Turn 2In which ropes are foiled... or not.Tanzo Wilder (Riccto)You fiddle around with your bindings, commenting to the others while doing so, [3] but you only manage to tighten the knot slightly.
Evyn Kardoc (Wolfchild)You see the Vampire fiddling with the rope around his wrists, and before you know it, you are also fiddling with the rope around your wrists. [2] You gasp slightly as your finger jerks, pulling the rope tight around your wrists.
Thorbjorn Karlson (Innsmothe)You watch two of the others in the room fiddle with their bonds, only managing to worsen their situation. You decide to one up them, and show off your prodigious strength by breaking the rope outright! [5+2] Not only do you snap the rope on your wrists, you also free your feet. You stand up and begin stretching, working the blood back into your hands and feet.
Lokot Saltpetre (JWNoctis)You also try to free yourself, by loosening the knot. [6] You tug once, and it slips right off. You reach down to free your feet, and they also come off with a single tug. You follow the Human's example, and get the blood flowing in your hands and feet.
Kaguro Draven (KaguroDraven) and Ivan Hardstones (Jakeread1)You sit around and make small talk, waiting for the others to free you, or just leave you. [Auto Success]
Evyn Kardoc - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine, bound by rope, hand and foot.
Thorbjorn Karlson - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine.
Lokot Saltpetre - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine.
Tanzo Wilder - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine, bound by rope, hand and foot.
Ivan Hardstones - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine, bound by rope, hand and foot.
Kaguro Draven - Weaponless, Simple Clothes, Physically and Magically fine, bound by rope, hand and foot.