The lack of balances in place reeks of potential for all manner of political abuses, so here's hoping that the bill gets a decent measure of revision before it hits the state (Huh, passed already, did it?)... but if this may lead to getting the state back on its feet, I would not be opposed. I only hope they keep things ethical, and minimize their going over the heads of others in cases where it's not needed.
The thing is that it's much more difficult to organize local movements than it is National. Each local movement is done by people who would likely have no interest in politics except they need to change things. If they are changing how local government works, and they control state, then the only way to change it back if necessary is through local people having to go out to every meeting that the assholes get paid to go to, to discuss the legitimacy of their issues while the people running the meeting are the ones making the problem. Then, after being ignored, it requires these people to take time out of their lives to go
door to door in whatever sized district they live in, collecting signatures to even
place an issue upon the ballot. From what I've read, I would not be surprised that they now have such sweeping powers that district size and shape will be subject to change at whim if opposition is organized in a district, so goodluck with that effort.
EDIT: Goddammit, I think I may have been talking to myself a year from now, or whenever they really start screwing things up and affecting my future.
EDIT2: Also, if this somehow ends up with Michigan seceding or some other nonsense, fuck it, I'm staying loyal to Canada. <-- joke