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Author Topic: Narrative By Trope (New Story Starting!)  (Read 10731 times)


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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2011, 11:49:01 pm »

(( Ok then. Now, let me contune ignoring the existance of this turning to a Space Opera after season 5. Its just a REALLY stupid idea. ))
You're right, it is a stupid idea. But we're not backtracking. I just made a slight modification.

City Noir: The setting for most of the series. That all changed during season 5.
Space Opera: The WTF-inducing second half of season 5.
What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs: The latter half of season 5 took an extremely odd turn when... uh... aliens got involved. It makes just as much sense in context. While the "alien arc" outraged fans and radically altered the tone of the series at the time, it had a surprisingly good influence on the series in the long run in the form of the light sci-fi elements that occasionally showed up in later seasons after the tone returned to normal.
Think of it like Sim City, except with rival mayors that seek to destroy your citizens by arming legions of homeless people and sending them to attack you.
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Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2011, 12:20:08 am »

Scotireland: In the 10th episode of season one (one of the few in which we see Inspektor Krum doing his job), Inspektor Krum and Leonardo take a trip to the northern half of the UK, and are bombarded by scentences like "Top o' the mornin' to ye!" and "Faith and begorrah!" from a troop of kilt-wearing, whisky-swilling redheads who claim to be Scottish.
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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2011, 01:51:15 am »

New Powers As The Plot Demands: The fifth season gave Jack darkness-based powers, but they dissappeared after the season ended.

Fight Off The Kryptonite: Combined with Cross-Melting Aura when Jack blotted out a gigantic laser weapon.


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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2011, 06:46:39 am »

(( Ok, thats acceptable. ))
Also known as the Knowlagable, the Forgetful, and/or the Ignored

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2011, 08:57:10 am »

Memetic Badass: Johnathan, due to the CMOA in episode 1 of season 6. He can drive a car. In space.
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2011, 09:27:15 am »

The Lancer: Milo is a partial example.

Gasmask Mooks: Played straight with Terror Jack's bodyguards. Subverted with the Undercity Rescue Service, who Leonardo encounters in Season Four's 'Paranoia'.

No Holds Barred Beatdown: Jacques is stupid enough to try to take Karl's guns from him in Season Three's 'Flickering Candle'. You can't help but to feel a bit sorry for him. The scene foreshadows Karl's descent into full-on Complete Monster territory later on.

Large Ham: Lord Karloff's monologues usually fall to this category, especially in the early seasons.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 09:32:50 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2011, 12:26:05 pm »

Edit: Bonus points for this thread if all tropes are archived in OP, if there are separate "pages" for all characters and if there there are made up "canon" arcs that all players keep referring too. Fractures was a real tearjerker.
((I was planning on just making updates later in the thread and linking to them from the OP, to keep things clean. I've been trying to think of a way to organize all these, but it seems the only way is to copy and paste each one manually. So I might do that, I might not.))

((If it's alright with you, I think i shall compile an updated list approx. every 50 posts (my setting for page-length). In any case, i'll bee keeping track in a text file on my compy, should the need arise for a compiled list of tropes.))
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Digital Hellhound

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2011, 01:08:36 pm »

((Well, yours was reply 51...))

A Day In The Limelight: A touching one for Milena in 'Smiley Faces', right after Milo's death

Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2011, 01:29:01 pm »

((Well, yours was reply 51...))

A Day In The Limelight: A touching one for Milena in 'Smiley Faces', right after Milo's death

Woah, dude, spoiler!

((I'm just waiting for confirmation from Gatleos before i post it))

EDIT: new trope

Spikes Of Villainy: Terror Jack's customary dress menaces with them.

EDIT: Ah, what the heck, i'll just post it anyway (fear it's incredible length which cannot be spoilered!)


Noirescent was a cult-classic American animated television show that ran from 1977 to 1984, created by animator Samuel Munroe.

Needs Wiki Magic

This TV series provides examples of:

Ring Ring Crunch: Happened a lot during the first Tidus arc. Inspektor Krum was not pleased.

Neutral Good: Johnathan is shows to be exactly like this.

Egomaniac Hunter: Jacques is a perfect example of this. His friends are implied to be even worse.

Wham Episode: 'Fractures', the last episode of the second season certainly qualifies, utterly different from the normally lighthearted tone of the series. It got a Love It Or Hate It response from the fans, and marked the direction the series would be taking from there on.

Beard of Evil: As of the third season on, Lord Karloff's facial hair was a prime example of this.

Bald of Evil: See above

Live Action Adaption: It was notoriously...polarizing due to certain reasons.

Lawful Evil: Lord Karloff

Spoiler: Luke I Am Your Father (click to show/hide)

Playful Hacker: Milo's pastime, before
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Dark and Troubled past: Leonardo would never talk about it, and it was a running joke in till it was revealed in the end of the second season that:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Took a level in Badass: Leonardo after the second season.
  • Also Inspektor Krum in season 4 after
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Dragon: Lord Karloff has one in Terror Jack, who also has his own group of underlings, Karl and Fran.

Berserk Button: Do NOT talk about Milo's size.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Badass Beard: Inspektor Krum

Inspector Lestrade: Inspektor Krum

Spoiler:  Famous Last Words (click to show/hide)

Mood Swinger: Leonardo experinces these very offen due to his emotional trama from his dark past.

Disabled Means Helpless: Averted. Dispite the fact that Leonardo is metally and emotionally "unstable", he can still kick your ass with ease.

It Makes Sense In Context: The episode "Whore Mountain" from season 5. Quadruple amputee police officers riding in Humungous Mecha chasing Inspektor Krum and Leonardo through a maze of sawblades. And it only gets more abstract towards the end of the episode.

