other than measures that are placed by directors to prevent theft) from stealing ISK and then joining PL, we no longer share blacklists or anything. If PL actively wanted to do harm to Test in that way, I could guarantee you that we would have been kartoon'ed already.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 07:36:13 am by Epithemius »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1861 on: July 31, 2013, 07:42:28 am »

Also, someone made a pretty good point to me today, Test is in the process of becoming a non-crap, non-pet alliance. We were basically a pet of GSF for a couple of years (like all CFC members other than CONDI), then enslaved ourselves to the HBC. The next few weeks will be tough, but I have a feeling that Test will pull through and be all the better for it. Getting rid of the mentalities of a pet alliance is tough, and making it into something worth a damn is even harder. BoodaBooda is on the right path, but it's going to be a tough one for him to pull off. Expect to see a bunch of restructuring in leadership. We're also ditching the absolutely awful CFC model of military. It sucks. We're replacing it with a better model that caters to FCs with much more ease and efficiency.  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1862 on: July 31, 2013, 07:54:45 am »

By the way fountain only has 24 R64s, I know I scanned them myself after the patch.)

24? You missed a few. A lot.  ;)

Also, those are the publicly known ones. Quite a bit more than 24.

First off never trust dotlan, always scan on your own, dotlan takes bribes, lots of them, I know this, I have bribed them to change one of my own moon from Dyspro to Cadmium. And yes I went through system by system to scan moons to have my own moon map, it cost roughly 150 million for all 3000+ of the probes. There's roughly 25 R64 moons in fountain.

Also, I'm not implying it doesn't require skill to win diplomatically, I am saying, it's dumb to claim the victory as your own, when it's not yours. It's the fault of your diplos, not the fault of the people fighting, the people manufacturing. You are the meat shield that keeps them having the game they like to play. You are not important. You basically are just there to mop up after a while. And no, NC. is not going to betray TEST, to do so would be stupid for them. Unless they were to do it now, when we are both fatigued and poorish, in which case it would just be a slap fight.

The point of it all is. Smug it up, you did nothing to assure this victory, you are pretty much a cog in the great wheel, just like me. Your diplo's, your FC's, they are the ones who will win the fights, before they happen. You guys were at a standstill until we had to mop up a 3 region sov drop. You were losing until you bribed an entity you guys said you hated in the last war you were in. You were being beaten back time and again until we lost the super caps to NC. needing to fight Solar Fleet, who my sources say you possibly financed to attack NC. space and then cut off when they left to take care of that. You were grinding sov in  torp bombers until the threat of cap drops left.

You will eventually stop paying BL., and they'll start attacking your moons again. You will eventually have troubles with Razor, and FA. These are things that my spys say are being set up even now.

This isn't Something Awful, demeaning a group of members, because, "HERP DERP, WE WON A POINTLESS WAR USING THE TRADITIONAL GOON TACTICS OF NOT FIGHTING THE WAR." is dumb, pointless and utterly inconsequential. But arrogance is what arrogance is, and I'm sure you'll just prove the point by trying to counter what I'm saying with things like. Which is that it's dumb to take credit for these wins given that you are statistically likely to be a ground pounder, and this war was won not by the groundpounder, you were just there to further the goals of the people above you. To fatten their wallets. While you are forced to do tediously boring things like industry or ratting to earn a pittance of what they earn from their personal moons. Anyway I'm done arguing with you, go be goons. Do goonie things. Like smug on Bay12 about how "you/we" won a war that you didn't really fight.

No I'm not saying it's not impressive that you took a region. I'm saying claiming a victory as your own, is utterly false, you didn't win this war. Not like the grunts in test lost this war. This is like someone claiming their favorite sports team won using the words "WE WON!" You were that guy, the guy with no involvement in the overall rhetoric, strategy or plays saying that he had any involvement whatsoever in the grand victory.

And before you just claim I am angry or irrational, or that I'm "SO MAD."

