Dungeon Siege 3 is not worth even $5. Think of it like a linear Diablo that has further limited character development (in terms of class choice/skills selection/attributes/gear selection) and gear variety.
If you want an ARPG, DS2 is far better. Although the skill selection is still somewhat limited compared to D2 (because you're controlling a party rather than individuals), it is a unique take on the genre and - as your power and gear selection approaches as certain threshold - greatly satisfies the desire to steamroll hordes of monsters. The strength of power skills and monster density is what I enjoyed most about the game. It also helps that the world itself is somewhat unique, and with a fairly good variety of enemies.
I played Dungeon Siege 3, GOING INTO IT KNOWING IT WAS NOT GOING TO BE DS2, and I have to say, it's like playing... a really limited third-person RPG. And limited in just about every way. You pick one of three classes, and then you follow the storyline. You pick up weapons. Sometimes they're better. You get a teammate that follows you and sucks. I don't know if you get any more, but it didn't look that way. It wasn't fun. I've got it. They changed it from a sort overview of a group that you could sort of control or let be easily from one person to another to a single person that you got to control which way to shoot and dodge.
It just misses out on the feel you had with DS and DS2. Seriously, you get 8 teammates to murder everyone. You can build them however you want. The leveling was actually kind of fun. The only part I disliked about DS and DS2 was the map. Sometimes, you get lost. And DON'T QUIT WHILE YOU'RE IN A DUNGEON/SWAMP/FOREST/ICE CAVE/ETC. You will never find your way out. But, you don't get this sense with DS3. It's not even good for being different (from the originals, as there is no unique gameplay to be found in the game). It's just different and bad.
I would much rather they said, "So, how should we make DS3?"
"How about... use the same thing we used last time?"
Hey, it worked. I know DS2 copies DS a lot. But I liked them.