Dying Declartion of Love:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Broken Base: A fairly nasty one resulted from the events of Fractures. Appropriate, if you think about it.

Crazy Awesome Mr. Gilner, a character who only appeared in one filler episode in the first season who destroyed a tank using only a potato and some wire-cutters

Le Parkour: Leonardo knows this. And he uses it, a lot. Its almost like he has to use it for almost every action scene.

I Surrender Suckers: Terror Jack used this to avoid capture at the end of "Paranoia"

To Catch Heroes Hire Villains:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Clear my Name: The plot in a nutshell.

Really Seventeen Years Old: Leonardo is really 17 years old. Hes just constantly disguised as a 21 year old, so he can get by border controls, with Krum saying hes his Uncle.

Trickster Mentor: Krum to Leonardo. Krum is teaching him how stay hidden, and blend, because he, ironically, used to be criminal. He switched over the police side after he was set free.

City Noir: The setting for most of the series. That all changed during season 5.

Space Opera: The WTF-inducing second half of season 5.

What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs: The latter half of season 5 took an extremely odd turn when... uh... aliens got involved. It makes just as much sense in context. While the "alien arc" outraged fans and radically altered the tone of the series at the time, it had a surprisingly good influence on the series in the long run in the form of the light sci-fi elements that occasionally showed up in later seasons after the tone returned to normal.

Scotireland: In the 10th episode of season one (one of the few in which we see Inspektor Krum doing his job), Inspektor Krum and Leonardo take a trip to the northern half of the UK, and are bombarded by scentences like "Top o' the mornin' to ye!" and "Faith and begorrah!" from a troop of kilt-wearing, whisky-swilling redheads who claim to be Scottish.

New Powers As The Plot Demands: The fifth season gave Jack darkness-based powers, but they dissappeared after the season ended.

Fight Off The Kryptonite: Combined with Cross-Melting Aura when Jack blotted out a gigantic laser weapon.

Memetic Badass: Johnathan, due to the CMOA in episode 1 of season 6. He can drive a car. In space.

The Lancer: Milo is a partial example.

Gasmask Mooks: Played straight with Terror Jack's bodyguards. Subverted with the Undercity Rescue Service, who Leonardo encounters in Season Four's 'Paranoia'.

No Holds Barred Beatdown: Jacques is stupid enough to try to take Karl's guns from him in Season Three's 'Flickering Candle'. You can't help but to feel a bit sorry for him. The scene foreshadows Karl's descent into full-on Complete Monster territory later on.

Large Ham: Lord Karloff's monologues usually fall to this category, especially in the early seasons.

A Day In The Limelight: A touching one for Milena in 'Smiley Faces', right
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spikes Of Villainy: Terror Jack's customary dress menaces with them.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 01:56:42 pm by hubris_incalculable »
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Digital Hellhound

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #54 on: March 09, 2011, 02:32:52 pm »

((Noo, you ruined my mental image of Terror Jack! How could you? Can't you read minds?))

Canon Discontinuity: A lot of Season 5, though the lighter scifi elements were kept in.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 02:36:21 pm by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2011, 03:49:42 pm »

((Noo, you ruined my mental image of Terror Jack! How could you? Can't you read minds?))

((I could retcon it if you like, how would you like him to look?))

edit: or here: how's this:

Spikes Of Villainy: During the much-hated Space Opera arc of season 5, Terror Jack's customary dress menaced with them.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 04:52:22 pm by hubris_incalculable »
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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2011, 04:48:40 pm »

Guns Akimbo: Leonardo's weapon of choice is duel SMG's.

Final Battle:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyone can Die:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Uncanceled: A strange situation. When the show finished in 1984, it had gained such a high approval rating. So, in around 2010, the show was re-aired. It had some changes, but most of it was the same. It still had a high approval too. (( This explains the shout-outs someone else talked about. I just didn't put this here just because of that though. ))
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 06:50:05 pm by Johnfalcon99977 »
Also known as the Knowlagable, the Forgetful, and/or the Ignored

Please excuse my horrible awful linguistic skills.

Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2011, 07:33:57 pm »

Uncanceled: A strange situation. When the show finished in 1984, it had gained such a high approval rating. So, in around 2010, the show was re-aired. It had some changes, but most of it was the same. It still had a high approval too. (( This explains the shout-outs someone else talked about. I just didn't put this here just because of that though. ))

((I don't like this. A, the OP specifically said that the show only ran until 1984. B, by the end of it's run in '84, one or both of the primary antagonists are dead, and one or both of the primary protagonists are dead (I don't know who won the fight between Leo and T-Jack, so that's why i said "one or both). C, most of it's primary audience (by 2010) would (assuming an age group of 13-18, due to content) be between 36 and 41. I think that broadcasters would have a really hard time selling teenagers a show that their dads watched, and would have to cancel within a year due to advertising constraints))
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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2011, 07:44:10 pm »

(( In reality, this show is more modern then most. We skipped some complications because killing in a animation was looked down on back then, and most heros were black anyway. Who gives a crap about accuracy anymore anyway?))

(( Also, in the fight between T-Jack and Leonardo. Leonardo is the main hero. T-Jack is the asshole villian that killed almost all of his family. Who do you THINK won? ))
Also known as the Knowlagable, the Forgetful, and/or the Ignored

Please excuse my horrible awful linguistic skills.

Hubris Incalculable

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Re: Narrative By Trope
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2011, 08:03:38 pm »

(( Also, in the fight between T-Jack and Leonardo. Leonardo is the main hero. T-Jack is the asshole villian that killed almost all of his family. Who do you THINK won? ))

((I dunno, it could've made it even darker to have the bad-guys win... or at least one of them))
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