Note: mid and highschool teachers lie. They don't even bother to tell you "yeah it works, but you won't learn about it until in a few years".
It's "Lies To Children", to take the phrase from Cohen and Stewart. Explanations that work for that level of understanding. Once you've understood something, you're then open to finding out what
really happens. And when you've understood that, you can find out what
really really happens. Continue until you know so much about what
really really really really really happens that you're one of the few people in the world who are able to make authoritative predictions about what
really really really really really really happens, work out a way to experimentally justify that and then try to persuade others nearly at your level to agree that this is a bit better explanation that irons out some of the issues that aren't quite right with their own level of understanding of the subject.
Electricity. Flick a switch and motor turns, that's because you let electricity through from the battery.
But you need to have a circuit. It's like water flowing around the wire, positive to negative (also "current" and "flow" of electricity). You have to have a circuit, with something like the a fluid going from positive to negative.
Actually, it's not a fluid, and it certainly can't leak from an empty light-socket, it's electrons. They travel within metals (later, you get to know about non-metals like graphite and semi-conductors). And they travel from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive.
Look at it closely, however, and the electrons are just jumping around a little, and it's 'holes' travelling around in the other direction that is the 'constituent' of electricity.
...etc. (Covering aspects such as AC, lightning strikes, cooper pairs, superconductivity, quantum tunnelling, the practical details of electron-scanning microscopies, all kinds of other details that I wouldn't deign myself qualified to speak about. And lot of these would depend upon their relevance as to whether you're specialising in massive amounts of electricity at a time or very small ones, the practical uses of electricity or experimental processes for which electricity is the answer)
All in all, a fairly tame set of lies. As opposed to the "Lies To Adults", under Ian'n'Jack's equivalent definition of that.