Turn 18
The Caravan Job.Kaguro Draven (KaguroDraven)You push your way through and around the tavern, notifying all your fellow escapees about the Merc Guild.
Evyn Kardoc (Wolfchild)You also go around the tavern, telling everyone else that you're headed to the Medic Guild. Then you go there.
Lokot Saltpetre (JWNoctis)You go around the tavern, asking about alchemy. [InR: 2] Seems they don't know what you're on about. Maybe it's the accent.
Thorbjorn Karlson (Innsmothe)You hear about Kaguro and his Merc Guild. Interested, and being the infamous Merc you are, you decide to go sniff it out. You head out.
Tanzo Wilder (Riccto)You go around, telling the others about the Caravan job. Luckily for you, you catch the Were and the Human at the door, before they leave. As you return to the client, he says that the Caravan is leaving in a few hours. (5 turns. Caravan will be leaving at Turn 23) Do you accept?
Zane Firespring (Rockhard556)You decide that the Vamp needs your assistance, and stroll over to him, before sitting down and waiting. (2 Party Members assigned to Caravan Job.)
Evyn Kardoc - South side of Jasqar
Thorbjorn Karlson - South side of Jasqar
Lokot Saltpetre - Howling Hyena Tavern
Tanzo Wilder - Howling Hyena Tavern
Kaguro Draven - Howling Hyena Tavern
Zane Firespring - Howling Hyena Tavern
Caravan Job (2 People Assigned)
TR: Target Roll.
CR: Combat Roll.
RDm: Resist Damage Roll.
IR: Intimidate Roll.
RDt: Resist Death Roll.
DR: Diplomacy Roll.
CoR: Counter Roll.
MsR: Magic Skill Roll.
RMF: Resist Magic Fatigue Roll.
CvR: Cover Roll.
CMR: Control Magic Roll.
MPR: Magickal Power Roll.
SR: Search Roll.
MSR: Magicka Siphon Roll.
ThR: Thought Roll.
InR: Interrogation Roll.
PR: Perception Roll.
LR: Luck Roll.
SkR: Skill Roll.
Evyn Kardoc - Physically fine, Magically okay.
Thorbjorn Karlson - Physically okay, Magically fine. Slash across chest (Bound). Gashed arm.
Lokot Saltpetre - Physically and Magically fine.
Tanzo Wilder - Physically and Magically fine.
Kaguro Draven - Physically and Magically fine.
Zane Firespring - Physically fine, Magically fine.
Evyn Kardoc: Clothing, Rough Bandages, Leather Armor, Dual Knives, First Aid Kit, 13 Silver Joka.
Thorbjorn Karlson: Emulated Longsword, Wooden Buckler, Clothing, 3 Silver Joka, Bottle of Beer.
Lokot Saltpetre: Wooden Planks, Scimitar, Makeshift Rope Garrote, Clothing, 2 Silver Joka, Leather Armor, Dagger, Portable Alchemy Set, Pile of Silver Powder, Small amount of Aqua Vitae (Concentrated Alcohol).
Tanzo Wilder: Scimitar, Makeshift Rope Garote, Clothing, Leather Armor, Dueling Saber, 3 Vials of Blood, 3 Silver Joka.
Kaguro Draven: Clothing, Wooden Table Leg (Makeshift Club), Bottle of alcohol, Leather Armor, Iron tipped Wooden Club, 3 Silver Joka.
Zane Firespring: Mage cloak, Clothing. 193 Silver Joka, Bottle of Wine.