Couple of hours with a low SP Harby pilot (Me) and a decently flown, poorly fitted Cane pilot, and his Salvager Alt with Destroyer. It's in the equivalent of 0.0, so you've gotta take precautions; have someone checking the Directional scanner fairly often, have a safespot bookmarked away from any features you can easily warp to, and make sure you don't stick around if anyone does warp in on you. Sleepers hit for all types of damage, so an active tank with a few EANMs/Invuln Fields is handy, and gives you a reasonable tank in PvP. Not as good as a decent Buffer can be, but better than a mission fit. Always bookmark both sides of the wormhole, and watch out for anyone nearby either side too. Bring a probe launcher and probes; if you don't and the WH collapses on you you're not getting out except by podding yourself.
In terms of ship progression, a friend bought me a Harby before I felt ready to fly it, so it got used in L2s until my drones, guns, fitting and tank skills were where I wanted them. I bought an Apoc because I prefer the looks, but the Abaddon out-performs it everywhere without T2 pulses, so I decided I'd wait and get both. Apoc's just sitting in Ordion waiting for me, poor thing. Got everything I need for the Baddon's fit, just need to wait for Engineering V and Large Energy Weapons I. Got Energy weapons up to III in the queue, and I expect III to be most of the way trained before I get round to using it in missions.
Oh, and I fit a single small gun on the last high slot on the Omen; a Med pulse laser with a Gamma S I'd found. Nothing else would fit, and 3 light drones can take a while to take out frigs, so it seemed like a decent thing to try. Worked surprisingly well; cut down the time I was waiting for the drones to kill the last frigs hugely. Not something more experienced players would advocate, but there was nothing else to do.