It's impossible to be mad with a kitten on my shoulder purring. I'm actually fucking so god damn satisfied with the game right now. However this spiral that the goons have started is ultimately self destructive and damaging to the game as a whole. And that's why I am trying to make clear that. What's the end game plan?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1863 on: July 31, 2013, 07:57:37 am »

Number 1: I'm not CFC, I'm just an outside observer on how literally dumb TEST has been for most of the campaign.

Here's the thing buddy, there's a reason people fly with CFC - it's because, god forbid, CFC treats each of their member alliances as equals and brothers in arms. The Corps Diplomatique split up war and sov gains pretty fairly based on member participation.

You want to know why this war really started? From a non-CFC/TEST diplo source? TEST and CFC were on good terms, but TEST slowly grew to hang out with PL more. CFC helped TEST gain Fountain and Delve in the last war, and this was a nice gesture as the region wasn't too space-rich or space-poor. Then Asakai happened, and TEST sided with PL. Odyssey happened, and with the moon goo restructuring TEST found themselves on extremely lucrative space. CFC tried to broker a deal with TEST to even out the r64 income in the region as CFC helped TEST take Fountain, and TEST not only told CFC to fuck off, but they posted the secret diplo logs all over kugu and the internet to further their propaganda of "grr goons". That's why now those of us in diplo joke about TEST "literally believing autism to be a legitimate diplomatic strategy", TEST will burn their diplos, allies, and any relations just to prove their propaganda pieces. And that is why TEST doesn't have any friends besides poor TRIBE, PL (a mercenary alliance) and N3 - with obviously trustworthy NC. who backstabbed over OTEC.

Don't try to fool anyone with the Fountain only having 24 r64 moons line. Everyone knew Delve and Fountain would turn into some of the most space-rich regions in the game due to :ccp shenanigans:. And we all showed up to survey Fountain, which is why you have the Dotlan report I posted. It's all independently verifiable, and the CFC reports were posted as well.

If anything, TEST is just a PL pet right now. With members like Baki Yuku literally feeding TEST Delve moon income into himself or PL... And I wonder if it'll ever come to light why the rogue director of this logistics contracts theft wasn't booted for at least 4 days, and now he's in PL.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1864 on: July 31, 2013, 08:13:02 am »

Here's the thing buddy, there's a reason people fly with CFC - it's because, god forbid, CFC treats each of their member alliances as equals and brothers in arms. The Corps Diplomatique split up war and sov gains pretty fairly based on member participation.
That's literally a definition of a pet, hth. Do you honestly think that a low-tier, awful alliance like SMA gets a say in the decision making process? No. FCON? No. They're told what to do by GSF, or they're told to get out.
CFC helped TEST gain Fountain and Delve in the last war, and this was a nice gesture as the region wasn't too space-rich or space-poor.
Wrong. Fountain and Delve were two different campaigns. Fountain was against IT Alliance and associated pets, and it was at the end of 2010. Delve 2012 was in the summer of 2012. Here you're wrong yet again, Fountain had nothing compared to the north, besides the rats, we basically lived off of northern Technetium.
Then Asakai happened, and TEST sided with PL.
You do realise that at that time, we had been blue to PL for over 8 months, right? PL was a full member of the HBC at the time. We were in the process of working together to burn the awful remnants of -A-. You clearly lack a grasp in the going-ons in EVE if this is what you think happened.
And that is why TEST doesn't have any friends besides poor TRIBE, PL (a mercenary alliance) and N3 - with obviously trustworthy NC. who backstabbed over OTEC.
You do realise that the CFC also had to hire a mercenary alliance, Black Legion, after they hilariously trapped 200+ slowcats in Q-CAB, right? N3 is a pretty solid coaltion, and while I don't really trust Vince Draken, I do trust Nulli Secunda. I don't think Gorga is interested in planting a knife in our backs.
Don't try to fool anyone with the Fountain only having 24 r64 moons line.
It's more than 24, but it's nothing compared to Delve or Querious, hth.
If anything, TEST is just a PL pet right now. With members like Baki Yuku literally feeding TEST Delve moon income into himself or PL... And I wonder if it'll ever come to light why the rogue director of this logistics contracts theft wasn't booted for at least 4 days, and now he's in PL.
Riiiight. So we're a PL pet, but yet we live on the opposite side of EVE than PL, and we also are not blue to PL. Makes perfect sense ( ::)). You also do realise that this theft happened YESTERDAY, right? So please enlighten me how we waited four days to kick the guy. Also, you do realise that Baki Yuku is just a cap FC, right? Oh wait, no, you probably have no idea.

