Well, once again, in spite of numerous (very good, not to toot my own horn) role-playing games I've ended up too busy or lazy to keep updating, I've got the urge for some hosting again. Unlike usual, this one'll be a text adventure- which means I write for one "player", not five or six, all while more people get a chance to participate. I'll assume you all know the good old text adventure format- basically, everyone suggests commands for the character(s). If the rules need to be elaborated, it'll happen in paragraphs before the opening title, like this one.
Date Unknown
You, whoever you are, are destined for thievery. You don't know it, but it's in your ancestry. You've excellent physical and mental faculties, but you don't have the attitude for a day-to-day job. You have inherited wealth considerable enough to facilitate the most elaborate of schemes, but you don't know any better way to invest it, and left to your own devices for too long you would probably squander your wealth. You have something of a vice... stronger than alcohol, but nobler you think. Against all better judgment you...
A) are something of a peacock, flaunting your wealth in extravagant parties, fine dining and absurd luxuries- everything you do has to be dramatic and up to social code...
B) are a philanthropist, using even ill-gotten money for the good of the poor- beggars are your friends and you would never harm an innocent...
and you wouldn't have it any other way. With your wealth and eccentricity, you've grown restless. Now, in...
A) your office in Chicago, 1924
B) your family-house in Feudal Japan
C) your mansion outside Seattle, 2014
D) your spacecraft, orbiting Ceti Alpha-7
E) your house in Rome, 300 BC
F) your London home, 1889
you've met with a few of your closest friends. You've decided that it's time to make your mark. Your name is _________. And the world is going to know it! Unless you don't want them to.
Alright- let's make a character, everybody! I'll reveal more details as things get rolling.