I've got all expansions and DLC for the games that have them, and i always get the enhanced editions and GOTY editions and such whenever possible.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
APB: Reloaded
ARMA 2 (for DayZ, of course. I doubt i'll play the main game much, but i'd really like to check out DayZ when i get the chance)
Defence Grid: The Awakening
Fallout: New Vegas
Frozen Synapse
Garry's Mod
Just Cause 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Mount and Blade
Mount and Blade: Warband
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword
Civilization V
Space Pirates and Zombies
Star Wars: Knigts of The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
The Witcher
The Witcher II
Worms: Reloaded
X-COM: Apocalypse
Can't wait for the next big sale!
Also, before i forget, since i bought Frozen Synapse i have an additional copy to give away. Anyone want the extra copy?
You know you coulda gotten all the xcom games for 3$ total from the Amazon sale the week before the steam sale? I got them then and also posted here about it. They were even steam keys.
(Xcom and the 7.59 pack of both Bioshock games was the high point of the amazon sale.)
if it makes ya feel better I overpaid 1$ on grimrock myself getting t from GOG prior to the sale. (Then again it is DRM free though.)
I'd say you managed about 70% games I'd recommend so you made good picks.
Anyway my total bounty from recent stuffs:
June 30
Indie Summer Bundle
July 5 Xcom Pack (Amazon)
July 5 Bioshock 2 pack (Amazon)
July 9
GOG Legend Of Grimrock
July 12
Saint's Row The Third
July 15th
Mount and Blade Warband Napoleonic wars
July 16th
Mirrors Edge
July 18
Chantelies A tale of two sisters
July 20
Magical Diary