So basically most of the things you've said are pretty much outright wrong, and you seem to lack a knowledge of current ~spacepolitics~.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 08:21:53 am by Epithemius »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1865 on: July 31, 2013, 08:21:21 am »

Also a signifigant number of TEST FCs and mildir did leave for PL... just Richter is the most vocal about TEST being a terrible alliance that prides itself on being terrible. :P

Also, I can't go without mentioning... We were all wondering why TEST mildir was going batshit insane and timing AUTZ while their core AU defense fleet N3/PL members left - against the most sov-grind-happy alarm-clocking corp/alliance/coalition in the game - and expecting it to end well.

Turns out Beffah was gone. So that explained a lot - and then after that tussle you guys effectively fired your last competent mildir. She was so pissed about you guys ceding PNQY and failing to have sane timer contests that she started rageposting all over kugu and SA.

[12:01:38 AM] Beffah: YOU STUPID FUCKS
[12:01:41 AM] Beffah: ARE THROWING AWAY
[12:01:49 AM] Beffah: ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID

Hmm, I'm wrong - but I called the Fountain War correctly. Seems like I win.

We'll see about Delve and TEST. ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1866 on: July 31, 2013, 08:25:51 am »

Also a signifigant number of TEST FCs and mildir did leave for PL... just Richter is the most vocal about TEST being a terrible alliance that prides itself on being terrible. :P
Mind naming names other than Richter?
Also, I can't go without mentioning... We were all wondering why TEST mildir was going batshit insane and timing AUTZ while their core AU defense fleet N3/PL members left - against the most sov-grind-happy alarm-clocking corp/alliance/coalition in the game - and expecting it to end well.
Because we had the ability to win timers, but then our numbers started to drop after NCdot pulled out to deal with SOLAR, along with SCRAP.
Turns out Beffah was gone. So that explained a lot - and then after that tussle you guys effectively fired your last competent mildir.
Haha Beffah being competent, that's a good one, she was an awful mildir and desperately needed to be replaced with someone who can deal with people. We gave up PNQY, because at that point, pretty much all was lost, thanks to her mismanagement and inactivity. She decided that going inactive in the middle of a major war and not appointing someone to take over was a great idea, so we promoted someone alongside her (far too late, however). She was not competent, so keep on with the delusions, please.
Hmm, I'm wrong - but I called the Fountain War correctly. Seems like I win.

We'll see about Delve and TEST. ;)
Considering most of what you said is wrong, okay, keep believing that. We lost, but winning doesn't mean you have to drop to SMA-levels of posting.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 08:28:58 am by Epithemius »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1867 on: July 31, 2013, 08:30:03 am »

Everything of what you tell me is wrong is only based on your opinion and TEST heresay. Let me give you a hint, NC. didn't need to deal with SOLAR right away, neither did ALL of PL need to be away for a tournament in which a few of their dudes participated.

I don't feel like engaging you in a TEST forumpost quote war, but rather we can just let the current ongoings and TEST's performance and the words of it's former directors and actions of their "allies" speak for themselves.

Like honestly, none of us want to go near your line members or diplos, if you want to call them that.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 08:33:23 am by KaelGotDwarves »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1868 on: July 31, 2013, 08:34:02 am »

Everything of what you tell me is wrong is only based on your opinion and TEST heresay.

