Bronies catch on to preteen girl stuff.
I dispute that. For example, hardly any Bronies like the previous 3 generations of the My Little Pony cartoon at all. No-one will even watch that stuff now, brony or otherwise. That was never a "thing" nor was it a "thing" for brony-types in the past to get into Strawberry Shortcake or Care Bears. You don't hear bronies discussing the Bratz cartoon, or Barbie or anything. You'd be ostracized in bronydom if you liked something like Bratz. Other little girl or pony-related stuff has never gotten a look in with the brony crowd, except in an ironic sense.
The only comparable thing with adult guys getting into a kids/girls show was Power Puff Girls - and that was by the same creator for the new MLP. So, maybe it's a thing that Lauren Faust shows appeal to adults as well as kids, rather than fans of Power Puff Girls or My Little Pony are "into pre-teen girl stuff". I've only watched a few eps of the new MLP, but I can see that the writing is a lot different to typical kids shows, it's more clever, self-referential and it pours the saccharine on in a self-aware style: the sweetness is way over the top to the point of parody.
Also, Long Live the Queen is about the opposite of a pre-teen girl game: it's clearly marketed at late teen and adult anime & RPG fans. It's not the kind of game they make for kids, way too much reading, stat optimization and RPG mechanics to master. It's not a game aimed at < 12's.