While playing Legendary Lands, I once found myself confronted by what I remember as a Dark Shadow. Either way, the beast was practically formless, quick, and incredibly powerful. My militia of twelve legendary wrestlers got decimated in
five seconds flat.
I barricaded inside the fort and bid my time. Maybe the beast would leave on its own. But no.
Somehow it found its way inside a completely sealed fortress, and it was tearing everyone a structurally superfluous new behind!
I drafted absolutely everyone and zergrushed the foul beast, giving way to an immense cat-and-mouse game within the confines of the fort as the pack of dwarves sought to somehow tie the shadow in a knot. Practically every corridor was streaked with enough blood to make my people think I was filming a new episode of Berzerk. There were body parts everywhere, precursor to an epic mushroom cloud of miasma.
With 90% of the fort killed and blown to pieces, we finally destroyed the beast, now down to only a handful of dwarves in a bad mood. My only respite came in the form of a new, massive wave of migrants.
It wasn't even the end of it. On the heels of the shadow was a lava wyrm, who proceeded to set the entire woodland on fire. Barricading myself once more, I made preparations: an unholy corridor studded with spikes linked to a lever, all this within a room that could be sealed and then filled with pressurized water.
I lured the beast inside and quickly sealed the door. The wyrm effortlessly melted my traps on the way, a pile of useless spikes in its wake. It finally arrived at the center of my beautiful, red trade depot, and casually demolished it into bricks.
I pulled the lever.
Gallon after gallon of water poured out faster than Ron Jeremy could ejaculate inside a movie star. I absolutely drenched the creature, intending on putting it out - but no no no, fuck no. The thing was generating an ungodly amount of steam, and no amount of water could put that thing out. I had completely immersed it in water and all it did was turn the trade depot area into a biblical-sized pressure cooker. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to prepare Thai chicken or express shish kebab.
I kept myself locked in, as more megabeasts arrived on the premises. I drafted nineteen able-bodied dwarves and put them through the longest, most rigorous training regime ever to be seen to man. They emerged as demigods, so skilled in the ways of the blade and blunt that they could shatter bones with a butter knife and slice legs off with a golf club.
the ensuing battle
went down in history.