Hello! If you hadn't guessed by now, this is the Prelude to Sheb's version of Countries at War, a shoddily made game originating from ME, and constantly refined by other people that actually had the time to fix it!
Now, just to explain, Prelude revolves around the revolutions of the several countries leading up to the above game. However, due to some territory size things, multiple revolutions will be done at once. They will be separated by letter, and full turns denoted by number. It also introduces something new, a Morale System which will be explained later in this post.
We will be starting with three countries, and move on to the next after they are all finished off.
Turns will be on every weekend.
Rule One: One faction per player.
Rule Two: A player may NOT rejoin after being defeated except for special circumstances.
Rule Three: Turns must be posted in a coherent manner, and must have some degree of organization or they WILL be ignored.
Rule Four: Should there be research, keep it relatively modern tech.
Rule Five: One shall not get ye flask, for one obviously cannot.
Rule Six: Don't you start a flame war, bro. And I'm not talking literal. Because literal ones are awesome.
Morale is based on number of troops, territories held, and the amount of enemy troops attacking. For example, for any troop with a combat modifier twenty points lower will have a chance of surrendering. If outnumbered 4 to 1, the troops will retreat or surrender. If a territory nearby is taken with a larger amount of troops or the large amount of troops stationed there are overwhelmed, one nearby territories troops shall retreat.
Generally, it's decided on a 0-100 basis. The attacking and defending will get a random number, and their modifiers will be added. If the attacker ends up with a lower number than the defender, they are destroyed. The same for the defender. If the attacker is within 20 from the defenders number, they will be wounded and sent back to the territory they attacked from, unable to move or fight for one turn.
All troops travel one half per turn, except for ships, which travel three due to area size.
1. Regulars,$500: Modifier of 8 on offense and 10 on defense.
2. Militia, $250: Modifier of 4 for defense and offense.
3. Marines/Rangers/Paratroopers, $1000: Modifier of 13 on attack and 12 on Defense.
4. Commandos, $1300: Modifier of 15 on attack and Defense.
5. Civilians, $125: Modifier of 2 on offense and 6 on defense. Will automatically surrender if faced with tanks, or another unit is killed in battle. Only usable by rebels.
6. All infantry suffers a negative modifier when facing an Armored Division/Air Group/A ship fleet.
1. Light Tanks/Mechanized Vehicles, $750: Modifier of 9 on Defense and Offense. Negates Infantry modifiers by 2.
2. Medium Tanks, $1500: Modifier of 12 on both Offense and Defense. Negates infantry modifiers by 4.
3. Main Battle Tanks, $2000: 16 on both Offense and Defense. Negates infantry modifiers by 8.
(Note: Obviously includes anti-air.)
1. Destroyer, $500: 8 on attack and defense, negates infantry modifiers by 4.
2. Cruiser, $1000: 14 on attack, 9 on defense. Negates infantry modifiers by 6.
3. Battleship, $1300, 20 on attack, 18 on defense. Negates infantry modifiers by a whopping 10.
0.5: All air units negates all infantry by 6, excepting helicopters.
1. Fighter Jets, $750: Modifier of 8 on all air units, unable to attack infantry.
2. Bombers, $700: Modifier of 7, only able to attack ground units.
3. Fighter-Bomber Jets, $1250: Modifier of 8, able to attack both infantry and air units.
4. Transport Plane, $750: Only able of transport.
5. Helicopter Gunships/Attack Helicopters, $750: Modifier of 5 on ground an modifier of 3 on air units, negates infantry modfiers by 2.
Depending on the subject, you will have a chance in 100, 200, 300, or 500 to finish the project. Cash adds a .10 modifier by amount.
Poland: Loyalist troops will always have a +3 modifier.
South Africa: Will gain a free mercenary every two turns.
England: Same as Poland.
Thailand: Loyalists travel three half territories.
Egypt: Vehicles are all cheaper by $200.
Sierra Leone: Starting income of $1000.
Italy: Same as Poland.
Alaska: Loyalists may bring in a Main Battle Tank group, a Commando group, or increase their income by $50 every three turns.
Canada: Same as Egypt.
Madagascar: Automatically start with two extra Regulars.
Japan: Same as Sierra Leone.
Israel: Everything is cheaper by $50.
Vehicular Commander: Vehicles do 3 points more damage.
Infantry Specialist: Infantry does 3 points more damage.
Financial Specialist: $125 extra income.
Faction: (Loyalist, Rebel or Outside Force. Outside Force only available in Italy and Sierra Leone.)
Commander Name:
Commander Bonus:
-Loyalists, Johnfalcon
-Rebels, Bdthemag