Just out of curiosity. How many people here have actually managed to make it through the entire duration of a Paradox game campaign without self quitting out of boredom? Because if we're just going to lop everything together, they're either going to need to shorten every age by 50 - 70% or add a time skip button.
I've completed at least three full CK1 campaigns: Sicily, Aquitania, Mega-Russia-Byzantium (what I like to dub the Holy Orthodox Empire)
A couple of EU2 campaigns
Three EU3 grand campaigns: Sweden->Scandinavia and Bihar->Hindustan, China (pre-Divine Wind)
Several Victoria 1 campaigns: Two Sicilies, Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, USA, Sweden, China
No Victoria 2 campaigns in full yet, just because I haven't had it that long. I have imports of my Scandinavia and Hindustan games from EU3 going right now.
Finished out HoI2 once as Germany, once as USA, once as a fascist USA, once as Japan.
Haven't completed a full HoI3 GC yet.
Now that the CK1->EU3 converter is solidly working, I intend to take my Aquitania and Holy Orthodox Empire games, play them out in EU3, import them to Victoria 2, play them out there, then hopefully export to HoI 3 for the coup de grace, if I haven't already taken over the world. Then I'll import the final product into Aurora.
Can you actually do this? My god, I need these games now.
Several of the original games had import/export functions built in (CK1->EU2 and Victoria->HoI2). Paradox has kind of abandoned that with the more recent iterations, but I think this is partially because they know the community will hack up converters on their own. There's a very workable CK: Deus Vult -> EU3: Divine Wind converter now, and a workable (still a bit glitchy) EU3 -> Victoria 2 converter (I've exported my Scandinavia and Hindustan games and it worked pretty well). There's also work being done on CK2-> EU3 and Vic2->HoI3 converters but I'm not sure what their status is since I haven't needed one yet. The best thing is that these converters tend to all be rule-based using easily modified text files and XLS spreadsheets, so they're user-configurable. If you feel like the importer winds up with ahistorically high levels of industrialization, you can tweak the files to lower that. If you want blobbing, you can have blobbing. If you want the import to break blobs up into tons of puppet/vassal states, you can do that too.
GGC (Grand Grand Campaign) is the only way to play, IMHO...go big or go home.