I half think it (AVWW) won't get a steep discount, because it's so new.
Hm. Grimrock @ $6 today only. Tempting. I missed it on the first day.
Also, Dangerous High School Girls @ $4, but that price lasts the entire sale, so no point in buying quickly. Mmm, virtual high school girls. (Not what it sounds, it's a casual RPG/boardgame with minigames.)
It pauses downloads automatically when you start up a Steam game. If that game doesn't need the internet, you can then alt-tab over and restart the downloads.
Which is moronic, but we know this already.
Steam client
sucks rocks. Still sucks, after ten+ years. Slow, single-threaded UI, bad presentation of information, weird design decisions, persistent bugs with offline credentials, can't even put games on a different drive without a 3rd party tool....
I blame Valve's internal organization. 'Work on what you want to.' Yeah, then the fun stuff get polished really well, but the boring but necessary infrastructure remains in a barely-working mess.
Mind you, if any single company is going to control the PC download market, I would want it to be something like Valve, where the corporate heads actually care about games
and do not have to maximize corporate value for stockholders. Fuck GFWL, fuck Origin, fuck... um... well, that's it for the big boys, I guess. Vivendi doesn't have a platform, Ubisoft wants to kill off PC gaming so they're not going to open their DRM thing to other companies, Nintendo is for Nintendos, likewise for Sony.
Hm, where was I going? Right. Steam client sucks. Valve does not suck. It's worth being cautious of their power and lack of accountability, but the situation could be way worse.