Just out of curiosity. How many people here have actually managed to make it through the entire duration of a Paradox game campaign without self quitting out of boredom? Because if we're just going to lop everything together, they're either going to need to shorten every age by 50 - 70% or add a time skip button.
I've completed at least three full CK1 campaigns: Sicily, Aquitania, Mega-Russia-Byzantium (what I like to dub the Holy Orthodox Empire)
A couple of EU2 campaigns
Three EU3 grand campaigns: Sweden->Scandinavia and Bihar->Hindustan, China (pre-Divine Wind)
Several Victoria 1 campaigns: Two Sicilies, Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, USA, Sweden, China
No Victoria 2 campaigns in full yet, just because I haven't had it that long. I have imports of my Scandinavia and Hindustan games from EU3 going right now.
Finished out HoI2 once as Germany, once as USA, once as a fascist USA, once as Japan.
Haven't completed a full HoI3 GC yet.
Now that the CK1->EU3 converter is solidly working, I intend to take my Aquitania and Holy Orthodox Empire games, play them out in EU3, import them to Victoria 2, play them out there, then hopefully export to HoI 3 for the coup de grace, if I haven't already taken over the world. Then I'll import the final product into Aurora.