I don't feel like engaging you in a TEST forumpost quote war, but rather we can just let the current ongoings and TEST's performance and the words of it's former directors speak for itself.

Like honestly, none of us want to go near your diplos or line members, if you want to call them that.
Right, okay, the "I'M GOING TO COVER MY EARS AND IGNORE THE FACT THAT I'M WRONG BECAUSE YOU ASSOCIATE WITH A CERTAIN GROUP". I'm hardly the type to drink Kool-Aid from Test, in fact, I've been pretty public and clear with my complaints to leadership about the alliance. All that I'm doing is breaking down your post and telling you exactly where you're wrong. The diplos part I wholeheartedly agree with, Viktor Valliance is an awful diplomat and needs to be replaced. The line members part? Heh. Okay. Line members are all insufferable. Regardless of alliance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1869 on: July 31, 2013, 09:07:18 am »

Guys please remember that while your here you are Bay12 members first everything else last
He must be running 3.5 abacuses of RAM


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1870 on: July 31, 2013, 01:08:13 pm »

I really can't take Dakorma seriously when he cannot get simple math correct much less details of high level diplomacy, economics, and combat. Enjoy being an impoverished N3 pet in Delve, we'll enjoy adding 58 moons to our value (and yes, Goons scouted /every single moon/ in Fountain so don't try and spin like we don't know)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1871 on: July 31, 2013, 01:56:31 pm »

I really can't take Dakorma seriously when he cannot get simple math correct much less details of high level diplomacy, economics, and combat. Enjoy being an impoverished N3 pet in Delve, we'll enjoy adding 58 moons to our value (and yes, Goons scouted /every single moon/ in Fountain so don't try and spin like we don't know)
You do realise that Delve has many, many more R64s than Fountain, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1872 on: July 31, 2013, 02:14:44 pm »

I really can't take Dakorma seriously when he cannot get simple math correct much less details of high level diplomacy, economics, and combat. Enjoy being an impoverished N3 pet in Delve, we'll enjoy adding 58 moons to our value (and yes, Goons scouted /every single moon/ in Fountain so don't try and spin like we don't know)
You do realise that Delve has many, many more R64s than Fountain, right?
Not according to what anyone I've heard with any credibility has said. Keep in mind Goons have literally hundreds of scouts and they're being paid to scan each and every moon in the galaxy. Also, Pizza owns a bunch of the Delve moons already. Not to mention that Baki Yuki has taken control of them and is using TEST as his personal piggy bank.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1873 on: July 31, 2013, 02:34:32 pm »

I really can't take Dakorma seriously when he cannot get simple math correct much less details of high level diplomacy, economics, and combat. Enjoy being an impoverished N3 pet in Delve, we'll enjoy adding 58 moons to our value (and yes, Goons scouted /every single moon/ in Fountain so don't try and spin like we don't know)
You do realise that Delve has many, many more R64s than Fountain, right?
Not according to what anyone I've heard with any credibility has said. Keep in mind Goons have literally hundreds of scouts and they're being paid to scan each and every moon in the galaxy. Also, Pizza owns a bunch of the Delve moons already. Not to mention that Baki Yuki has taken control of them and is using TEST as his personal piggy bank.
You're joking, right? Taking moons from PIZZA is like taking candy from a baby, 5 minutes and a ping for dreads twice in two days cleans up all the mess. In fact, we're starting that already. The moons will be no issue. You do realise that the reason BoB (and GoonFleet) lived in Delve/Querious/PB is due to the fact that it has the highest concentration of R64s in the game, right? That's still true to this day. And Baki is. Just. A. Cap. FC. Jesus. Stop reading into Endie's posts so much, he's not telling the truth, Christ. He isn't the finance director, the moongoo isn't touched by him, and his corp doesn't have all the moons towered.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1874 on: August 01, 2013, 07:35:42 am »

The worst part about losing this war is seeing FA hold our old home.  :-[
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