Banished is pretty stupid. It's like a town sim where there's absolutely no passion or love or charm. I really never understood how it was so frigging popular at launch.
I think it was because the graphics were reasonably good, and it aped a DF-like at first glance. I was attracted to it at the beginning too because of those reasons, but bad reviews started coming out very early on, luckily for me. Since then I've learned to check more than two sources for reviews before going for recently released indies (and/or avoid them until they've had a run and people still say they are decent)
Months afterwards I got a key for it as a sale reward at GoG, didn't pay it any attention until I read some guy somewhere (maybe in the steam review page for Planetbase?) state that Banished was actually good with so-and-so mods. I gave it a try with and without them, didn't find much of a difference, barring that with so-and-so mods you had a couple more of mostly cosmetic buildings.
I think it goes beyond it being a mediocre, passionless product, though... if they had stuck at cloning simcity, or tropico, or Caesar, verbatim or almost verbatim, at least it would have worked as a clone. But the thing is that it kind of falls somewhere in the middle of copying Tropico and copying Dwarf Fortress, without doing either very good, and sticking at a very superficial level.